Part 1/1

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Lasers, Types, and Hot Men? Oh My! [Bucky Barnes x Male!Reader]

*A/N: This was a request from Sara at SondosKhojah: "Where Buck and the reader are dating and the Avengers don't know about them and then while kissing one of the Avengers catch them and then Buck and the reader have to come out to them." Hope you enjoy, Sara.

WARNING: Some swearing.

Lasers shot from every direction at a rapid pace. Bucky Barnes, (y/n) (l/n), and Wanda Maximoff all took cover around the corners and ledges in the room. Being spread out over the training course and not being able to move was, according to their mentors, an utter fail.

Bucky had lost his weapon a long time ago, having it shot out of his hand. (y/n) still had his, but he was running low on ammunition and couldn't get a clear shot. Wanda was "wounded," a specific section of her training suit blowing up like a balloon and making her movements slow and stiff. She was taking out some of the lasers, but they were just shooting at her more rapidly; she had to retreat back.

"I'm going after, Wanda," (y/n) said in his earpiece. "She's taking heavy fire."

"No, stay put," Barnes responded back.

"Cover me," (y/n) shouted, threw his gun to Bucky and ran towards Wanda. As she peaked her head around the corner, (y/n) tackled her to the ground before a laser could hit her helmet.

"Thanks," she said, but rolled them as they took more fire and pulled them into a different nook.

"Thanks," He breathed. "Barnes, where's our backup?"

Soon enough, Bucky came in and cleared the room of those stupid lasers and the simulation ended... or so they thought.

As (y/n) and Wanda were stepping out, another laser activated and aimed at (y/n). Bucky reacted and drove for the man, knocking him to the ground, while Wanda tore apart the laser. The laser had already fired and, too late, Bucky was shot in the chest meaning game over.

The three groaned in unison as their mentors, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov, along with the rest of the recruits walked into the room. Helmets were removed, hair sweaty and sticking to the backs of their necks.

"Who can explain to me what went wrong?" Steve asked.

"They went in too early."

"Not quite."

"They unwisely separated."

"No. (l/n)?"


"I didn't clear the room." Bucky interrupted.

"Exactly," Natasha stated. "Rule one: clear the room. Always clear the room."

"Alright, you three clean up and meet in the debriefing room. We'll go over the video there."

They all nodded and went their separate ways. (y/n) followed Bucky to the men's locker room. He could tell Bucky was tense and irritated. If this had been a real life situation, Wanda would've died from blood loss and Bucky would be dead too. Leaving (y/n) by himself and, possibly ending up, captured by the enemy. It was just not a good day.

(y/n) and Bucky had their backs to each other as they changed. Peeling off the tight training suit, both hot and sweaty. (y/n) heard Bucky's almost inaudible sigh in the echo of the locker room.

"Hey," (y/n) called over to him. "Thanks for saving me back there."

Bucky said nothing as he grabbed a towel and got ready to take a shower. (y/n) followed and got into the space two stalls down, knowing Bucky wanted some time to process.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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Lasers, Types, & Hot Men? Oh My![Bucky Barnes x male!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now