that guy

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"Jess who are you looking at?" Rebecca asked.

I didn't want to tell her who I was looking at.Secretly I was looking at that guy with nice hair.I loved his outfit you know when i was younger i had always thought my husband would look like that.He was wearing a plain white v-neck with a hoodie and shades.I didn't even know his name but he sure was cute.

The time had passed;almost been two hours and me and rebecca got hungry as our bags got heavier.

We went to the food court and to my suprise the food court wasnt that busy.I went too and empty table and was just playing a game on my phone.Then I noticed that two tables next to me that guy that i was loking at was right there.My heart started to  race faster and faster then my phone went off with my favorite song by aerosmith.It was rebecca asking me if I want coke or pepsi.That girl sometimes is so funnny asking all them questions.

'So i see you like aerosmith' I heard someone said from the side of me,i look up and see that guy.

' them'I said quietly.

'They are name is Dylan by the way' he said 

'Oh I'm jessica'i said under my breath my heart started to beat faster and faster.We just started to have a conversation and a while I was wondering where the heck was Rebecca.Then i see her eating with some guy and then she winked at me and i know she was thinking about.To not disturb me while i was talking to Dylan.

'So what do you say'Dylan said.

'Huh?I said.

He chuckled and said 'Do you want to hangout sometime' i could tell he was nervous.

'Sure but when because school and you know starts in a 3 weeks and i have lots of things to do.'I said 

'oh what school do you go to' he asked with a smile i couldnt get out of my head i would just daze off thinking of how cute his smile was!

'Harrison High its my Senior year' I told him curious of what grde he was in and the school because i dont want to date a freshman ..wait did i just say date who knows if he wants to date he just said hangout.Now im starting to freak out if he doesnt like me what if he just wanted to be friends....oh no!

'Really?? I am going to Harrison high and im a senior too Im new here i just moved so thats cool.So how about tomorrow?Pick you up at 6?' Dylan asked me as he ran his fingers threw his beautiful hair.

'Uhhh ya i guess i will see you then'I told him so scared of how he feels.

'I need your nubmer first give me your phone' Dylan told me with the cutest smirk ever.As i handed him my phone and he gave me back my phone.

'I know your nervous i am too and i just moved here but for you i will put my fears aside' Dylan  whisered to me and before leaving he reached for a hug and i gave him a kiss on his cheek and i could see his cheeks get a pinkish color.

'good bye dylan' I said under my breath not wanting him to leave.

'good bye gorgegous'He said back to me and winked and he turned around and left.I saw him turn around and walk to that guy Rebecca was talking to and dylan and that other guy walked away.I guess dylan must have known him.

I could not wait till tomorrow night i havent thought about dating anyone since.......Jack.Everytime i think about him i get chills and get scared.Lets just hope Jack doesnt come back and find out that i have moved on and do something he will regret.

That Guy (dylan obrien fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now