The whole story, not in chapters yet...

15 0 0

The only thing I remember is me.
I can picture myself, long black hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes.
I know my name is Ayzaria and I am seventeen years old.
I do not know anything else. I open my eyes and look around. There are voices all around me, outside the small bungalow I was laying in. The hammock that held my body was suspended so that the bottom was close to the ground. There was homemade looking furniture, three more hammocks like mine, a table and four chairs, and a bathroom that I could see through an open door to my left. I sat up and let my feet brush the wooden floor, my head was spinning. I wore tan cargo pants and a cream tanktop. My feet were bare but there were black combat boots and tall socks next to the post holding up my hammock. I slid on the socks and tucked the hems of my pants into the boots. Looking around was dizzying. The air was warm and humid, but I could feel a slight breeze coming through the two small windows. Someone pushed open the door and I was on my feet, fists in front of me ready to strike.
"Relax, we won't hurt you. My name is Corey. This is my friend, Ajax. What is your name?"
The boy that was talking kept his voice low and soft. His hands were down by his sides and open to show his palms. He was beautiful. Dark hair and green and brown eyes, and a muscular build. His chest and arms were large and he looked like the guy that would work out a lot, though I had no clue how I knew what that type of guy would look like. His face was kind but he looked like a person you wouldn't want mad at you. The other boy, Ajax, was tan as well, but with blonde hair and blue eyes and a lean, but still muscular build. His face was stern, with a little red tint from the sun, but for some reason he felt like an old friend. Like he was a hard person but I knew all of his secrets. Both looked a little older than me, maybe 19.
"Ayzaria." I answered, keeping my voice level and my heartbeat steady. They would not know that I was afraid.
"Hi, Ayzaria? What an unusual name. Do you know where you are or how you got here?" Corey asked me. His voice was somehow calming, but I didn't let myself lose my edge. I couldn't be weak and I couldn't let them think I was either.
"No," I told him. Ajax stepped closer to me, footsteps light and precise, and I moved my fists between us.
"I'm not going to hurt you. You look... familiar. Do you know me?" He asked as he reached out his right hand. He hesitated a moment then absent mindedly brushed my hair behind my left ear.
"Yes," I whispered, letting his hand cup my cheek. He was warm and smelled like the woods and the grass. I let my hands drop to my sides while looking into his sea blue eyes.
"Corey, I know her. How is this possible? I thought only the lost and forgotten end up here. If she knew me..." as he spoke he looked at me. I mean really looked at me. For some reason it was a look that I doubted I could have forgotten. Corey looked at me then and something in his eyes changed.
"Enough Ajax. This is too much for her to hear right now. Besides, she is new and we have rules. Regardless of her previous involvement. You may stay with her until the dinner, since she is the only girl here but you can not break the rules. Agreed?" Corey looked stern and set in his decision.
"Agreed. She will be there," and Corey left. I was still looking at Ajax but part of me longed for Corey to come back. Ajax's hand was still on my face until he pulled me into a hug.
"What could you be doing here? Do you remember anything?" he asked me. I shook my head and let myself hug him. "Okay. It's okay we'll figure it all out. For now I need to tell you what's going to happen," I nodded. "Well first there is going to be a banquet in a little bit where Corey is going to tell you everything we know about this place. Then you will be sorted into a house. There is Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. We have about 15 minutes before they come and get you. Okay?" I looked up at him but didn't let go.
"Okay," I said, sucking in a breath and locking my emotions back under control.
"Hey," he tipped my chin up, "Nothing bad is going to happen. And we can figure out what our story is later. I promise, no matter who you were to me I am going to protect you." His voice was still the same, stern and cold. But to me it felt comforting.
"Okay. I'm ready."
Just like Ajax had said, Corey came back 15 minutes later to get me. The two walked me out of the bungalow and into the sunlight. The entire place looked like a dream. The weather was warm with a breeze coming from a grassy plane with flowers, a lake and a beach and even a mountain next to a forest of autumn trees. The place was like a small town, with a couple small buildings in the center. We were in the center most building, a bungalow, marked with a purple label, "Spirit". There was "Water" on the house in the trees, with part of the lake in front, to the West, "Earth" up in the mountain to the North, "Air" in a similar bungalow in the grassy plane to the East, and "Fire" on the edge of the beach to the South. Scattered everywhere there were tall trees that left vines hanging down and a lot of shade. It didn't look bad at all. There wasn't a single person outside. In between the different sections there were long, tall building made of wood. Corey lead us to the building between Earth and Air.
Inside was every person that lived at the camp at long tables. There were four tables in the middle, a buffet in the back and a long table in the front where we came in. Corey went to sit at the table in the front and Ajax put me in front of it before joining him. There I was, awkwardly standing in front of a bunch of boys, about a 50 or so. As soon as Corey raised his hand the room became quiet. Dozens of pairs of eyes looked at me, some in an unwanted fashion.
