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You slowly opened an eye and slightly raised your head hearing faint rushing foot steps from the outside. Feeling a slight stirring movement close to you, you immediately but carefully wrapped your arms around your sleeping captain pulling him closer, kissing his head as you did. You have been noticing the continuous all nighters the doctor was issuing due to some paper works he has to do and such. And being the sweet and loving girlfriend you are, you got your ass worried big time and noted to yourself that you need to have him to get rest even if force was needed. He also has to forget about tiring things sometimes and have a break. So that's why you're in this situation right now.

6:15 am. You stared at the clock hanging on the wall at the other side of the room Law and you shared and sighed. Still too early. You thought and gently tighten your hold of him bringing his head even closer to you caging him from the noisy and tiring world. You felt him snuggle closer to you wrapping his tan arms around your waist and taking a lung full of your scent. You smiled ignoring the fact that he is practically now face to face with your almost bare breast and that he has this small smirk currently plastered on his face. The idiot must be having a nice dream.

Hearing the rushing of foot steps again but this time louder, you waited patiently. Must be Shachi or Penguin reporting a problem again. You sighed and focused your gaze at the close door as the foot steps stopped in front of it. And not even a second later the door flung open without any warning resulting a bang as it collided on the wall. Startled, the man in your arms reacted rather harshly. Hearing a groan you quickly hugged his neck tighter kissed his forehead and whispered words lulling him back to sleep (like a baby>///>). As soon as he relaxed in your arms, you turn your head towards the door about to silently murder the two only to see them gaping. You raised a brow asking if they want something waking them from their trance.

Penguin started to panic again remembering the reason why they're here and was about to yell only to be smacked upside in the head by a poker faced Shachi silencing him. You saw Shachi pull the other's collar and whispered something to him. You looked at them amusedly as their expression suddenly changed and that they quickly covered their nose with their hands. The two quickly faced you bowing and hurriedly running out of the room not even closing the door. What the hell is the deal with them?

Ext ending.


Bepo hurriedly peeked his head inside the mess hall. Eyes widening at what he saw.

"Shachi! Penguin! Oh my god! Blood! Blood! What happened!? Are we being attacked! Captain?! Where's Captain!" The poor bear hysterically ran back and fort not knowing what to do first. Seeing his two friends slumped down on the floor with blood pouring from their noses just drove him almost crazy.

Penguin weakly raised his hand in Bepo's direction. "No we're... all... right.. c-cap... ugh"

"P-penguin..." Shachi reached for his friend. Tears actually flowing from his heart-shaped eyes. "I.. I'll soon follow... you.. ughh.."

Bepo watched in horror as his two precious friends laid unconscious on the floor. Blood still gushing out of their nose. He hurriedly ran to the captain's room to report what just happened only resulting him the same fate as the two.

Seeing their Captain and (Name) sleeping so close to each other was just too much for Bepo's innocent mind and Shachi and Penguin's perverted ones to take.

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