Welcome To My Nightmare

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Chapter 1 My Name Is Rayne Emberlynn Nova

As I sit alone, on top the cliff right on the brink of the edge of the world, I stare off into the nothingness of the pit below. It's beautiful. Maybe one day I can join my mother in the beautiful underworld below.

I stood up and leaned over it. I stared into the blackness below; nothing. I squinted to see closer. Still nothing. I wonder if it is really bottomless. If it isn't then where does it lead? To another world? To the underworld? Or is it just endless like most assume? Those are questions that will have to be answers another day.

I started to walk along the black obis. I looked down at the ground. There isn't really anything just dead grass. I looked to my left, the edge of the world. To my right, to my feet is just dead grass and the sky is a lovely mix of grays and navy blues. Maybe it's just that it's the edge of the world that everything is dead and black. It looks morbid.

As I walked along the path I spotted something big in the path ahead. It looks like it's one to two stories high. I started to walk faster eager to see what's ahead. After taking about five steps I noticed it was a tree. Once I got in the range of the tree I looked it over; it was about 35ft tall and had no leaves; It's bark a grayish black. It had a few big branches that looks as if it was destined to have a swing on it that hung over the edge of the world. I wish I had a camera. This tree is just gorgeous. I'm defiantly going to have to come back here.

I backed up and turned around then I started walking. Just walking. To nowhere in particular. Just wanted away from all of the dead things.

I wonder if I'm the only one out here. I wish someone that someone would come here. Maybe a cool friend. Or a cat girl! Or my dark knight. Hey a girl can dream can't she? That would be awesome. Too bad it isn't going to happen.

After walking for about five minutes I noticed that the grass I was on wasn't dead anymore just a dull gray. It felt so much better on my bare feet. I smiled then looked up at the sky. It was a grayish-blue but it still looked beautiful.

As I looked ahead there was a forest of trees. The trees were placed in a circular matter as if around something. I walk over to the forest tracing the line of the first tree that starts a path leading on into it.

The trees here isn't like the tree along the edge of the world. These were common forest trees like Oak, Maple, and Ash.

While walking down the narrow pathway in the forest there were animals hopping or prancing about. One in particular caught my eye,

A black cat.

It ran from behind me then stopped right in my path looking over me with it's Sapphire blue eyes. It was light on it's feet and walked with confidence and slyness.

After looking me over it strode away. I heard a slim sound of ringing and I squinted my eyes. There is a bell on the cat's collar. The collar was a light blue and had a silver bell on it.

"Rayne," A voice came from nowhere. "Wake up, Rayne."

Who's said that? I looked around. The whole world soon shakes. Everything around me the tree leaves start to fall, the dirt shifts, and that ringing gets progressively louder.

I put my hands over my ears stop the ringing!

The shaking has stops and the horrible ringing has as well. I opened my eyes seeing the the forest was gone and that I was in a classroom.

I glance over to my left seeing Jade looking at me worriedly. Something caught my eye. A light blue choker was around her neck. "Are you okay?" She asked. It can't be. It doesn't make since.

The choker held a silver bell.


So what do you guys think? I know it's kinda confusing at the end but I really like the idea of it. Please comment or vote so I know that it's alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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