"This is Ayzaria. She arrived today and as you can tell there are going to have to be some new rules put into place. She will be choosing today just like everyone else. however, she will be respected as a woman. Anyone who thinks or acts otherwise will deal with myself and Ajax," at that moment I looked back at Ajax to see him staring down the entire room. Corey's words didn't exactly feel comforting.
"Now that we have warned you all, let's get this over with," Both boys jumped over the table and stood beside me. "These are the four coteries; Earth," The boys at the Earth table stood. "Water," they stood as well. "Fire, and Air. You are going to choose which coterie you will belong to with a simple test. Representatives, bring forward your candles."
The boys that stood were all at the edge of their respective tables. The boy from Fire carried a red candle and wore a plain white tee shirt with khaki shorts and the same combat boots that I wore. He had sandy brown, flippy hair that hung over the top of his eyes, which were a fiery reddish brown. He was tall, tan, and toned, looking like his body might be in itself a weapon. A single word to describe him was sexy, definitely the human embodiment of Fire.
"The name's Brand," his hand stuck out for mine.
His skin was warm to the touch and was all smooth, not a callous in sight. The gesture was kind, but something in his eyes made me uncomfortable. He stood behind the candle that was on the ground to my South.
Next up was a guy from the Earth table. He was shorter than Brand and a lot huskier. His hair was dark brown, and cropped short, and he looked like he had spent a lot of time under ground. His eyes were dark brown and held a and he wore a dark grey shirt and jeans with, again, combat boots.
"Kaj," he stated as he put the candle down to the North.
Instead of shaking my hand when he took it, he bowed down and kissed the top gently.
"Ma'am," and he stood behind his candle.
After Kaj was a skinnier boy in jeans, boots and a yellow v-neck shirt. He had blonde hair, that was spiked in the front, and grey eyes. The yellow candle was placed to the East before he too kissed my hand.
"I'm Tadi. Nice to meet you miss Ayzaria," his voice was thick with a country accent. Tadi seemed like an intellectual.
The last one up was extremely well cut. He had the body of a swimmer and eyes the color of the ocean that held thousands of feelings swirling together. He wasn't as tan as Brand but not as pale and Kaj. He was in a black tee and faded jeans that made his almost white hair stand out even more.
"Dour," was all he said. Dour didn't bother shaking my hand but he stared me down as he set the blue candle in the last remaining spot.
"Now, Ayzaria, close your eyes and breathe deep. Just focus on yourself," Corey stepped up to me and held my hand up. The second that his skin touched mine I felt myself blush. I got this feeling from him, like the Air started to swirl and the Earth beneath my feet shifted. But when Ajax did the same, first, it was like Fire poured over my skin and then I felt the Air swirl again. I let my eyelids shut and I smiled to myself, I always felt something like that when I touched someone.
"So that's while you aren't leading a coterie. You both belong to two of them," I told them quietly. Suddenly the four candles lit themselves and I felt this presence come over me. Like a shadow from behind. My eyes were still closed but I could hear gasps coming from the room. Ajax and Corey dropped my hands but I didn't lower them. I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me. The presence was gone but the candles were all still lit.
"So... what does that mean? Which coterie do I belong to?" I looked at them both in turn. Ajax said nothing but Corey smiled. The look on his face was strange to me... adoration maybe?
"It means you belong to Spirit. Which also means... you belong to all of the coteries." I raised an eyebrow at him and he held my hand up again.
"Ayzaria to Spirit!" he yelled and everyone clapped. The four boys that had brought the candles thanked their elements and the flames extinguished. Then they returned to their seats. Ajax grabbed my other hand and the two lead me to their table. Corey pulled out my chair and I sat down. Everyone was looking at each other and still clapping but I stayed silent.
"Alright, let's eat!" Ajax yelled. I stayed in my seat while everyone looks at me. Corey lowered his face down by my ear.
"Aren't women supposed to go first? At least I thought that was how it worked... maybe?" He smiled and I smiled back, but it didn't last long. I stood and walked to the front of the line.
There was a delicious array of food that came from literally no where. Fruits and vegetables and plain meats that looked like they had been grilled. If you looked through the buffet there was a kitchen, and a nice one at that, but no one had ever cooked in it. The food appeared at meal times and then everything went away. Everyone assumed it was magic. I believed them. Lunch took about two hours altogether, and it looked like it was everyone's favorite time of day. When I sat back down at the table Corey, again, pulled out my seat. he didn't smile and he didn't say anything, he just pulled out the chair and waited for me to sit. Ajax, on the other had, told me anything he could think of about this place they called the Center.
They had a supply room that was always stocked with what they needed and running water and the food. It sounded like a dream come true.
