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Bad dream:
"Yo nigga- you strapped?" My baby brother, Killa asked me. I nodded, and took a deep breath. We got into our car, and sped off to the supermarket.

"We need to get momma to the safe place before any of this shit goes down." I sighed, running my hand down my face. Killa nodded, and pulled into the parking lot. We both walked in, and we found our mom.

"Hey babies. We leavin huh?" She asked, sighing. "Momma, you know we can't let anything happen to you." We both said. She smiled, and kissed both of our cheeks. "I love y'all so much. You, and ya daddy. Even if y'all make the dumbest decisions." She laughed.

We smirked, and we walked out. A car drove by, and before we knew it, a shower of bullets hit us. My mom threw herself right I front of me and my brother, and she took most of the bullets. Killa shot at the car, and I grabbed my mom before she hit the floor.

She was completely limp, and she was coughing up blood. Killa dropped to his knees in front of me and her, and held onto her hand. We both had gotten shot, but I didn't even notice it.

I stared at her, shocked. Killa was crying, and I just stood there. Then the feeling hit me. Tears started pouring out of my eyes, and I fell to my knees with her in my arms. Her breathing was shallow, and gurguly. "Momma!" I yelled.

She looked at me, and at Killa, and she pulled him closer. She caressed both of our faces, and I cried harder. "Momma you gone make it! Momma don't leave us please!" I yelled. "Momma answer!" Killa yelled. She spat up blood, and took a deep breath.

"I-I love all of you so much. A mothers love will stay with a child forever." She choked, looking at me and Killa. Her body went completely limp, and she drew her last breath. "Mom? MOMMA ANSWER ME PLEASE!" I yelled again. Killa turned red, and started bawling. I shook her, and she didn't answer. I heard the paramedics pulling up the street, and I laid my head in my hands. Killa grabbed her, and cried on her.

The paramedics lifted her onto a gurney, and put me and my brother into some other ambulance. When we arrived, I texted my dad, and he hightailed it down to the hospital.

"Oh my god." He said, cradling his head. I saw his shoulders shake, and my father never EVER cries, so that's how I knew he wasn't letting this one go. He looked up with bloodshot eyes, and a reddish face. "What did the car look like." He sighed.

"It was white with black on it. There was a star on the back." Killa spoke. I couldn't even talk. I just watched my own mother die. She died in my arms. She died for me and my brother.

"Those fuck niggas." My dad growled, standing up. "It was one of the bcg's people." He sighed. (Made up) This is war. I thought we buried that beef ages ago, but apparently not.

I shot up, and I was covered in a pool of sweat. I rubbed my eyes, and looked around. I sucked my teeth, and checked my phone. Six O' fucking clock. I don't get up until around eleven. I stood up, and grabbed the picture of my mom off my light stand.

"I miss you momma." I sighed. I set it down gently, and I walked into the bathroom. I pissed, and hopped into the shower. I brushed my teeth, and threw on some sweatpants and a muscle tank. I walked down the stairs, and my brother was lying on the couch with the ps4 remote in his hand, and gta 5 was still on.

"Get up you ugly muthafucka." I said, throwing a pillow at him. He sucked his teeth, and turned over. I rolled my eyes, and walked into the kitchen.

I microwaved some old pancakes, and I dove into them when they were done. "Where's Violent?" I heard Killa groan.

"Nigga I don't know." I sighed. "The house is so fucking empty. I feel so angry. It's been three years since momma died, and I still haven't adjusted to this bullshit." He said, slamming his fists on the table.

"Chill. I feel the same way, but be glad that we still here. She took SEVEN bullets for us bruh. Imagine if she hadn't dove. She would be alone. Both of her kids dead." I sighed. He shook his head, and cracked his knuckles.

"Those niggas finna get what they looking for. Imma wring out that niggas neck man." He growled. I nodded, and I pulled him into a man hug. "I know bruh. Violent prolly has a plan." I smirked.

He smirked back, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. My father Violent slammed the door behind him as he walked in. "Those niggas are really trying me I swear." He said, punching the wall. As you can see, that's where my brother got his temper from.

I have my mothers.  Passive aggressive. If I get pushed too far, I black out.
"I will murder that nigga and his daughter and his wife. His wife is pregnant. I swear I will slice her stomach and take that baby, and make him watch." He growled.

"Dad chill." I said, patting his back. He took a deep breath, and stood up straight. "Our time will come." He sighed. "Aye, can you head over to the corner store!" I heard Kila yell.

"Aight! I gotchu!" I yelled back, grabbing my keys. I hopped into the whip, and sped off.

I opened the door to the corner store, and I grabbed an Arizona and two bags of takis. I walked over to the section where they had the gum and candy, when I felt a pair of eyes on me.

I glanced behind me, and the sexiest nigga that I have ever seen burned a hole into my eyes. We locked eyes, and he licked his lips. He winked at me, and continued on with his shopping.

Well, I'm going to need an underwear change when I get home.

I grabbed a couple of kitkats, and placed all of them on the counter. The guy walked behind me, and waited for his turn. I paid, and just as I opened the door, he called me.

"Hey-miss can I talk to you?" He said, biting his lip. "M-me?" I asked. He nodded, and I sighed. "Okay." I smiled.
He smirked, and followed me outside.

"You are really beautiful." He said, kissing my hand. I blushed, but then I saw something. He had a tattoo of an upside down J, and my stomach dropped.
                      HIS GANG HAS BEEF WITH MY DADS!
I instantly began to panic, and I broke a cold sweat. His dad is trying to kill me and my mom off.

I think he saw the tattoo on my shoulder, because his smile dropped. "I-You're Y.G's daughter." He growled. IT WASNT MY DADS GANG THAT KILLED HIS MOTHER!
He slammed me onto the wall, and stared into my eyes. "I-I-I" I stuttered. "I-I-I, is that all you can say?" He said, his eyes darkening. "You- It's all your fault. Your fuckover dad killed my mother." He sighed.

I shook my head, and he scoffed. "If he didn't, who did?" He said, griping my neck. I clawed at his hand, and he chuckled. He let go, and smirked.

"Who did?" He shrugged. I coughed, and regained my posture. "It wasn't the Bcg's. It was the Death rows you little shit!" I yelled, shoving him. "They have a star on their sign. We have a half moon you animal!" I yelled.

"Your Dad shot my five year old brother that same year that your mother died. My dad didn't retaliate. Why do you think that my dad is trying so hard to avoid you people at all costs?" I sighed, a tear dripping down my cheek.

I saw the color drain from his face, and his eyes went back to the hazel brown color. "Why do you think that my dad has been trying to fucking end the wack ass beef that we've always had?! Now your dad is out to kill my mom and her unborn child. He already shot out my windows. He did a drive by on me and my friends." I sighed, flashing him the scar above my hip.

He ran his hand down his face, and sighed. "Shit." He groaned.

I smirked, and I started to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. "Aye look- I'm sorry about that. I have a bad temper. Can I get your number so that you can explain this to my dad?" He said, his eyes pleading with mine.

I sighed, and passed him my phone. "Can I take you out for lunch too? I wanna know more." He pouted. "I'll think about it." I scoffed. He looked me in they eyes, and he started to back me up into a corner.

"Who you copping attitude with?" He said, coming face to face with me. I felt my underwear get even more soaked, and I blushed. "U-uh.." I stuttered. He chuckled, and brushed his lips on mine.

He backed up, and waved. "I'll see you tomorrow at 9. Your going straight to my house, and then we go out." He said, winking.

                        Asshole. Leaving me
Sexually frustrated. Dickwad.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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