Laxus x Reader

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"Hey, (Y/N)! Where you off to?" Sting called, seeing you make your way to the inn's exit.

"Out! For a walk, which will probably end up in a drink! Why, you got a problem with that?" you call back, grumbling at being interrupted from your thoughts.

"N-No reason!" Sting stammered, not wanting to piss you off. You were one of Sabertooth's most powerful members, but as you didn't see the point in the Grand Magic Games you usually took jobs to avoid being around for them but this year all the good jobs that would take you away for long enough were gone, making you actually go and follow your team to Crocus for once to watch the games up close. You walked around the city aimlessly, quietly eavesdropping every conversation you passed by out of boredom, you heard one couple whining about that one friend that couldn't stand them getting all lovey-dovey around them, another pair of friends that were gushing over a pet dog, the owner of which was starting to grow impatient, and many other random and mundane conversations between people that you could hear every day. You were so out of sync with where you were going that you ended up bumping into someone.

"Huh?" the man you just ran into grunted as you stumbled back lightly, not falling over but not staying still either.

"Watch it you oaf." You growl as you look up, only to realise you bumped into Fairy Tail's Laxus Dreyar.

"You're the one that bumped into me little lady." Laxus huffed in reply, not impressed with your growl.

"Tch, whatever." You grumble, looking over to see he was just about to turn into a bar when you bumped into him. "Ugh, I need a drink." You grumble, pushing past him and into the bar, making your way over to the bartender, who didn't seem all that busy, the bar being unusually quiet given that the Grand Magic Games were in full swing. The bartender soon got around to you and you ordered your drink, but as you were about to pay you saw a hand put some jewels on the table.

"A whiskey, large." Laxus said, pushing the money over to the bartender. "So what's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?" You ask, tipping your glass of (f/d) up in thanks before taking a sip of it.

"Just wondering whose (f/d) I just bought." Laxus replied, nodding in thanks at the bartender once he got his drink, taking a large swig of it.

"(Y/N)." You said after a moment's thought. "I already know who you are though, kind of hard not to when every bar in bloody town is broadcasting the Grand Magic Games like it was a religious preaching or whatever." You grumble.

"Not a fan then are you?" Laxus asked, curious to know why you weren't enjoying them like everyone else.

"It's stupid. It's just giving the guilds excuses to fight and compete, and makes utter assholes like my guildmaster as accepted and commonplace as he is. As far as I'm concerned there's no point in stupid contests to see who's the strongest, it helps no-one and only drives people apart." You grumble. "But, each to their own I suppose.......These are never as good as the ones in the HalfCocor Hotel are they...."

"Smiling Sun? You've been to Magnolia?" Laxus asked, easily recognising the name of his usual place to drink, other than the guild hall of course.

"Yeah, I have. Sometimes have to pass through when I'm on a job." You reply, turning so you're facing him a bit more.

"What kinds of jobs do you usually take?" Laxus asked, leaning his jaw on his fist.

"Oh you know, the usual beating up monsters or taking out a dark guild. I sometimes end up doing infiltration jobs too though, though they're more Rufus' speciality than mine." You reply, finishing off your drink.

Laxus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now