After lunch I followed Corey and Ajax on a tour of the place, which took a couple hours. The coterie houses were all built before any of the boys arrived. The other four buildings in-between the coteries were the Mess Hall for meals, the supply room between Air and Fire, a training building between Fire and Water, and a rec room between Water and Earth. First we went to the rec room. There were chairs and books and makeshift games. It was a cool room, filled with boys almost constantly. Then they took me to the training building they called the Ring. A big boxing ring was in the center, hence the name, and there were target and equipment all over. It looked totally out of place from the survival chique that the rest of the buildings had. After the Ring we headed to the supply room.
The supply room was long and tall with everything in a certain place. One part in the back, that was caged in, held weapons or every size and shape. There were guns and swords and bows and quivers of arrows. But nothing compared to a beautiful set of twin daggers that made my heart jump. Black handles with a silver vine overlay that snaked up to the blade, which was made of the same gleaming silver. Underneath the knives there were two sheaths and a set of throwing knives. Ajax must have seen me looking at them because he elbowed Corey.
"She likes the daggers man. Like, really likes the daggers. I don't think it's a coincidence." He was smiling but Corey looked unconvinced.
"She can use the other set for now," he opened the cage and walked over to another set of daggers. These were a similar size, but they had black handles with silver bars and silver blades. The metal didn't shine quite as bright as the other set, but I was still excited when Corey handed them to me.
"Alright follow me," he said. I let him lead me back through the cage entrance and around the room. Ajax grabbed a bag with a pink label on it and handed me the strap.
"Here are your clothes and toiletries and stuff. There are pillows and blanket already in our cabin and... Oh yeah, by the way the three of us are kinda going to be sharing the cabin. There isn't really another place for us and you belong there so..." he stumbled over his words.
"It's fine. You aren't much of a talker are you?" I smiled at him.
"No, Corey does the talking. Anyways. You already know about meals and there is a work schedule for everyone. Mostly cleaning and maintenance and training, that kind of stuff. No one is allowed outside the boundaries of the Center because it isn't safe. The only person to disobey that rule is no longer here so be smart about it. Most of the guys will introduce themselves as the week goes on. We have almost 50 people here and everyone knows what goes on with everyone. The oldest is Corey, almost, and the youngest in Beanie. He is only 6," My heart shattered for the kid. "Uhm, anything I missed?" Ajax looked at Corey, who was leaning up against the wall studying me.
"Not really. Just the team challenges that we get every week. A note appears on all of the cabins and your coterie has until sundown to finish it. We don't know where they come from or why they are here, we just enjoy this place taking care of us so we do it. And if any of the guys try anything, let us know. Now, it's time for supper. Come one," and we all headed for the door.
Since I wasn't hungry the guys let me set up in the cabin. I hauled the bag to the bungalow and started unpacking. I had a shelving unit, again homemade, and a trunk at the end of the hammock. Inside the bag there were a bunch of clothes, 14 shirts and 14 pants. All plain, no writing or logos or anything. I also had undergarments which I decided should go in the trunk. A smaller black bag held a hair brush, tooth brush, shower supplies and a hair cutting kit. Right, everyone must cut their own hair, I thought. I set my black bag on the opposite side of the sink from the other two and laid on my hammock thinking.
When I woke up Ajax was sitting on the ground against the post at my head. I shifted and let my hand fall on his shoulder.
"Hey," I kept my voice low.
"Hey. Don't worry about being tired, it's normal. I, uhm, I remembered something. I remembered you. You're my sister," his hand covered mine.
"Sounds right. Why do people come here? What is this place?" the questions kept coming in my mind but I figured I couldn't ask them all.
"This is a place for the forgotten and the lost. If you come here it means you have no family, no friends, and no life. When someone arrives, they just appear in random places. You showed up outside a cave in the mountain. Corey found you and carried you down and brought you in here. He didn't leave your side until I brought him outside to talk and then you woke up. Once you wake up here, no one ever leaves." He sounded sad. I started thinking, "If I am your sister, how did I forget about you?" Ajax looked at the wall straight ahead.
"Because I wasn't forgotten. I was lost. I must have gotten into trouble or something, I don't know. But I showed up here when I was 10." 10 years old and lost enough to show up here.
"Anyways, it's late. You should go back to sleep," he stood up and looked down at me. "Look I know we kinda just met, and we just found out that we're related... but I love you anyways. And I promise, this place isn't as bad as it seems. At least I have you back," he bent down and kissed the top of my head, pulling the blanket over my shoulders before walking to his own hammock.
It took a couple minutes for him to fall asleep, but long enough for me to notice that Corey wasn't in his hammock. On the balls of my feet I padded to the steps. In the back of the bungalow there was a step ladder that lead to a small balcony out a window. Step by step I silently crept up until I could see the window. I saw the bottom of Corey's legs and started down the ladder.
"Come on up. It's beautiful up here," he said. I looked up at him to see a hand extended for me. I took it, letting my fingertips skim over the callouses of his hand. Corey didn't turn to look at me, the only part of him that moved was his arm. When I stepped up next to him, I let my eyes trace over his face and the planes of his bare chest.
