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I was sent away at the age of six. My parents said it was for better schooling but I knew it was a lie. They just never wanted a kid, so what better was to get rid of a kid than sending it away to grandma's and grandpa's. So that's what they did. And when they did, everything in my life went to hell. On a cold fall day my grandmother went shopping, and my grandfather had the car. So naturally she walked home. She wasn't even two blocks from the apartment when she cut down an ally way. That's when life became clear. In that moment, on that day I saw how cruel and dangerous the world is. That day in that ally a young man, the age of twenty-four, pulled a gun on an old woman. He didn't ask her for a thing and yet took her life. He shot her three times in the heart. All he wanted was little money she kept in a small change purse. And that was it she was dead. And he was gone free. That afternoon the cops came to the apartment. I had just got home from school, and since I was young I don't remember much of what happened after they arrived. But I do remember my grandfather crying from hours on end. He must have asked himself why a hundred times. Two weeks later they caught the man on other charges. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. Shortly after her death, even at the age six, I fell into a depression. When I finally at the age of thirteen came out of it something came with me. Something I could not control. Something that could not be controlled......


P.O.V.: Amber

I woke up and felt a striking pain on the top of my right shoulder. I put my hand to it and felt something warm and wet all down my arm. With out even looking I knew it was blood. Waking up in the middle of the night to find cuts and bruises wasn't uncommon for me. Every other night I find one or the other. They usually aren't bad enough to where I would have to get stitches, but every time it hurts like hell.

Ever since I was thirteen I have these black outs. I've read up on what it could be and I know exactly what it is that I am. I'm a split personality. Though I have no idea what the other person does I know it can't be good.

I haven't told my grandfather what I am, he has enough on his hands as it is. My grandfather is seventy-three years old and still works. A lot of places wont take him but he still manages to find work here or there. And after we lost my grandmother he never was the same. I had to stay with my cousin's. And that's when me and my cousin, Parker, became very close. Which was about one of the only good things to come from this tragedy. She calls me every day to check up on me when we only life minutes away from each other.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my old style movie mirror. It has a wide circle mirror and circle light bulbs all around the frame. I have a picture of my grandmother when she was young tapped to the top of the mirror. I can easily see why my grandfather fell in love with her. She was beautiful. I pulled the collar of my shirt out of place to see how bad it was. It was deep and gushing. The entire right sleeve of my light blue sweater was drenched in blood. I took some rubbing alcohol, a cotton ball and started to clean the wound. I winced at the pain and bit my lower lip from letting any sound get out.

Once it was clean I could finally see the real damage that had been done. It looked as if a long sharp knife had been trying to sever my arm off. I had two options I could wake my grandfather up at four in the morning or I could sew the wound myself. I chose the only one logical to me. So I went and got my sewing cit and took out a needle and thread. I found a pin cushion removed the pins and bit down hard. I stuck the needle in hat to one side of the gash and almost couldn't stop myself from screaming. I could feel tears well up in my eyes, but held then back. my vision blurred time and time again. Each time I had to stop the needle half way through the skin which led to only more pain.

When it was finally over my whole right arm was shaking and tears finally gushed out. I took out a box from under my bed where I hid some pain killers from my grandfather's last hip surgery. I only used them when the pain was beyond bearable. The temptation to take them all the time was always there, but I always resisted. After I took the pills I crawled back into bed, making sure as not to lay on my right side, and imagined what it was the other person could possibly do that would leave me like this.

Right before I closed my eyes I said out loud "What the hell do you do?,"

P.O.V.: Clover

I opened my eyes and sat strait up, breathing hard, and sweating. I looked at my shirt that was full of dried blood. I remembered fighting some punk ass in an ally on the west side of town. He got a lucky shot from the back and tried to cut my arm off. The freak, I hope I killed him.

Every night I go out to wipe this city clean of scum. I try my hardest to shield Amber from the pain the world can give. I saw what happened when her grandmother died, and I vowed never to let her feel that pain again. That is the only reason I exists. If I had my way I would repress her so as to make sure she would never be hurt again.

When I saw that Amber tried to sew the gash shut and rolled my eyes. I was a much better sewer. I had to learn before I made my suit. I hid it where she would never find it. In a loose board in the wall of her bedroom. I didn't even know she knew it was loose. I looked over at the clock and it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon. I decided to change shirts and get out of the room.

When I surface in the day I usually stay in until night. After I got dresses I was about to head to the kitchen when Amber' s phone buzzed. I wasn't going to answer it like usual, but saw it was Parker. One day I had surfaced and she had come over. I never met her before but knew who she was and knew what she meant to Amber. She was a happy cheery and I then knew she was good for Amber. She needed someone her own age to take care of her.

I looked at the text message: Hey, u excited about summer break? Also I'm coming over.

And as if on cue the door bell rang....

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