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One day, (Y/N) was headed out to catch a train to her work, and she had to hurry because she feared she would arrive late. (Y/N) speed - walked as fast as she could until something had caught her off guard. A boy, who looked to be a kid, was crossing the street. Nothing was unusual about this situation except for the fact that there was a car heading straight his way, and on instinct, she pushed him out of the way so he wouldn't be hit by the oncoming vehicle. (Y/N) was hit and she thought she had died because she'd seen a lit tunnel and heard her mother's voice from above. But, instead of going towards the light, she woke up in a hospital bed, unable to move whatsoever. Unbeknownst to her, up above were three beings, in the skies above watching her: an angel, a devil, and a reaper. While (Y/N) was still questioning her surroundings, the angel appeared in her room, and introduced himself, going by the name Latis. He explained to her that she only had seven days left to live, and offered to spend them with her to become an angel, because her soul was so pure. (Y/N) accepted, to the dislikings of the reaper and devil, Ruvel and Diavel. Every day, up until the last day, Latis watched the girl paint, they would drink tea together, and occasionally go out and have fun together. Even though angels and humans are not destined to fall in love with each other, Latis started to develop feelings past the promise to protect (Y/N) from her brother's last wish, before he passed away. She felt the same way, not knowing he liked her beyond friendship. Feyril, Latis' angel supervisor, watched from heaven what was unfolding in front of his eyes. An angel and human developing feelings for each other, and nothing could stop their bond.  

Angel's Feather: Latis x Reader {{LEMON}}Where stories live. Discover now