"How did you hear me?" I asked as I looked at the moon.
"I didn't. I felt your energy. Most people are weaker, but it radiates from you," he still looked forward at the landscape. "I've never felt anything like it. How did you know what elements we belonged to?" His tone was plain and flat, but there was an interest that somehow made it's way through.
"I can always tell. The air will swirl, the ground will shift, their skin will feel like fire or their movements can be as fluid as the ocean. There is always a tell, but most of the time it's when I touch their skin."
At the last of my words he smirked. Corey's smile was mesmerizing. He didn't give it out much, but when I saw one it made my head spin. He caught me looking and the smile faded. No, I told myself. You can't. Stop it. You barely know him. Think of Ajax and what he would say. But it wasn't working. Corey turned to face me and I leaned back on the roof of the cabin. Instead of backing up he moved closer. I could feel every nerve tingle in the few places that our skin touched.
"Ayzaria I've dreamed about you. For months now. I didn't realize who you were at first but when I did... I can't let myself feel these things. I have responsibilities. I have to be focused for them. I..." he stopped.
Slowly his right hand tucked my hair behind my ear. His fingers lingered for a moment before he pulled away. He turned away from me and ran his hands through his hair. My heart was beating fast, faster than I wanted it to, and I couldn't slow it down. My mind told me to stay back and avoid touching him, but my skin itched for the touch of his.
"What the hell is happening... I can't do this. I have to go," I crawled back through the window and down the steps. I wanted to go run around and do something but I still felt tired. Within minutes of laying down I was asleep.
The next morning I woke up before the sun to a bunch of screaming and shouting. I ran outside in my pajama shorts and tee shirt to find half of the boys crowded around a spot in the trees with guns raised and knives ready. I ran up to Corey, who still hadn't put a shirt on.
"Go back inside. It's a wolf, it isn't safe for you," he tried to pull me back to the cabin. Wriggling out of his grip I threw myself in front of the boys.
"Ayzaria what are you doing?" Ajax yelled.
"Stop! Don't you dare hurt it!" I yelled. They all had their weapons still raised but I stared them down.
"Don't you dare shoot her! Is everyone nuts? Put the guns down!" Ajax screamed. He really did look terrified.
Obediently, arms started to lower, but some people were a little less trusting. Brand, for example, didn't have a weapon. His hand was just on fire. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow in a silent question and he shrugged back an answer. I turned to the trees and started moving slowly towards the creature. It was a black and white wolf with bright blue eyes, still young based on the size. The poor thing was hiding behind a larger tree. I put my hands on the ground and slowly crawled up to the animal.
"Hey it's okay. I won't hurt you," I held out my fingers as I spoke. "See look. I'm a friend." My eyes met the wolf's and it lowered its head onto its paws. Gently my fingers smoothed the fur on the top of its head.
"There we go... Wynn. Come on," I started to stand when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Wynn started to growl.
"Ayzaria what are you doing? This is dangerous. I can't..." Corey started speaking and the wolf stood.
"Corey, shut up and take your hand off of me," I told him quietly.
"What?" I took his hand off of my shoulder but Wynn was still growling.
"Hey come here," I held out a hand to the wolf. His face nudged my hand and I slid Corey's hand onto mine.
"Don't do anything stupid," I told him. "Here, scratch here," I moved his hand. Corey did and Wynn stopped growling. He still eyed Corey but at least I didn't think he would bite.
"What do you plan on doing with a wolf, Ayzaria? Keeping him in the cabin and feeding him table scraps?" Corey joked, but I could see that he wanted an honest answer.
"Yeah, maybe. Or maybe the supply room has a better option. For now though, I think he can come back to the Center don't you? As long as no one hurts him." Corey shook his head at me but agreed.
Wynn followed me out of the trees and stood between me and Corey. The others agreed not to hurt him unless he caused problems. I would make sure that he didn't. Back in the Cabin I sat on the floor scratching Wynn's head, which lay on my lap, while Ajax talked to me about the dangers of what I had just done.
"Did you want to get hurt? Were you trying to scare me? Have you thought this through?" he asked as he paced back and forth.
"No, no and yes. See, now you don't always have to protect me. And everyone needs a best friend. Plus what could be better to help me adjust than a pet?" I looked up at my brother innocently.
"THAT is not a pet. THAT is a wolf. A WILD animal," Corey leaded against the wall laughing at Ajax's panic.
"Well fine, he is a rare type of pet. I am going to take a shower while the three of you get acquainted," I smiled and slipped behind the door. Before it shut I heard Ajax say, "What are we going to do?" and Corey answer "Have fun with that one brother."
