Chap 7

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"Your Highness!"

Drats! What was it now!

" The king and queen of Mewni have requested your presence."

oh.... well ok. Wait Marco was saying something.

" Sure. Marco we can talk about this when I get back right?"

"Yeah" Marco looked... disappointed.

"Bye Marco!" I yelled and disappeared through the hole in this dimension that was cut by the royal messenger's dimensional scissors.

" Star there you are!" a voice to my right said

Surprise, surprise it was the parents.

Even my thoughts are sarcastic.

They led me to a room way up in the castle. It was decorated with shooting stars painted on the walls. I then noticed a crib in the corner. 

What does that mean?


There is your update! Sorry for it being SUPER late! I had an idea for a sequel and it was trying to find a way to end this the way I wanted it to start off from for the sequel. 

I plan to update maybe tomorrow I think, but on a weekend definitely because my parents signed me up for a personality thing, I don't know. And my parents have this dumb rule: no electronics or gadgets before 2pm. 

Sorry that this chapter is short!Don't worry though I will update soon!

love all of you readers!

tgpamangaaddict2004 a.k.a Thea Alvarez

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