Chapter one- The Turning

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Harry knew he shouldn't go out on the night of a full moon even in privet drive because it wasn't safe but he was tired of being cooped up, so he decided he was going to go out anyways and this is where everything changed for one Harry James Potter. It was a warm summer night and the Dursley's were sleeping and Harry was still having night mares about the Tri-Wizard tournament and about watching Cedric die so he decided he couldn't stay in the house anymore, He opened his window and looked at the drop down and decided it was worth it and jumped. He started wondering down wisteria lane and he jumped at the sound of a twig snapping and jumped around with his wand drawn looking for the perpetrator of the noise when he saw no one around he shrugged and decided that it was just an animal and he was being paranoid so he slipped his wand back in to his pocket and continued his walk. He reached his favorite spot to just sit and think so he sat on the swing and pushed himself back and forth thinking about everything that has ever happened to him and all he really wanted was a chance to just be himself not the savior not the boy-who-lived but just harry. He jumps off the swing with a sigh and lays down on the grass in the park looking up at the stars trying to see if he could spot the constellation his godfather was named after and his eyes started to droop shut. Little did harry know that the noise he had heard was a rouge werewolf that belonged to Fenrir Greyback and they were on orders to track the boy down but they were not to harm him. The wolf snuck up to harry and was not in his right mind and went to pick him up but caught him with his teeth. The wolf snarled and howled calling his Alpha over when Fenrir saw what had happened he was furious but just growled at the wolf to back up and he picked the boy up laid him over his back and ran. When harry came to he realized he wasn't in his bed at home and he wasn't laying in the field either but he was laying in a grand bed in a very rich looking place and he was thinking where am I? what happened? All his questions were about to be answered as the door swung open and in entered the last person Harry expected to see Voldemort walked in and walked over to harry without a care in the world and Harry was shocked his jaw dropped and Voldemort chuckled and said "Harry do kindly shut your mouth we wouldn't like for you to catch a fly or something in there." His comment just further confuses poor Harry and harry finally asks "what am I doing here? What happened? Are you going to kill me now?" The pleading in Harry's voice on that last question had Voldemort frowning, why would the boy want to die so bad that he is begging me to kill him? Voldemort looks Harry in the eyes and says "Harry, You're not here for me to kill you. I brought you here so I could talk to you I have never wanted to kill you, you have never been my enemy it has always been Dumbledore putting you in the way forcing you into dangerous situations, as for what happened, well I couldn't risk coming out to get you myself because I have the ministry out looking for me so I sent Fenrir and his pack out to look for you. The orders were for them to just find you and bring you back to me, well one of Fenrir's pack members wasn't using his head and tried to pick you up using his mouth forgetting his teeth hold the virus and well Harry you were bit when the full moon comes next month you will be turning into a werewolf, I am going to make sure you are trained so that the transformation doesn't hurt you and you will be able to come to me for anything you need." As Voldemort finishes his whole spill Harry looks at him with wide terrified eyes and finally responds "What do you mean it's been Dumbledore sending me into danger, and if you didn't want to kill me why did you attack me at godrics hollow all those years ago and then again in the cemetery last year, and why did you want to find me so bad that you sent a pack of werewolves out to find me and on a full moon at that, who is going to be training me and what is going to happen when it comes to start Hogwarts on September first?" Voldemort smiles at all the good questions harry is asking, he isn't as stupid as Severus thinks he is but then again that could just be Severus's extreme dislike for the boy talking rather than what he actually thinks about the boy. Finally he answers the boy's questions "Dumbledore is the one who hid the sorcerer's stone in Hogwarts when it could have just been left in gringotts I wasn't planning on going after the stone until I found out Dumbledore had the stone, with the chamber of secrets he knew that girl had my diary and was opening the chamber but he was testing you to see what abilities you had, I am impressed that you were able to kill the baslisk and stab my diary even though I wish you hadn't, Third year with you godfather, Dumbledore knew he was innocent the entire time your godfather was locked up and didn't bother to try and do a thing about getting him released because he needed you to be his willing puppet and finally with the Tri-Wizard tournament if Dumbledore hadn't wanted you in that tournament he could have easily had you removed from it. When it comes to attacking you at Godrics hollow well that wasn't supposed to be an attack you see I was coming to talk to you parents because I didn't want the fight being pressed on