Chapter 1

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Hi Everyone! I just want to mention a
few things before you go on to reading
the story. First, this is my first story
here on Wattpad, so forgive me for any grammatical errors. Second, I kind of based this story on how Sam's life has been since his time here in America (well from what I've seen in his videos) but I tweaked a few things just so the story make more sense. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it! :)


My Life had begun to go on its usual natural course again. It was about time too. Nine months after my last relationship and I can truly say that I was over Josh. What a complete dousche bag he turned out to be. But isn't that what all us girls say after a bad breakup? I can't believe he played me like that. But whether he cheated on me or not, a part of me knew that we weren't going to last. It was a relationship based on attraction and nothing more. Whatever. It was time for me to focus on what really mattered. My career, my business, my life.

Moving to California at the tender age of nineteen was definitely daring, frightful, yet an easy decision. I grew up in a mediocre city in Texas. Very diverse, cultural, but boring. So when my uncle, who owned a successful music store right off of Venice beach, offered me the chance to co- own with him, I knew this was the answer to my prayers. He was at the age where he felt it was time to focus on himself, really couldn't put his all anymore at the store and needed some help. I really couldn't blame him, he put a lot of work into his shop. And I was there to witness it all. Well maybe just half of it.

Growing up, every summer I spent it with him learning the "business" and so on. I helped him out, being the cashier and doing other things, so it was kind of my summer job. But I just really loved being surrounded by the music.
So at the time he gave me the offer I was completely shocked and grateful. I knew i wanted my life to be circled around music, so this was everything, it was perfect.

Of course I needed to continue on with school and with me being halfway done, I settled in a small, rugged apartment. It wasn't anything like my house back home but this is what I wanted and I loved it. It was hard financially at first but as a year went by everything was falling into place. Business was booming and I finally got the hang of the business, with some help of course. But I was determined to keep it that way on my own.

Moving forward, During that year that I tried to settle in, I met Josh. A tall, muscle monster. He was cute, funny, and the complete opposite of my "type", Yet i fell in love, so i thought, with it being my first relationship. But like I said earlier, Josh was my past and I was ready to continue my future. Now, almost three years after my big move, I now fully owned the shop, life is going good and I am ready, ready for whatever came at me.

I was in my office when I saw Dylan come in. He was the manager and also a good friend.


"Yeah?" I replied.

"We got these tickets for that Playlist live event, its in Florida this year. They say they want us to go check out the music, maybe to sponsor some bands and stuff."

"Playlist live?" I asked. "What is that? I don't think over heard of it."

"Uh, it's an annual event where a bunch of Youtubers, bands and other people get together, connect with fans and stuff. It's really fun so I've heard."

Youtubers? I thought. Wow, I haven't kept up with YouTube in forever. It did sound like a fun event though.

"So, what do you think?" I asked.
"I think we should go. For sure. I think it will be good for the store. We can sponsor a few bands or whatever they want us there for. Be there for the experience. So you and me? There's only two tickets."

"Oh, yeah. Ok we'll go. When is it?"

"Couple of weeks. End of March."

I was excited I've never been to Florida much less a playlist live. I hardly knew what it was about. But anything to keep the store a success and keep my uncle proud.

The day we left to Florida I stopped by the store just to check on some things.

"So you'll be find for a couple of days with locking up the store and everything?"

"Yeah, I've been working here for almost four years. Everything will be fine. Go to Florida and try not to worry. Everything will be okay."

" Ok. Ok. I know I can trust you." I said biting my tounge.

Of course I could trust Shawna. Not only was she my best friend/roommate, she was an excellent worker and I could trust her with anything. Plus the rest of the crew. I was just so nervous leaving the store for the first time for a couple of days. But I was doing my job and I knew it was ok.

It was a long flight to Florida. ugh. I have mixed feeling about flying.
But then I think of the time where I read that more accidents happen in cars than planes. So I think I'll be fine.

I felt a nudge. "Hey, we're here now." Dylan whispered.

We took a late flight and with the time change I was utterly tired.
I slowly tried to fully open my eyes. I could tell my hair was a hot mess, I could feel my hair out of place all in my face. I then leaned over to the window and saw the city lights over the horizon. Palm trees, palm trees everywhere. It was beautiful.
As we got our luggage and made our way towards outside to get a taxi, I saw Florida outside the doors and suddenly felt my a smile grow wide across my face.

I could tell I looked like a complete idiot. Hair everywhere, walking with a limp, makeup a mess, huge awkward smile. "oh yeah, she's new hear." Locals probably thought.
Whatever. I needed a bed.

"Huuu!" "I can't breathe." Dylan laughingly screamed.
"Humidity at its finest I guess." He said.

You're telling me. I thought. Totally different from Cali.

Hello Florida.

The beautiful scenery at night was enough to keep my eyes open. It was beautiful and I couldn't wait for the morning.

Finally, we arrived at the hotel.
I crashed on the bed and I was out.
First day of playlist. I was incredibly anticipating the day ahead. I woke up at around 7:30 a.m. I guess I can say I got a decent amount of rest.

Next morning, I called Dylan and told I would be ready soon. I then jumped into the hot shower. Hot showers are always the best. After I then Braided my hair to get the look of my favorite beachy waves, did my usual makeup. Sultry eye, yet simple and natural, and a touch of a light berry lip.

