~ prøløguë ~

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Why does it seem like when things start to get better for me, everything falls apart again?  I've never really felt that my life has been worth a whole lot.  I've tried so hard to get where I want to be, someone with friends, happy, and someone maybe worth loving and all, but I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.  

I learned at a pretty young age that life isn't fair and that it never would be.  I had already witnessed so much by then that I had kind of given up on ever really being happy.  Countless times I have tried so hard to change my attitude towards it, but I find myself just turning right back around, running away from it all.  I always seem to end up right back where I started.  I don't know how to get out of this continuous loop of things.

I've made a mess of myself and I don't know how to fix it.  I can't fix it more like it.  

But that's who I am, the runner.

Jong Ki Wook, the girl that never stops running.

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