Chapter 1 ~ Our Hide out

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We always knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of time. We always had a plan for something like this. Just me and Emily. We were twelve years old when we made the plan which we didn't have to use. Until now.  My name is Clara Novoa,  I'm 21 years old and this is the story about how me and My best friend Emily survived the apocalypse. There are a load of twists and turns, Love and loss so be prepared for anything.


"Please stay in your homes. Do not go outside under any circumstances. Lock your doors and barricade them. Someone will be coming as soon as possible. Please stay in your homes..." It was nonstop repeating. I grabbed a bag and started shoving clothes in it.

"Bethany grab all the clothes you can and shove them in a bag . NOW!" I yelled through the wall

"Clara whats going on?" She asked worriedly  walking through to watch me rush around my room.

"We are leaving its not safe." She nodded and quickly ran into her room.

"Clara...Clara are you there." I heard from under my bed. I got down on my hands and knees and pulled out a huge box. i opened it up and pulled out a walkie talkie.

"Emi is that you?" I asked pressing the button on the side.

"Yeah its me who else would it be wise girl." I smiled at my old nickname.

"Did you hear what is going on out there?"  I walked briskly to the kitchen and started shoving cans of food and other stuff into a bag.

"Yeah course I did, It's time to commence Plan Zucchini ." I smiled and shoved a couple of knifes into the bag and one in my boot.

"I'll meet you at the school." I hooked the walkie talkie into my belt and shoved a load of water bottles into the bag. I could hear banging at the door so I quickly ran to Bethany's room.

"Betsy we gotta go now." I shouted grabbing her hand and pulling her to the garage with her bag trailing behind her.

"But mama's not here yet. We need to wait for her to get back." I stopped and kneeled down.

"We'll come back for her when its safe but right now we need to go now it's not safe." I stood up and when we reached the garage i threw the bags into the back of the truck and climbed into the drivers seat. I started the car and open the garage door by using the remote. Outside the streets were havoc. People were being killed left, right and center. I reached the school and stopped right outside the front door.

"Emily you here yet?" I asked through the walkie talkie. We sat there for ten minutes before she replied.

"Yeah I'm here. I can see your truck." I opened the door and got out telling Bethany to wait.

"You got the keys?" She asked. I pulled them out of my bag and waved them in front of her. She grabbed them out of my hand laughing. We could hear the dead coming so we quickly unloaded my truck and Emily's truck into the school. There was an art cupboard on the second floor that was huge with no windows. Avoiding the windows we barricaded the doors with tables and chairs and moved all of the food from the canteen and the home economics department into the art staff base.

"Clara, whats wrong with the people outside." Bethany asked looking out the window at the dead.

"Beth you need to stay away from the windows, those things out there are not people. They are sick. They will hurt you if you go out there alone." I warned her pulling her away from the window. She nodded and went and sat down in the sleeping area. I turned to Emily and gestured to walk a little.

"I'm not sure if my mom is going to make it. I mean she went to work and was meant to be back an hour before we came here. What am i going to tell Bethany. She was sad when our dad left and she's only seven years old. What do I do?" I whispered making sure that Bethany didn't hear us.

"Don't tell her the truth then. Tell her that your mum is going o be away for a little while. But not to worry." I nodded and we walked around the school making sure any points that the dead could get through were boarded up or defended in some way. We then started to count up what weapons we had. In the end we had three bows, 120 odd arrows, Several knifes, an air rifle with some slugs. We raided the P.E supplies and managed to get all the javelins and shot-put balls to the balconies making sure that there was some on each of the balconies.

"Now that we are protected we need to make sure it stays that way. So that we can survive. I'm sure we will." I said trying to sound enthusiastic Emily just hmm'd and bit her fingernails. I slapped her hand away she just punched my arm. We reached the art cupboard and set up camp. This entailed a couple of blankets on the floor acting as a mattress, a couple of pillows and a few duvets to keep us warm.

"We need to set up a watch during the night. We are more vulnerable at night. I'll take first watch until 12 then you can take over from there ok?" I said as Emily lay down. She nodded sleepily so I grabbed the air rifle and sat by the door. I started to hum a lullaby my mother used to sing me. I sat listening out for any noises but it was silent, I looked at my watch a few times and when it reached twelve I could barely keep my eyelids open.

"Emily, Emi, its your turn to take watch." She sat up groggily and rubbed her eyelids.

"Huh?" I lay down and closed my eyes as she sat by the door holding the rifle. I fell asleep within a few seconds wondering what the hell we were going to do because the world has gone to Hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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