For the Love of a Family

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     Queen Hera of Olympus watches as once again her husband leaves. Hera wishes that her husband would care for her like he once did. But Hera's hurt and anger has turned Zeus against her and she shall have to bear the consequences. Hera ,unlike most believed, wasn't as cold and hateful and jealous as not only the myths ,but her family showed her as. No. She cared..... Probably too much and she has been hurt because of it. Too many times she's watched as her husband left and sired children. Pain stabs at her heart not even an hour later signifying that her husband has once again slept with a mortal or goddess. She keeps her face stoic as she works sitting on her throne. She tries to forget that her husband has once again cheated on her. But at the end of the day the empty bed that has been empty for several years taunts her. The emptiness was a constant reminder that she wasn't good enough. She ignores the taunting of her mirror's reflection. The begging of her skin to touch metal once again. She couldn't afford to be caught again. She brushes her hair and changes. She then lays down on the bed and finally she lets the pain affect her. She lets the tears come out because in the end she just wants her pain to end. She wants the emptiness to stop taunting her. She wanted everyone to look at her again a as if she was family. But their hate might be unfounded ,but she wouldn't say anything in her own defense. Sleep over takes her.

     Hera was dreaming. She realized. She was reliving the truth of what happened. Hera was on auto pilot. She watches as her past self talk excitedly to Leto about the twin's birth. She was truly excited to have someone else im the family. Hera pauses in their walk to smell some white roses that she planted a few months ago.
     "So, Hera, how is your relationship with Zeus?" Leto asks casually. Hera pauses as she feels the pang again. Signifying that her domains were still healing.
     "As well as could be expected." Hera says tensely. "How long did Athena say the childbirth would last?" Hera asks trying to move the conversation away from her strained relationship with Zeus. But she holds in her wince at the mention of another child of Zeus.
      "3 more months." Leto grins widely. A dangerous edge to it. "But I'm curious. Are you not worried he'll take a mistress? A more...... Permanent one?" Hera pauses unable to hold back the pain in her face.
     "I have no doubt you'll be a lovely mistress ,Leto. If it makes you happy then so be it." Leto just grins darkly.
      "Oh I'm not after being a mistress." Hera was confused and looks up from her roses.
      "Then I don't think I understand."
     "I think it's time Zeus and the Olympiana got a new queen and wife don't you think? Your old age must make you tiring. I mean every time I'm with Zeus," Hera winces at the implied meaning. She wishes she could deny it ,but she knew she couldn't. The likeliness that Zeus did indeed go back for Leto's company was higher than him having another child with Hera. This made her want to cry ,but she doesn't instead. Her face was calm. Serious. Hera raises an eyebrow at Leto. "He always seems to avoid confrontation with you. Most good wives would inquire about their husband's whereabout. And when they find out the truth won't go into a jealous rage and try to harm the husband's children." Hera's eyes narrow dangerously.
     "I would never hurt my husband's children." Hera hisses stepping forward in a threatening manner.
      "But they don't know that." Leto days cruelly. "I'm going to destroy you ,Hera. I'm going to make your own family hate you." Then Hera lifts up her hand to strike Leto ,Leto bursts into tears. In her confusion she pauses. But Hera is yanked back. Hera comes face to face with Hephaestus and Ares who were glaring at her. Hera's eyes widen as she realizes what Leto did. Hera turns towards Leto who was sobbing into Zeus's arms playing the innocent perfectly. Another jab to the heart seeing Zeus glare at her. The rest of her family just gives her looks in their disappointment.
     "You can't actually believe her?" Everyone turns away as Hera tries to meet her eyes. And for the first time Hera realizes just how alone she truly is. Hera's 'Queen' face appears. She straightens herself. "Very well." Hera turns away. Hera ignores the hateful glares from everyone. And for once in her life Hera realized she would've given up her life ,her crown ,her domains ,Zeus. Everything. If only it meant her family realized how much she hurt. How much she wanted her family to look at her in adoration and love as they used to. But Hera can't show this. She couldn't risk it. Hera keeps going.
      The nightmare/memory morphs. Hera was now staring at her second born ,Hephaestus. Hera smiles and hugs her child close. She felt warm. And for the first time in a long time she felt herself flourish. Maybe this child won't hate her like the rest of her family. Hera hums to her son. Hera knew. She knew Hephaestus's curse was her fault.and she knew to break the curse she had to have someone love him whole heartedly. She planned to marry him to Aphrodite. She knew Hephaestus would be a great man one day. And who better to love her son than the love goddess. Aphrodite might hate her for awhile ,but when she realized that her son did truly care they would be happy. Hera sets a now asleep Hephaestus into his cloud crib. Hera kisses his forehead. She stands and sets out to clean the room. The Nymphs don't care for Hera so she had to do most things herself. She didn't mind though. Hera was still humming and folding clothes when she pauses her humming when she realizes that Hephaestus wasn't making any noise. Hera frowns and puts down the folded blanket and walk towards the crib. Terror grips her as she realizes he was gone. A familiar laughter filled the room. Hera spins around and almost burst into tears seeing her tormentor. Order coos at the baby.
       "Lady Order." Hera says tensely. As she steps forward. Order steps closer to the edge. She's been trying to get Zeus to fix that stupid wall ,but no! It could do harm as long as your watching him. "Can you please hand me my son back?" Order  snorts.
     "Of course not ,Hera." Order says. "You know the deal."
     "No! You promised me that the worst that would happen to him would be his curse!" Hera exclaims panicking. Order just smirks.
     "I lied. This was just a bonus. Him being ugly will make him grow into a darkness much like yours. And when people ask how he fell your going to take the blame. Because hey. Who would believe the jealous Queen of Olympus that she has a powerful being cursing her happiness at every chance?" Order laughs cruelly before tossing Hephaestus disappears over the edge as Hera dives forward. She lets out a sob as all she sees is Hephaestus glaring at her with such hurt in his eyes. Hera sobs her pain tearing at her.

