when he notices naruto's sad fealings.

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I was walking home from training.sakura ran into me and knocked me doun."damn it! Move I'm in a hurry-" she looked at me."sasuke!! I nead your help!!! Naruto is..he woint come out of his room!!!I Hurd a kunie-knife!!" She had tears running doun her face."please sasuke!!! He won't listfen to me!!!" She shook me by my sholders."fine! I'll go talk to him!" I ran to naruto's doarm room.

I knocked on the door,and Hurd nothing.I banged on the door."naruto!!stop!!" "Its to late!!!go away!!!!" I Hurd the knife.my eyes widened and I blacked out...

Next thing I know,I pined naruto against the wall.he had fear and sadness in his eyes.I know this look all to well.its how I looked for a while. We stared at each other for a moment. Then,I hug naruto..not a rough huge,a loving,and ushering huge."please naruto...don't." He started to cry and we fell to our knees.my hart sank as I huged him...because I know how it feels...I know how it feels to be alone! I felt water on my face.I soon came to realize I was crying! I had to make a disitio n and fast! Do I leave naruto,or he moves I. With me?!


"Naruto..." His ocean blue eyes looked up at my dull black ones. "Naruto..its not safe here for you..you nead to stay with me..okay" "hell n-" I knocked him out."sorry,but you have no choice,naruto." So,I headed to my place with naruto,and his stuff I could find he needed.I have a spare room for him to stay in.'don't worry naruto..because you don't have to...now sleep well..'

Sort it's short,I hope you liked it though,please rate,comment,and fallow,if possible..not pushing,offering.by! Have a good day!..or night!

Next time! Naruto! What's wrong?!

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Next time! Naruto! What's wrong?!

Naruto's sick,and sasuke heads to help him,or he'll die!!(lady stunada is ton at the moment.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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