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Paint me a blue sky

Ever wonder how close you are to reaching

With outstretched hands, the clouds approaching

But then with the grass soaked you stick on to it

Without being able to move, you resort to breathing

Because you see a wall, nothing.

But because you always desired the sky

The clouds swimming, up at the high

The trees rustling, winds breezing

With closed eyes, took my hand

Looked up and pretended to see your wonderland

Fumes of ethanol, beeps of machines

Cries of pain and suffering down the hall

Tasteless clumps of food

Smiles from them intended to be calming instead were fake

But you ignored all to imagine your happy little world

Why do beds feel comfortable?

Only when you can still get up

Not when a word of illness comes out of an aid's mouth

You dread the day you get stuck on the grassy ground

So do I

"I want to reach the clouds," you whisper.

"Not yet. Not today," I say.

Of course not, you cannot.

Because when you look up, you see a barricade

And that makes a difference.

Pints of red they take from you

They say it will make you feel better

But every time they do

Why do I feel life drains from you quicker

And now I have to see you fade faster

But still you smile

And it took me a while

To realize why

All you said was

Paint me a blue sky

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