The Proposal

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The Proposal

No one could fault the Duchess of Incheon for her scandals. After all, her parents forced her to marry the Duke of Incheon for his title and money. Rumor has it that the Duchess even gave up her true love for it. Though, that was not what made her scandals tolerable, but rather it was her misfortune of landing a duke notorious for being a rake, a drunkard and a gambler. It would have been fine for she was still compensated well as long as she does her part of giving the duke an heir. Unfortunately, after being married for three years, an heir or any child for that matter is still yet to be had. Rumors has it that it was the duke himself who could not sire a kid, the gossipmongers believed that the accident the duke had when he foolishly raced with his phaeton had left him barren. However, no one could really know for sure.

Lady Hyoyeon's ball was already in full swing when the Duchess of Incheon arrived. She was wearing a deep mauve velvet gown cut so low and so tight that her breast were almost spilling out of her bodice, the curls of her long black hair falling out of her chignon, as if she was just dallying with someone on her way to the ball, all heads turn towards her. The sticklers of society frown disapprovingly at her, but she was still a duchess, a very powerful figure to behold, so no one dares to say anything to her. A few moments after her arrival her husband arrived with the new red-haired actor in tow. Everyone watched as the two greeted each other waiting for some venomous remarks but instead the two greeted amiably, used to such things, leaving everyone in the ball disappointed. Three years of marriage and unsuccessful with a child, seemed to have left the two with an extinguished love affair and a competitive nature to outdo one another's scandals. Shocking the ton became the Duke and Duchess' new hobby, to entertain them in their seemingly mundane gentry' life.

Nevertheless, for Soshi society, it was as if the two are in some kind of competition trying to outdo one another and so far the duchess has failed to win against the duke. Her salacious house parties were nothing compared to the duke renting out not just a girl from a brothel but the whole brothel itself for his own enjoyment. The whole of Soshi was still on their toes with anticipation on what was going to happen next with the two, although no one could really tell. But in their boring lives of balls after balls, an entertainment like this has never been so exciting.

The Duchess of Incheon or Lady Yuri to her close acquaintances purposely wore the scandalous dress. She knew that her husband would be at the party bringing the new fast rising French red-haired actor, Victoria Song. Lady Yuri often wondered what went wrong. Though their marriage was never a love match, they at least cared for each other. But still, after that fateful incident with his phaeton, then with Dr. Kim pronouncing that his accident might have left him barren and a year of trying but still not being able to conceive, the Duke distanced himself from Lady Yuri. Since then, the Duke grew cold, his drinking and gambling tripled and he has not shared a bed with the Duchess. Deep inside, Lady Yuri knew that Lord Nickhun blames her for his fate. The racing match was foolish just like what everyone claims, after all racing on a street where only one phaeton could fit was truly a foolish thing especially when the other could fall off the cliff. Yet, Lord Nickhun still wanted to defend her honor, especially when Lord Taewoo has said something malicious about her. Thus, her honor at a price too high for the both of them to pay.

But this time Lady Yuri has had enough. The drinking, the gambling and the brothels she could take, even mistresses she could take, after all most noblemen of status does all these, but to deliberately bring a girl at a ball where both of them would be attending was more than what Lady Yuri could take. She had made up her mind that tonight he would realize just how scandalous she could be. That she does not give a damn about propriety anymore and most of all it was time for her to truly follow her heart.

Lady Yuri peruses over the ballroom, watching with awareness until she spotted her. There in the corner of the ballroom her gaze rested on the average height, paled skin and brown haired girl. Yuri's lips tugged at the corners. In Yuri's eyes, the girl was a remarkable sight to behold. She was a beauty, comparable to the likes of Aphrodite. Though men had often overlooked her because of the atrocious spectacles she often wore, not to mention the color of the gowns she wears does not really compliment her at all. Yuri knew that the girl's mother probably forced the poor girl to wear them. So, to all of Soshi Society, the girl was mousy and ordinary and without an impressive title and dowry under her belt. It was no wonder that she was considered a wallflower.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 06, 2011 ⏰

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