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A/n: this will be longer than normal.

You were invited to go on a cruise to Hawaii with your boyfriend and his family. You accepted the invite and paid for your ticket. Your boyfriend picked you up early in the morning of the cruise, he takes your bag and puts it in the truck of his car. You sit in the passenger seat and he drives to the dock. Your favorite song comes on you start singing and he just laughs at you. Twenty to thirty minutes later you arrive. You get out and grab your bags and your greeted by his family. His family boards the boat you and your boyfriend aren't far behind. You get the key to your room which your sharing with your boyfriend. You start putting your stuff away in the closet when your boyfriend picks you up and puts you over his shoulder. He grabs one of the bikinis you brought with you and sets you in the bathroom. "Get changed." He said walking out of the bathroom and closes the door. You get changed and put your cloths you had on away. Your boyfriend is wearing swim trunks that match your bathing suit. He takes your hand and the room key and heads up to the deck where there is a pool and hot tub. He grabs two towels and sets them on a chair with the room key. You take your shoes off and your about to get in the pool when your thrown over your boyfriends shoulder and he jumps in the pool. You both laugh and splash each other like little kids. After being in the pool and hot tub all day you head back to your room and take a shower. You get out and change into dry cloths. You walk out grab your phone and lay on the bed and check Instagram. You start to fall asleep when your boyfriend joins you in bed and puts his arms around your stomach and pulls you close. The cruise was like that all week other then going off the boat to go shopping on the islands. You had a good time but it had to end. The morning of the day you got back you packed your things ate breakfast and went swimming for the last time.

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