Showers are truly amazing. We may all live in the wild, but with a shower it feels more like paradise. When I got out I tied back my hair with a leather cord and looked at myself in the mirror. This place was wild for sure, but there were random things that seemed... modern. Like indoor plumbing and a washing machine in each house, but yet no electricity? And a kitchen but yet magic meals? And ropes, guns and tools, yet we live in the wilderness where they couldn't be made? Something was going on here and, surprisingly, I loved it. I opened the door the Wynn on the floor by Corey.
"Oh shit sorry," he covered his eyes with a hand.
"Just a sec," I rummaged around and grabbed a set of clothes before returning to the bathroom. "Ok," I told him.
Quickly I tugged on the clothes and wrung my hair with the towel. When I opened the door again Corey looked down at the floor with red cheeks. I didn't let it get to me.
"So, sun's up. What is on the schedule for today?" Casual. Smooth.
"Well, we have to give you a job but before we do that we have to know what you are good at." He was not causal. His words held tension and he still wouldn't look at me.
"I can read and write and swim, I'm pretty sure. And I'm good with numbers, though I doubt that will be of much use here. Then there's that thing with the know about people's elements and powers and stuff. But that's about it. I don't really know about much else," while I talked about myself I tugged the cord out of my long hair.
"I have the perfect idea. You can teach."
I laughed, "Teach what?"
"Teach us. How to use our powers and our elements. Some of us already know a little, but you know what we can do just by touching us. It's perfect! And you can teach Beanie how to read and write."
As he rambled he stood up and came to stand in front of me. Again my heart started beating faster the closer he got. I looked up and him to realize the height difference between us was about 6 inches. Corey had stopped talking and put his hands on either side of me against the wall. Every breath he made tickled my face.
"Ayzaria, about last night... I really did mean it. I have been dreaming about you. Every single night," his left hand moved next to my face and he dragged the back of his fingers down my cheek. I held my breath and stood still, not daring to move.
"Everytime I see myself with you. The way I want things to be, us together. You used to call yourself my other half. And I believed it," his fingers traveled down my neck and over my shoulder.
"But every night I watch something take you away from me. And I just I don't..." And Ajax walked in.
"Hey guys, breakfast is ready," he looked at us from the door but Corey was already a foot away from me.
"Okay just a second," I said and he nodded, and shut the door on his way out.
Corey began again, "I just don't know how to act around you. I feel like I need to be close to you but at the same time I feel like you're going to be my undoing." His eyes were staring straight into me and I couldn't not look back.
"Look I can't remember my past, so I don't know what to tell you. I just got here." That was my answer. I stepped past him and walked outside to meet Ajax. That day was boring, filled with cleaning and Ajax telling me all about the Center.
The next morning I woke up to the sound of whispers.
Everyone was gathered outside the Mess Hall. Corey and Ajax stood on the porch and motioned for me to join them.
"Alright, today is coterie challenge day. Today's mission," Corey held up a paintball gun, "paintball. But to make it extra interesting, we are mixing it up with capture the flag. Each coterie has one flag, it may not be damaged or torn in anyway to hide it. And the flag must be hidden in each coterie's respective land. Team with the most flags wins. You have until noon, that's when the cannon sounds boys. And yes, Spirit will be playing. But since our team captain is from all elements, our flag is fair game anywhere. Let's go!"
Everyone cheered and clapped and high fived each other. Brand came up to me.
"Good luck today. Don't let these guys scare you," his tone was playful and kind. I knew there was a catch. "I'm the real threat Princess," he winked at me and walked away. Jerk, I thought. Corey came up to me next.
"Alright, you should go get ready. We have a lot to talk about," he spoke softly and when he went to leave I grabbed his arm.
"What are you avoiding me? Why?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Because it's just as confusing for me as it is for you. And besides, I'm not good for you." He went to pull away but I stepped closer to him, craning my neck to whisper in his ear.
"Let me decide that for myself." And with that I was gone.
When I went to shower and get ready, my thoughts kept drifting back to Corey. Not in that way, just that I missed him. His presence had a way of distracting me from all of the things going on in my head. And I loved the fact that I could make him nervous. He would not get away with ignoring me. Not for long.
Showered and ready for the day I stepped outside to a whole new Center. The trees that were everywhere normally had vines all over the place, but now there were ropes. And instead of the open field there were barrels and pieces of metal or wood to hide behind. The whole place looked like a super cool jungle gym for extremists. I tied back my hair and looked for Ajax and Corey. Wynn rubbed his nose on my hand.
"I know boy, this is going to be a blast. Where are those two, huh?" I squatted down to look at him but he looked to my left. There, sure enough, sat Ajax and Corey in the grass.
"Thanks buddy." I smiled, I have the best wolf in the world. He understands English. How cool is that?!
When I plopped down next to Corey he stiffened a little. They showed me what they had been drawing in the dirt, a map of the Center. They were talking about what was for breakfast while they drew plans on their map. I smiled and joined in.