     Hera gasps awake. Hera takes a deep breath before setting off on her to get ready. Hera wipes her face if any puffiness and evidence of any of her pain or hurt. Hera then gets rid of the water and dresses. Another stab to the heart much more painful than before. And all of Hera's mask finally comes undone. It shatters. Hera wasn't used to the pain of Zeus cheating on her yet. But it wouldn't hurt this bad unless more men were cheating. Hera sobs as the door opens. Zeus walks in a flirting smile on his face as he talks to a nymph. Hera lost it. She could take it from afar. But in front of her face? Maybe. But her pain was already at a high and she exploded.
      "Get out!" Hera shrieks at the nymph who fearfully scampers off. Zeus glares at Hera. "I'm done. I'm more than done. I am sick and tired of waiting for you to come home and only find that your cheating on me. Again. And again. And again." Zeus snorts angrily.
     "Yeah? I'm so sorry that your so incompetent and selfish and clingy and jealous to be good enough for me." Hera freezes ,but he wasn't done. He goes on to rant. And for the first time she realizes he doesn't care. She lifts up a vase and throws it aiming for right above his head.
      "Get your stuff and get out." Hera hisses angrily. Zeus stares at Hera wide-eyes. "GET OUT!" Zeus scoffs and grabs some of his things throwing her a sneer. He walks out and finally Hera losing it. Her carefully put composure shatters like glass. She cries. She screams ,but no one can hear her. She's drowning. Begging for breath ,but finding none. When she's done she stands and gets rid of all of evidence before going back into her part.

     Hera stares at baby Thalia. A small smile on her face. She was happy that Zeus found someone to have children with. Hera couldn't do it anymore of she was honest with herself. She felt so little. So worthless. Not worth it every time she stripped down. She couldn't let anyone look at her anymore. Not in that way. It made her feel so insecure and a queen isn't like that.
     "Grow up Thalia." Hera whispers. "One day you're going to find a loving husband. You both are going to have so many children. You'll be happy. You won't hear the curse of my blood. You won't feel the abandonment and pain that your mother an I both feel." Hera picks up Thalia who was looking at her curiously. "One day, you'll grow up to be so beautiful and caring. You'll have the happily ever after. Maybe one day we'll both be happy. One day, I won't have to look at the hate filled stares everyday. Maybe one day I won't have the urge to take the knife to my heart. Or my wrist. Maybe. But you little Star. You won't ever feel that. You'll feel loved and cared for. This I swear on the River of Styx." Hera lays Thalia back down. She kisses Thalia's forehead. A glowing kiss was left behind. "You have my blessing Thalia Grace." Hera then disappears.

      Queen Hera ignores the hated glances. She ignores the digust. Because like everyone someone has to be blame. She couldn't bear it if her family blamed each other. But Hera gets through the day and cries to the empty room. Knowing no one can hear her cries. No one can hear her drowning. No one can hear her suffocating. No one could hear her burns. Not one soul. But that was okay. Because in the end it's all for a love of a family.

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