to a kid and that was exactly what Dumbledore was trying to do and when I arrived at Godric's hollow that night Dumbledore was there and he started throwing curses and would hide behind your parents that is how your parents and then yourself were attacked that night. I wanted to find you because I could feel your pain and loneliness and I wanted to help you, I know all too well what it is like to have people that don't care about you and beat you and treat you like your nothing more than a freak or an abomination and I wanted to get you out of that situation. When it comes to your training there is something you need to know your godfather and Remus Lupin are on my side and have been for a while now because they finally got tired of Dumbledore manipulating them, they are another reason for me tracking you down and bringing you here. So in regards to your training Remus Lupin will be training you and when it comes to Hogwarts well that choice is yours you can return to Hogwarts on September first or we can hire you tutors I know that the only real friends you had at Hogwarts were the Twins, Neville, and Luna. Who can come and visit you at any time if you decide not to return to Hogwarts." After Voldemort's long winded rant harry sat there in shock for a couple minutes then finally says "Padfoot and Mooney are on your side?" Voldemort chuckles at the fact that the only thing that Harry had gotten out of that was that Padfoot and Mooney are on his side and simply replies "yes they have been on my side for about a year they were going to bring you to talk to me and I told them not to do that because I didn't want you to loose trust in them so I had you picked up by fenrir's pack." Harry stares at Voldemort in shock for a minute before asking "why did they join your side and how can I trust that you are telling me the truth, I'm not as stupid as Severus thinks I know how to use my brain and I want to know that I'm not walking into a trap." Voldemort chuckles at that and says "how slytherin of you. As for proof well how about talking to at least Padfoot, Mooney is resting right now after the full moon so I don't want to disturb him but Padfoot would be willing to come tell you I'm telling the truth." Harry stops to think about what Voldemort just told him and agreed and said "ok go ahead and bring Padfoot in and I will talk to him and let you know what I decide." Voldemort nods and leaves harry in the room to go and get Padfoot and give him time to think. Harry looks around the room again and thinks why me, why is it always me that gets into these kind of messes. Harry thinks about everything that has ever happened to him going from losing his parents to being left at the Dursley's to his first year at Hogwarts where he had to fight off a unicorn blood drinking desperate after the sorcerer's stone Voldemort to Second year where Ginny Weasley was given a possessed diary and so he had to take on a basilisk and a younger version of Tom Riddle AKA Voldemort then third year finding out that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban and was supposedly out to kill him and then finding out that he was in fact his godfather and was innocent then to help him escape from Dementors, then fourth year with the Tri-Wizard tournament all the dangerous tasks I had to go through then the graveyard scene and watching Cedric Diggory die and watching Voldemort come back then Thinking of everything that Voldemort had said and thinking about that as well. Harry was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't hear the door opening and closing he didn't see Padfoot walking closer to him so Harry was startled when Padfoot put his hand on his shoulder, Padfoot chuckled and sat down next to harry and said "a lot on your mind cub?" Harry chuckles and says "what do you think Padfoot the man I have trusted my entire life is a manipulator and the guy I thought was out to kill me my entire life wanted to help save me from a life of loneliness oh and add into the mix that I was turned into a werewolf yeah there is a lot on my mind." Padfoot smiles sadly and wraps his arms around Harry and just holds him then states "Mooney will be training you though so at least you have that to look forward to." Harry smiles and says "yeah I know Mooney will take care of me I am his cub after all." Harry chuckles yawns and says "Padfoot I know I'm a little old but will you just lay with me for a while please?" Padfoot smiles and tucks his cub in and lays next to him stroking his hair and whispering that he will always be here for him. Harry falls asleep quickly and Padfoot is starting to doze off when the door crashes open, standing there in the door way in Mooney and he looks angry so Padfoot jumps from bed and rushes over to his friend and is shocked when Mooney pushes him away and rushes to Harry. Padfoot gets nervous and walks closer to his friend and his godson and Mooney growls at him so Padfoot stops in place and is shocked further when Mooney curls around Harry and says Mate. Padfoot faints and topples on to the floor causing Harry to wake up and find out what is going on. Harry smells a delicious scent and feels safe and secure he looks around and sees Mooney and Mooney growls out mate again and this time its Harry's turn to pass out in shock.

A/N: so this is the first chapter of the accidental turn comment and tell me what you think about the first chapter

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