Breakfast was fantastic, as usual, but I didn't spend much time eating. I looked around the room at all of the different faces and tried to picture what they would do. The Fire coterie looked like they would be extremely offensive. Mainly Brand, who saw me looking and winked at me. The different elements had all been planning, but my group hadn't spoken a word.
"Guys," I said when we were back in the cabin. "Where are we hiding the flag?"
Ajax answered with so much excitement he sounded like a little kid. It made me think of Beanie and how he was the only person I had never seen.
"Since you can go anywhere, I thought we would try hiding it in the trees over behind Fire. No one likes to go there because they tend to burn people..."
"You guys use powers?" I was shocked. That could be really dangerous.
"Yeah, but Corey bandages them up afterwards." At the mention of his name I looked at Corey. He looked at the ground.
"Okay. I'll run it over there. Then we can meet over by the base of the earth mountains. Why don't you guys take my gear too. I'll be faster without it," I stood and went to my shelf for clothes.
"Are you sure?" Ajax came to stand behind me. Long, camo cargo pants with a thick tank top and my boots would work perfect. Before I made it to the bathroom I smiled and nodded at Ajax.
Our flag was purple so it would be easily spotted it I didn't hide it carefully. I ran without my vest or gun, they weighed too much. We decided that I better leave an hour before noon. Before I left Ajax told me to meet at the bottom of the tallest mountain and he hugged me. Corey didn't say anything, he just grabbed my wrist and slid something into my hand. Wynn whined but stayed on the front porch of the cabin. I didn't open what Corey gave me until I was walking towards the Air house. Three pieces of leather were braided together to make a small delicate bracelet with five wooden beads. As I walked I could feel their eyes on me. I tied the thin braid around my left wrist and dropped my hand by my side for a minute. Then I took off.
Behind the Air cabin was a little more open field and then the tree line that marked the edge of the Center. I slipped behind the trees and made my way and quickly and quietly as I could towards the Fire's trees. Seems backwards to have a bunch of trees next to a group of hotheads but whatever works for them I guess. When I felt the temperature get hotter I looked for a spot to hide the flag. There was one tree that looked like it was dying, a bunch of holes had settled in its trunk. One of its branches was low enough for me to climb up on, but it felt a little wobbly. Up and up I went, looking around every so often to check that I was alone. When I reached the last of the holes the tree started to sway slightly with my weight. It was taking too long to hide the flag, the sun was already high in the sky. I pulled the flag out of my shirt and stuffed it into the hole. Part of the flag had to be visible, so I pulled out the corner a little. When I shimmied down the tree I heard someone coming. I let myself drop to the forest floor.
That was when I saw him. Brand. He was walking alone, gun in hand, towards the Air coterie. His eyes scanned the trees for someone and I knew that he had heard me. Slowly, I tip toed away from him, thinking he would hear me. I made it all the way back to Air before I felt comfortable enough to run. Then it was a long ways before my feet touched the ground in Earth. I was almost to the base of the mountain when I heard someone run up behind me. There was a tree to my left so I jumped onto its trunk, letting my body react. A vine snaked down and wrapped around my forearm, yanking me up into its branches. Quietly, I pressed myself against the trunk of the tree and listened. I could hear breathing and creaking as someone climbed up, but they whispered my name.
"Corey?" I asked the tree. Carefully I laid on the branch and hung over the edge and looked down at him.
"Pull me up, someones coming," he breathed. I touched another vine and it trailed down around his waist. When it yanked him up he struggled to stay on the branch. My back pressed against the tree again as I watched him.
"Is it sad that I like watching you struggle?" My mouth twisted in an evil smirk. Corey was hunched over with his hands on his hands on his knees.
"Is it sad that I've barely been keeping up with you?" I shrugged and he stood up.
"Maybe. Now stop making so much noise, there are people below us," I tugged at the edge of his shirt.
"What am I not close enough for you?" He took a couple steps closer until parts of our bodies touched. His voice dropped low and he leaned his mouth down next to my ear.
"Is this better?"
We waited until the cannon sounded and the people below us passed, but my body stayed tense. His hands were on the tree, trapping me inside. Mine stayed glued to the tree as well.
"Where is your gun?" I asked, my voice shaky.
"I left it with Ajax at the mountain. Figured I wouldn't have to come this far to find you. Does me being this close make you nervous?" Our eyes met and he smiled a cocky grin.
"Of course not," I lied. "We need to get moving."
I called another vine and watched it slither around Corey's forearm. He looked at the vine and then at me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"How are you doing that?"
"I asked the tree to do it. I think it's because of my Earth affinity," my eyes avoided his.
"Teach me?" With his other hand he tipped my chin up.
"Yes, later. But right now we need to go so let's go." He raised the arm wrapped in the vine and tightened the other around my waist. The vine tightened and we were pulled up and then slowly lowered to the ground. When my feet touched I took my arms off of him but he didn't move.
"Corey," I tugged the vine off of his arm.
