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It's been five years since I last saw Charlotte. 

  I glance over to my right and pick up a photo of us, seeing her smile makes my heart throb like crazy. I've liked her since we were little kids, laughing and having a good time. Until she moved away. I can remember how she used to hide behind her mother's leg because she was shy around strangers. Our mothers set up a play date for us and we went to each others houses everyday. 

"Come on Charl! This way quickly!" I grab onto her hand and drag her across the road and into the damp forest, The ground was moist and fog rolled in slowly. Huffing and looking back at her with a smile.

"Where are we going?" She lets out a chuckle of excitement.

"You'll see, Almost there!" I holler.

We stop in front of a river and big grins appear across our faces. We picked up pebbles and threw them into the river, listening to the crackle of the water splashing and the water ripples. I jumped across a stone path and laugh. 

"Wait for me, Mic!" She huffs and hurries along the stones. 

I hear a shriek and turn around, looking at her in the water, soaked. "Charl!" I run over to her and pick her up. "I'm sorry.." I look down at her clothes, seeing her clench her hands into fists. She looks up at me and smiles. "It's okay, I'm not mad." She laughs. Hearing her adorable laugh feels like butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. I grin and take a hold of her hand. When  we returned, Charl's mother wasn't happy at the surprise. 

"Charlotte! Look at you! You're all dirty and mucky!" She frowns and grabs onto her. "You're taking a bath this instant!"

"But Mother-"

"No Buts, Missy."

I watch as they leave, looking at Charl as she turns around and smiles. I wave and run into my house, going to my room and lays down on my bed, hoping another adventure awaits us tomorrow.

I wake up around 7 AM, running downstairs and quickly eat breakfast. I look at the calendar and smile, going to my room and grabs my wallet. I run out the door and down into the town-square and  walk into a jewelry store. I look around and pick out a pendant, I slide in a photo of us and wraps it in a little box, walking up to her porch and knocks on the door, fixing my hair and bites my bottom lip gently. The door swings open and reveals Charlotte standing there. I smile and hand her the box. "Happy 16th Birthday, Charl!"

She squeals and opens the present up, gasping at the pendant and opens up to the photo and smiles. "I love it, you're the best Mic." She hugs me tightly, my heart pounding. "Oh and I got bad news.." Her smile fades. 

"What?" I look at her. 

"I'm moving."

My heart stopped. "Moving? Where? Today? Will I see you again?" Fear fills up my mind, I didn't know this day would come.

"I'm moving to the United Kingdom, After my party." She sighs. "I'm glad to see you for the last time." She smiles slightly. 

I fake on a smile. "It won't be the same without you." I put on the pedant around her necklace. "Keep this for memory." I grin. 

"Always." She drags me into her house.

After the party was over I said goodbye and gave her my last hug, it lasted up to 5 minutes.

When I walked out into the pavement and turned to face her, she was crying. My heart sank, I felt like crying myself. 

That was all I remembered from that time and I never forgotten. I wonder how she's doing? I never got her number because I forgot to ask, Nor did I see anything about her anywhere.

My phone buzzes and I walk over to it, picking it up and read the message I received.

[Did you hear? There's a new student coming in today.]

"New student?"

[Oh lovely. More people to avoid.] I roll my eyes and look at the time. I put on my favorite shirt with the letters "E.T.F" Stands for my favorite band, Escape The Fate. I comb my silky dark hair and put on my black eyeliner. I walk downstairs and skip breakfast, grabbing my bag and walks out the door. I walk down the street and my friend meets up with me. 

"Ready for another day of hell?"

"No." I roll my eyes.

We walk into the school building and go to my locker, opening it and stuff my bag in.

"So where's the new student?"

"Over there." 

I look over to where he was pointing and my eyes widen.

It was Charlotte.

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