Chapter 1.

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Louis POV:

"So dad, what'd you wanna talk about?"

"Well bud, we wanted to talk to you about living arrangements. and .." my dad went silent.

"and what? Mom? what's dad not telling me?" I asked afraid of what their nexts words might be.

"Honey, we're .. we're moving. To LA." my mom stuttered.

"we're what? MOVING?! you're kidding me right? mom, dad, how could you do this to me? I love it here and you're ripping it all away from me. now?"

"sweetie we don't want you to be upset, but we know you'll be happy. you're great at making friends and we know you'll fit right in."

"fuck that. i dont want to move. this is pathetic." i basically yelled at them then stormed out of the room.

"We wont have that type of language in this home louis! come back here."

"home? we're moving anyway! so, it doesnt matter anymore." were my last words before I left my soon-to-be old house, slamming shut the door behind me and getting in my black Range Rover. i drove off, panicked and infuriated not realizing how fast i was going. i slammed the breaks as i came to my first stop light at the end of my street. i got yanked by my seat belt and hit my head off the front wheel. i began to cry hard.

"fuck everything!" i yelled. i drove for a few hours, around the pier downtown, and just through different streets. i didn't care what or who was in my path. i ignored the dozen phone calls and text messages i was receiving. that didn't really matter to me much. i ended up grabbing my phone and turning it off because of how freaking irritating it was to listen to it buzz every 30 fucking seconds. i ended up pulling over at the side of a street. i read the sign and it was Glendale Dr. i was about 20 minutes from home and i questioned not going back. but i did.

i ended up arriving at 11:30pm and when i pulled in i saw the front door light turn on. i knew they were waiting, worried about me. i went inside and wasn't surprised by the attack of hugs i was given when i entered. i began to cry softly. i knew my mom was crying too. my dad stood by the staircase just looking at me with a disappointed look. i knew he was mad, but too tired to say anything.

"i'm -- sorry.." is all i managed to mumble out in my moms ear in a gentle raspy tone.

"its okay baby. its okay." she said, with that voice i loved and grew up with since i was a baby.

i walked up the stairs shortly after and checked my phone on the way into my room. 24 notifications.

Messages Unread:

Mom. [19]

Cara. [3]

Hunter. [2]

i read them all. nothing interesting. didn't respond once. i ended up crying myself to sleep and dealing with the fact that i'm moving and i have to take it in. i can't change it. over my last two weeks i've said goodbye to my friends, and started packing. after everything was gone and at our new house, we got on a plane and headed to our new home.

Two weeks later

finally we have internet. i've been using fucking data all this time. but now im a happy person. i woke up around 10:45am today to the smell of bacon and eggs. it was probably the best thing that's happened in the last month to me. i was wearing a black oversized sweater that said "fuck bitches get money" on it and some cute plaid pajama pants. i grabbed my phone from its charging dock and scrolled through my social media's like every morning. i got out of bed 10 minutes later,

"louis! breakfast is ready." my mom yelled for me to go downstairs.

I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen to see my mom and dad there, sitting at the table and eating.

"make your plate lou." my dad told me.

i got my food then went to sit down, as soon as i was about to sit there was a sudden ring on the door bell.

"who could that be? expecting company?" my mom and dad both looked at me at the same time.

"no.. but i'll see who it is anyway?.." i said getting quiet as i stood up.

i walked to the door and i was surprised by who was sanding right on my front porch as i opened the door. it was a hot guy. a really hot guy, to be really honest. he looked like a "badboy" he had medium curly hair and it was a lightish brown. his eyes were green like a beautiful forest, and his face was flawless. he wore a black tee and ripped skinny jeans at the knees. i couldn't stop staring until he spoke.

"um hello? you alright there lad?" he spoke in his deep accented voice to me.

"hm?! oh yes i'm fine. sorry about that. i -- um.." i started blushing and looking down, i knew he saw what i was doing but i hoped he hadn't anyway.

"you what? were staring at me? oh i know, you had solid eyes on me for 30 seconds straight. but that's okay. you're not bad lookin' yourself there buddy." he winked at me.

i shivered.

"i'm harry. harry styles. i live across the street from you, and wanted to say hello. nice to meet you." he smiled, oh fuck that gorgeous smile and put out his right hand.

we shook hands.

at that moment, i felt his touch, and his warmth, i knew it was him. he was a perfect match. even though i didn't even know him. i felt good touching him, i loved it. the feeling of him being there, choosing to talk.. to me.

i smiled.

"i'm louis."

this is a new chapter of my new book that i literally started writing today. i think you guys are really gonna enjoy it as i am so far.

please dont forget to vote/share/comment/follow me! i will probably be doing daily - weekly updates, although it does depend.

thanks for reading, & enjoy. xo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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