"Even in my dreams it's been awhile since we were this close. Just... give me a second. Please."
"That would scare normal people," I answered back quietly but I didn't pull away either.
"But you aren't normal," he sighed and let me go but held my hand and dragged me towards the mountains.
When we reached Ajax he was crouched behind a rock with all three guns.
"It's about time, guys! What did you do? Stop and ask for directions?" He tossed a vest at Corey.
"No. Genius here decided to lead people right to me and we were both unarmed. Now give me a gun and let's go. You're taking to long," I bumped my shoulder against his and fastened my vest.
The three of us worked our way up the side of the mountain. The Earth Flag was at the top of the mountain on the edge of a cliff. We looked up at it from the bottom.
"There is no way they climbed that. Someone either threw it or they used powers but there is no way I'm scaling that," Ajax looked up at the green flag like it was impossible. It made me mad to see him give up. I slid off my vest and hooked my arm through the gun's strap and looked at the boys.
"Keep watch Ajax. Corey, you're spotting so stay on your toes." They looked at me like I was crazy.
Eyes closed, heart rate under control, and a favor from Air. I took a deep breath and begged Air for help and the Earth to be malleable in my hands before I jumped up. I made a huge jump, about 15 feet off the ground, and drove my fingers into the cliff wall. I could tell that Corey was yelling but I didn't care. I would get this flag. My arms would hate me for this but I started to make my way up the cliff. I had about another 20 feet to go until I reached the flag. Hand over hand I dragged myself up the wall. When I got to about 10 foot left I heard gun shots. Too late to look down now, so I kept going and hoped that Corey and Ajax were watching my back. Everything started to drown out and I made progress. What seemed like an age later I closed my fingers around the fabric. There was no more gun fire so I called down.
"Corey?" I yelled.
No answer.
"Corey!" I managed to look over my shoulder but I couldn't see him.
"Yeah, come on down!" he called. I looked at my arms as the started shaking. Great, I thought. He must have seen me,
"Just drop, I'll catch you!" Oh no. Nuh uh. Not happening. I put the flag in my mouth and started down but my fingers wouldn't go into the rock.
"Ayzaria, drop and I will catch you! I promise!" His voice was sincere but I was skeptical. Aw what the hell. And I dropped.
Down I went, watching the grey rock fly past me for an instant before landing in Corey's arms.
"I told you I would catch you. I'll always catch you," I looked up at him while he whispered to me. He set me down on my own two feet and took the flag from my mouth.
"Thanks..." I told him, realizing that Ajax was looking at us.
"Guys, hello? Earth coterie is coming back? We need to move?" His tone was pointed and he was still holding his gun up towards the hidden people.
I put the vest loosely around me and held my gun up. Next we made our way to the Water coterie. The trek back down the mountain side was better than going up, but it still sucked. Once we hit the actual ground again we had to sneak through the beginning of the woods. We would move in a pattern, first Ajax, then me, then Corey. It was like this all the way until we ran into some of the Water coterie. They were hidden in the trees pretty well, but I was tired and frustrated and ready to prove myself. The three of us hid behind bases of trees close by each other. Corey looked at me,
"What do you think? You and I draw fire while A flanks them?" I nodded and Ajax started army crawling towards them from the side. Corey and I took turns shooting at them, spotting the trees with bright colors. Eventually their return fire stopped and Ajax stood up with their flag.
"Oh thank goodness," I sighed and I leaned back against a tree and set my gun on my lap. My arms were still burning and I wasn't excited for the run in with Brand that was sure to come. Ajax ran back and crouched by my side.
"Hey, one more and we win. One more, Ayzi," he put his hand on my cheek and kissed the top of my head.
"One more," I repeated and I let him pull me up.
Corey put a hand on my shoulder and the tightness in my arms started to loosen a little bit. Before I could ask what he was doing he walked past me. I just shook it off. He couldn't have actually taken away the pain, right? We continued on, next on our list was the Fire flag. This is where things are going to get interesting.
We continued through the woods, standing behind tree after tree after tree. When I could see the lake and the grass, my heart sunk. There was little to no cover and the flag was in the middle of an open area.
"Okay, Ayzi you go check on our flag. We can get this one," Corey said more to Ajax then to me.
I figured it was best, I wouldn't be of much use here anyways. So I jogged through the trees, looking for the dying hiding spot. Not much time passed between me leaving them and a bunch of gunfire going off. Rather than turn back and help I just kept running. I finally reached the base of the tree only to run face first into Brand. He was still standing but I looked up at him from the ground.
"Well what do we have here?" his tone made me nervous. Gun in hand he laughed at me, "I was so hoping to run into you. You see, everything has been different since you got here. I don't like it."
I shuffled to me feet, holding my hands up. "Don't worry, I don't like you much either." His eyes shifted from me to the flag.
