The Rest of The First Month

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After the 2nd week of dating, John asked Nicole to date him ooc. They had an rp relationship. If you don't know what rp is it means role play. Rp is a fake online relationship. You choose a real life celebrity, in this case John Cena and Nikki Bella, and you Role Play as them. So John started having more feelings for Nicole and started to fall in love with her and asked her to date him ooc. Ooc basically just means real life but people in rp call it ooc. So John asked out Nicole and she said Yes. Now there is going to be some character names changed in this story. John's name is still going to be the same because John is his ooc name, Nicole's is going to change to Gigi because it's her real life name. It's not really her real life name, it's just what she goes by, her real name is Georgia, like the state, I think it's a cool name but she doesn't. By the way if you haven't figured it out by now the guy writing this story is the character John in the story. But anyways back to the story. John's name is not really John, it's David. John's just what he goes by. They exchanged ooc's which is basically real life picture of themselves.  John is a Mexican that has black hair and apparently has elf ears according to Gigi.  and apparently he's cute, at least that's what Gigi thinks, but I'm not. Gigi is black and mixed with Muslim and is a beautiful, cute, sexy girl with messy hair. This story is now gonna turn into like a sex story but it's gonna be a mixture of both, don't worry I won't go into the details of what we do haha. A little after John and Gigi started dating ooc, they started to have sex ooc. I think the sex is great but she said I need to be "aggressive". Ok moving on from sex.

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