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I' am a Jealous God , how dare you put the

things of this world before me .

you are so caught up in your every day 

lives that you forget even to say your prayers

to me.

How dare you put me on the back burners and give

Satan the front seat , he is deceiving you 

cant you see. He is leading you down a path of destruction ,

pulling you further , and further away from my protection.

You have turned away from my love , and seek man's.

But how dare you! Think so idotically!! , man's love

can't save you , man's love his only temporary , He claims he 

love you but what does he really know about it  .BOO?

For I'am the almightly God , and am screaming at you

trying to get you to turn away from your ungoldly ways

Repent i scream , Repent i scream but you ignore that to.

 You gave Satan your full attention , and when you die i will turn my

back on you to. For in death only the ones that were faithful to me in life, will i stretch my hands to.

For when the rapture comes , and the last gospel song has been sung

my ears will be closed off from you . You have made your choice,  you chose Satan over life. 

For why is it , that you only turn to me when the road gets rough

or something bad is going to happen . Do you think so low of me

that you cant give praises to me when thing are going right?

I'am tired of screaming  am tired of Fighting for you. You have harden your heart and 

turned your back on Jesus Chirst . 

My  child for do you know that greatness that you posess , for do you not no the plans 

i have laid up headed , just take a step back , seek me while i still can be found. 


For I'am a jealous God and when my wrath is unleased everyone who has turned there back's on me , will feel the wrath of the almighty King

I AM A JEALOUS GOD (CHRISTIANITY POEM)Where stories live. Discover now