Decided to go comfy yet cute to my outfit. Light wash high wasted shorts and a burgundy tank that read "enjoy California" with some simple black converse.
Let my hair loose for the waves. Styled it a little. Sprayed a dash or two or three of my favorite perfume, grabbed my fringe bag and I was out.

I met Dylan outside in the hall. He was wearing a plain black v -neck, slim fit jeans, black vans with a blue beenie, the ones where they are long enough to lie at the back of your head. And a black belt.
I admit he looked Cute.

"Hey!" "Hey!" I said back.

"Get enough sleep?" He asked.
"Sure." I laughed.

" I brought some flyers I made earlier, we can hand them out to people in the crowd and stuff." I explained.

" oh yeah, good idea."

" I guess we are set then."

" yup!" I replied.

Embarrassed, I admit I didn't know what or even heard of playlist live. So I was wondering what to expect on our way to the venue.
The taxi stopped. I new we were there from how many people I saw waiting outside.

"These people really get into it." I whispered under my breathe.

We walked into the building and saw a guy coming towards us.

" Hello! I'm Jack. I'm one of the producers of playlist. Nice to meet you guys. Glad you guys came. Thought you can see some of the bands that are going to play. Yeah I've heard of your store and that you sponsor bands and stuff. We try and get places like you to come out and stuff. Anyways you guys are set up backs stage. Asked me if you need anything.
"Cool." Dylan said.
"Thank you!"

" yeah, hear are your passes. Let us know what bands you like to meet and we can set it up."

"Thank you so much." I said.

"Did you see our passes?" Dylan asked.

"They have our names on them, so cool."

"Savannah Talez owner of 'All that Jams'."
"Venice Beach, Calofornia" I read.

"Amazing." I said to him.

" Ahhh I'm so stoked!" I yelled softy.

We settled in back stage. Had our own setup and everything. We talked to some of the sound system guys. They were real cool, telling us who to keep our eye on.

"Hey, uh Dylan I'm gonna go explore some. "

"Oh yeah, sure. I'll be here."

It wasn't time for the event to start as everyone was still getting things ready, so i decided to go out and check out the place.

There were so many people. The place was huge. I knew it was going to be a great experience, Even if we didn't find what we were looking for.

"All that Jams, Venice beach" someone said, in a thick British accent.

I looked up, it was a tall guy with long, shiny, dark brown hair on top of his head with his sides short by the ears down to his neck.
He had perfect porcelain skin with rosy cheeks. Nice, pink lips, perfectly shaped manly and bold eyebrows and a handsome smile. Incredibly attractive.

His sense of style was what got me. Crazy patterned shirt paired with acid wash jeans cuffed at his ankles. I always admires people especially guys who had a unique sense of style. I also noticed he was carrying a penny board. I love boarding. And I've always loved a boy who can too.

" I think I've passed through there before." He said. "Facing the beach right?"

I was thrown off by his charm. My heart skipped a beat as I found it hard to say a word.

"Uhh, yeah that's the one, are you from there?" I nervously asked.

"No, well I'm from England." He explained.

"Obviously." I thought. How could I be so stupid? I was so nervous. He was so cute.

"I've been living around the area there for awhile though. Always go around the beach, and the board walk." he said.

"Oh, cool." I said. "
Did I really just say the two most over used words ever?" I thought.

"So Savannah?" He asked.

I gave a puzzled look, forgetting my pass was hanging on my neck with my name on it.
He pointed to it as he knew I looked confused as to how he knew my name.

"Oh yeah, duh." I said still nervously. Could I have been any more awkward.

"So you own the place?"

"Yeah." I said.

"I'll be back there in a week, so is it okay if I stop by?"

"Of course." I softly said.

"Sorry, I didn't even tell you my name."

I smiled and giggled.

"I'm Sam. Hope to see you around?"

"Yeah, I'll be hear."

He smiled. "Great. Well it was nice to meet you Savannah."

"Nice to meet you too Sam."

He rolled off on his board, while I made my way back, smiling uncontrollably.


"Playlist live guys." I said to myself.

"Can't wait to meet new people, can't wait to meet the fans. "

I made my way with the crew into the venue. There were so many people. I knew this was going to amazing.
I go on my penny and started crusin' the place. I lost the crew due to exploring but I thought I'll just catch up with them later.

As I made my way through this long dark hall I saw in the distance a girl with beautiful, thick, brown wavy hair. I couldn't see her face as she was turning the other way. She was fit though and looked amazing in those shorts.

She stopped at a board reading some things about the event. She then turned with her head down. I then read her pass. Looks like she someone important here. looks like she owns that music shop me and B. always pass by. Fuck! I knew I should of walked in there. I walked up to her and read the name out loud, she looked up.
Her brown eyes were glistening even in the gloomy hall. Her round face, cute nose and luscious lips were all so perfect. She was gorgeous.
You can tell she was not like most girls. There was something about her.

" I think I've passed through there before." I said.

"Facing the beach right?"

You can tell she was nervous. It was kinda cute.
After some more chatting, I said goodbye, leaving on my penny. Although it was apparent that she didn't know who i was, or maybe she did, i don't know. It didn't matter, I don't expect everyone to know me, all I knew is that she didn't leave my mind and I had to see her again.

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