Chapter 1

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Today was moving day and by the roar of my parent' engine outide I could tell they were as excited as I was. I was packing the last few things in my room, my favourite teddy bear Sammy and my broken Ipod I refused to throw away. Everything was in boxes and sent away. Sad, yes I was but relieved, finally we were leaving that cramped apartment on the outskirts of town. Daddy got a new job with more money, it helped to support our new house which was twice the size of this one. I had my own bathroom, the yard was huge and the neighbour hood seemed friendly, I smiled at the thought of it.

This time I heard the car horn, they were getting impatient now, I rushed outside holding Sammy in my hand and the Ipod in the other. I stepped in the car with my mother in the front seat and my father in the driver's seat.

"Why didn't you pack your teddy bear in the boxes?" mom asked

"And throw away that broken Ipod?" dad asked

"Cuz Sammy wanted to sit with me and it's not broken," I replied to them both winding down the window.

Dad drove off, feeling the breeze against my skin felt amazing, looking out the car window the view was amazing all the breeze and the smell of the nature and pinecones, dad turned up the radio it was playing my favourite song. That's what I loved about my parents, we shared likes and interests.

The drive took about 30 minutes I had Sammy stuck tightly under my chest covered with beads from my favourite chain. My glasses were a little foggy so I took them off and cleaned them looking into them again to make sure. We were here, it was kinda old but really big! I loved that, exploring here I come. My mother turned around to me her bouncy blond curls moing a she swerved.

"We're here!" she protested as if I couldn't see for myself.

We all got out the car, the moving van was here already, daddy spoke with them and immeditely they started moving boxes into the house.

I walked to my parents' side, who, like me was taking in the full view of our new home,smiling, enjoying the breeze.

That was boring me, so I decided to check out the room that was supposed to be mine, I walked inside, the house was partly rennovated so some parts were pretty old and creaky. I walked on the stairs which creaked under my weight, remembering from what my parents' said. I was slightly lost at first but I finally found it.

It was huge! Three times the size of my old room. I smiled imagining all the things I would do in this room. Put up posters, pictures extra space. I noticed something too, I had my own bathroom, in my room. I texted my best friend Miranda the details and she texted she can't wait to see it.

I turned to leave, but that's when I saw it, a little yellow notepad in the corner of the room. It was odd I thought when the family that lived here left they ook everything, I guess I thought wrong. I walked over to it slowly, assuming that it was an illusion as I got closer. I looked  at it, it appeared to be a diary of some sort that was really old.

I bent down and picked it up, blowing away all of the dust that covered it. There wasn't a cover or a title just writing on the inide that seemed hard to understand. I heard a knock on the door behind me and jumped. I turned around to see one of the movers looking at me.

"We can put the boxes in her now right?" his voice was very deep and scratchy.

I nodded with a flushed face and walked out the room holding the book in my hand.

My mother saw me coming downstairs, she was carrying a box labelled "kitchen" the dust dirtied her glasses. She noticed how red my face got, it had a tendency to do that often.

She cleaned her glasses after she placed the box on one of the counter tops.

"Dear you're flushed, are you okay?" she asked

"Yeah just one of the men moving surprised me," I replied

She noticed the notebook in my hand, her facial expression changed

"Where'd you get that?" she asked

"Get what?" I didn't realize I was still holding it.

"That notebook, in your hand, I've never noticed it before,"

"Oh, I found it in my room, just laying in the corner. I think it's a diary or something," I replied

"Well you're not gonna read it are you," she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Well mom, you know if the person left it here it wasn't all that important," I said looking away.

"What wasn't all that important?" dad asked as he walked in, he carried a box labelled "toiletries" and dropped it on the floor.

"KC found this notebook in her room and plans on reading it," she said

"Well, they did leave it here Sharon," he replied, she looked at him, then her expression changed.

"Fine, but if you find out something you don't want to know, I warned you," she reminded

  I smiled and ran upstairs to read tthe book, I don't know why but something about it had me anxious. I opened it, then with a disappointed face realized that I couldn't understand a word of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2011 ⏰

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