Untitled Part 1

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Bullets raining down around me, the sound of blasts, gunfire and the anguished screams of dying people surround me. I try to ignore it all, I try to ignore the horror of war and keep fighting, fighting for my country, my loved ones, my honour but it seems hopeless.

Ever since this war started I have only seen death and pain. I feel as if I have forgotten how to smile and be happy. I only feel sorrow and grief now as I look at the destruction that this war has caused. I wonder at how cruel and foolish man can be. We fool ourselves that we fight to gain victory. We even think that we do gain victory but the harsh truth is that we only fight to destroy ourselves. Each war we fight destroys us more. It destroys our humanity, our personality, our lives. Wars only cause damage, death, pain and sorrow. They only break families, destroys homes, spill blood, spread sorrow, orphan children and widow women. And yet we still fight.

I remember when this war started. Six months ago I was sitting with my parents and siblings, having dinner when my phone suddenly rang. It was our commander and he ordered me to get to HQ at once. Once there we were informed that enemy tanks and forces were approaching and may attack at any time. The next morning the war had started in all its cruelty. Six months had passed and today, as I stand on this battlefield I realize that there is no hope of it ending anytime soon. Before the war I was just a young man, full of life and foolish because I felt excited for this war. Now it feels as if I have aged sixty years in six months. I feel wise but also sadder and hopeless. I feel depressed, looking at the bodies, the blood and the hatred that is suffocating me and it seems as if there is no hope of victory.

 But then I think of my dear brother who laid down his life for this motherland, who sacrificed his life without hesitation and if he had a hundred lives he would have offered them all for this country. And with this thought I shout "Allah hu Akbar" (God is the Greatest) and open gunfire on the enemy. I advance through this hopelessness with hope in my heart because I won't let my brother's sacrifice be useless.

But then four bullets enter my body at once and a piercing, unbearable pain shoots through my body. I feel sure that this must be death. And then everything goes black. When I open my eyes I am in the medical camp with my left leg in a plaster and a bandage across my stomach.  

So Allah has spared my life. It has been spared so that I can do more for my country, do more in this battle, do more to end all this grief and pain. And I resolve to do my best because my motherland is my life, my freedom, my happiness. It  is my everything. After all, what is a son without a mother?

A/N: This story is just a short one and won't be continued. I know that in the orange thingy below it says that it is ongoing but I don't know how change it. If any of you knows please tell me. And thank you so much for reading :)      

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