When Time Flies

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When Time Flies


One Thing Your Should Know:


P.O.V: Point Of View


That’s All I Hope You Like This Story




Megan’s P.O.V


“Meagn!” Miss.Lia said


“Huh-Yes” I  said


“Princapal’s Office” She Said pushing me out of the class


Just cause I didn’t “Pay Attention” dosent mean I have to go to the Principal’s Office Right?


I knocked the Door Of Mr.Cody (The Principal)


“Come in” He said


“Uh Thank You, I’m Meg—“


“Megan Its your fourth time  you were sent Here by a teacher  so don’t worry I remmber your name” He Said


“Good, now What Is My Punishment Today?” I Asked With A smile on my face


“Have A Seat Please” He Said Pointing At The Chair


I Did What I Was Told, And Waited For Him To Say Something


“Legs Down” He Said Staring At me


I Put my legs down


“ Yes ,Your Suspended Megan” He Said


“ What?!” I Got Out Of My Seat And Did my best Puppy Dog Face I Could


“ Please Don’t Get Me Suspended!!”


“Sorry Megan But Four Times In A Row?!” He Said




“ Leave” He said reading his newpaper


That’s It Im Suspended, I Will Always Remmber The Good Times…


Wait There Are No Good Times?!


Well Then…


“IM SUSPENDED!!WOO-HOO!!” I Shouted Out In The hallway


Everyone Stared At Me Like I Was A Party Animal

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