The Dollar That Didn't Make Her Holla

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It is a sweltering hot summer day in the peach state of Georgia. The natives are trapped inside their homes as they attempt to avoid the intensity of the heat. Older folks sit on their porch, rocking to the beat of the chimes that jingle as the smallest waves of wind pass by. Dogs settle at the feet of their owners, drained by the heat.

One family stands apart as they reside next to the small town's one and only railroad track. Inside, four girls grieve over the loss of a love one. Sugarbear.

Sugarbear was a great man in the community. Those who knew him adored him; whether it was for his small frame standing almost at 5 feet, or it was because of his scruffy dirty white beard that smelled like tobaccoo and old cheese, people loved Michael 'Sugarbear' Thompson.

The Thompson/Shannon household takes the loss the hardest of course. The group of girls have lost the beloved man of the house after a camping accident. As he began gutting what he thought to be a dead deer to lug back home for dinner, the deer suddenly kicked the clodhopper in the face. The forceful impact killed Sugarbear almost instantly, leaving behind five bodacious, vulnerable girls and a baby.

The woman of the house, June, has locked herself in her room for days. It has been eleven days since the funeral and her children have not seen her since. It has been terrible for the daughters as they have no real food to ingest; however, with the extreme couponing Mama does, the girls have cheeseballs, mayonnaise, butter and potato chips to hold them over. Unfortunately, the second youngest child, Pumpkin (Lauryn), has been hiding food for her to gorge while everyone would fall asleep, resulting in rations to substantially decrease.

The second mother of the house, Chickadee (Anna) begins to realize the group of adolescents are running low on food. She decides she can't the pity much longer. She walks pass her youngest sister, Alana, as she is engrossed in one of the last sticks of butter in the house, cramming it in her large mouth.

"Mama!" Chickadee bangs on the door of her mother's room as she adjusts the infant on her hip. She hears a muffled sob, but proceeds to bang on the door.

"Mama, open this dang door!" She yells into the crack between the frame and the door.

"Go away!" June cries. Chickadee huffs but doesn't budge, and she continues to pound on the door that seperates her from the only chance to avoid starvation.

"Would you stop all that damn bangin'? Shit, some of us are tryin' to get some dang sleep around here!" Pumpkin, the contumacious one of the family shouts at her sister. She rubs her eyes and walks toward the door Chickadee continued to obnoxiously hit.

Pumpkin twists the door handle and walks into her mother's room. "Dumbass," she mumbles at her sister who stands there dumbfounded. Following Pumpkin is her older sister, Chubbs (Jessica), and her younger sibling, Alanna.

"Get up you fat cow." Pumpkin picks at her nails, while the others tread towards the bed.

The room smells putrid. The odor is unbearable, even for the four daughters and granchild who live in such traumatic and unfathomable conditions. They cannot stomach the smell that invades the room. Quickly, all four girls cover their noses and mouths as they attempt to hold in the fluids that desperately seek to escape their oversized bodies.

"Mama, what the fuck are you doin' with your life. Oh mah God! The smell is worse than the aftermath of when we all went to that taco truck at the fair," Chubbs gasps. The other girls nod in unison. Their mother does not see them as her back is faced towards them.

"Leave." June lets a muffled groan.

Just as Pumpkin is about to counter with a witty rebuttal, Alana throws up, releasing a strong smell of butter and fried chicken.

"What the fuck, Alana!" June jolts up in bed to look at the girl doubled over.

The other girls gasp. Next to June is Sugarbear's corpse, blue and cold. A lifeless Sugarbear lays semi-flattened as a result of the mournful woman weeping on top of him for the past eleven days.

June looks over at the dead body and back to the girls.

"It's not what you think," she stutters.

"Oh my fuckin' God! You're sick!" Pumpkin shouts. Chubbs runs over to the dead Sugarbear and stares at him.

"Mama, you need help," she says. She is baffled. How could someone be so sick and twisted? She turns her head to look away from her dead stepfather.

Mama June picks up the petite, unkempt man and holds him in her arms as she sobs into his neck. His body slumps like a ragdoll.

"Mama, it's been eleven days. You have to get over this tubby little man. He was good to us for the first nine years but now he is gone. Face it," Chickadee whispers to her mother trying to comfort her mother.

"Bitch! It's only been a week. I'm not going to get over him." Mama is disgusted.

"Listen you, hog," Pumpkin starts, "no one wants you if you keep this up. Either get on the market now or you will die fat and worthless." She adds, "alone."

June stops crying and looks down at her dead lover. What does she do?

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! The boys will be making an appearance soon! Please vote and comment!! Follow me on twitter @niallsweyhey


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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