"Well, Princess. I need that flag. How about we fight for it. Man to... well you." He tossed the paintball gun to the ground and we both shrugged off the paintball vest. I had barely worn mine but it was constricting and I would need to be able to move. Both of us circled around a minute before he hit.
His fist connected with my arm and I staggered backward. Brand swung again but I ducked and landed a light punch on his side. I can't punch hard enough for this, I thought. But what else can I do? He his my again across the face, splitting my skin above my right eye. I tried to protect my face and his long fingers touched my arm. I felt a burning start up my skin, like flames. Then it hit me. I shifted the Earth under his feet and he fell to the ground, but he managed to throw a fist at my jaw. Punk. He rolled back and threw himself onto his feet, thinking he was cool. I dropped my fists by my sides, digging my fingernails into my palms.
"Guess what? I don't care what you think of me. Because, when it really comes down to it," I twirled a finger in the air while I talked. He was smiling until the vine around his ankle pulled him down.
"I will always be there to pull you off of your feet." Brand was on his back and I bent the Earth around his arms and legs, pressing my foot into his chest.
"And if you think, that because I'm a girl I can't kick your ass," I dipped my head down. "You are sadly mistaken." I blew a puff of Air at his face.
When I looked up I saw a bunch of eyes staring at me. Corey and Ajax were standing next to a little kid who watched me with wide eyes. Wynn was on Corey's right side, growling at Brand.
"Ayzaria, what happened?" Ajax walked up to me and cupped my cheek.
"I'm fine," I responded automatically. Corey was still holding the little boys hand. I didn't take my eyes off of them as I twisted the bracelet Corey had given me around my wrist. The little boy ran up to me and I had to pull my eyes from Corey's to look down at him.
"I'm Beanie. Are you in our house?" I looked at Corey again, he stepped up behind the blonde haired, brown eyed boy. Wynn came up and licked my hand.
"Yes, she is. Beanie here was staying with the Water coterie while we got you situated. He wants to move back in tonight, if that's okay." I squatted down to look the child in the eyes.
"Of course. I was beginning to wonder where you'd gone off to. Don't like new people?" He shook his head and I managed a smile.
"Me neither. Will you do me a favor?" A dramatic nod, "Will you shake my hand?" I stuck it out. Tentatively he slipped his thin fingers into mine.
"You're like me," he said. "You belong to more than one." I smiled at him.
"You belong to Fire and Water. What a combination." My eyes drifted up to Corey.
He dragged one finger over his eyebrow, reminding me of the blood dripping down my face. Since we got three flags the game was over and everyone started to head back to the houses. Brand had to be pried from the ground and I had a feeling he wouldn't be messing with me for a while. Beanie came back the the Spirit cabin with us but insisted that him and Ajax go outside. When I offered to go with them he told me that he wanted Corey to fix my face. Once they left I sat on the bathroom counter waiting for Corey to bring in the med kit, looking at Wynn who sat on the floor in the doorway. He looked sad and angry. When Corey returned with a black bag I sighed. He looked pissed.
"So, what's wrong with my face?" I asked him.
"Have you looked at what he did to you?" Corey had thrown his hands down on the counter while unrolling the bag.
"No, look at it." Obediently I turned to see my reflection in the mirror. There was a half inch long cut over my right eyebrow and the right side of my jawline was a giant puffy, bleeding mess.
"It could be worse."
"Worse? Ayzaria you look like you've been beaten! Have you looked at the mark on your arm? I should go teach that punk a lesson." He fidgeted with the med kit again and I turned away from the mirror. He set out some peroxide, cotton balls and butterfly bandages on the counter.
"What did you do to my arms today?" I asked while he held a washcloth under the faucet.
"I didn't do anything. Just touched your arm. Why? What happened?"
"It felt looser. Maybe I imagined it." I looked right at his eyes while he dabbed at my jaw.
"Maybe. Doesn't this hurt?" he asked and he moved to my eyebrow. I shrugged and he continued working.
The cut over my eye took 2 butterfly bandages and some salve was rubbed into my burn but there was nothing that could be done for my jaw. When Corey was finished he put the supplies away and stood in front of me.
"There. That's about all I can do," his hand patted my wrist. When he went to move it away I took it, letting my fingers run over his skin. I tugged on his arm and he came closer. His fingers danced with mine as I slid to the edge of the counter top.
"Ayzaria what are you doing?" Soft and low, his voice was a whisper. His other hand found its way to my waist and I trailed my hand up his arm and over his shoulder.
"Ayzaria," he started but I shushed him. Corey stood between my knees and I was leaning closer to him when Beanie walked back in. Corey immediately turned his head to the side. Beanie giggled as Wynn jumped up to lick his face.
"Did you fix her, Corey?" Beanie asked as he ran into the bathroom to look at me. Corey's hands were still on me but Beanie didn't seem to notice.
"I did what I could. What do you think?"
"I think she looks like someone tried to beat her," Corey looked at me as if to say 'I told you so'.

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