Soundless Voice

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The selfish me who has only thought about myself
The me who didn't know your feelings and ignored it

In a park in the middle of the night, where the silence is only interrupted by the sound of the nocturne animals and the soft breathings of those sleeping...

In a lonely park, where the cold dew of midnight waters the flowers; sitting on the grass, with a lost look on the fallen leaves that are carried by the wind, there's Chen.

His face has never being so serious while in silence he remembers that time when he was in this same park, when what the wind blew was not a leaf from a tree but a sheet of paper filled with words, words about him.

When he is transported to that nostalgic scene, he swallows, trying to hold back those tears that are threatening to come down his face. He is not successful though, because his brain is determined to revive the moment completely, and when that face comes back to his mind, he can't hold it anymore.

The tears come down, and Chen cries, screams, hits. He throws away that ball he was using to play basketball earlier and he doesn't cares where it goes. He doesn't care about anyone hearing him, or if someone wakes up... He crashes his hands against the fence and lets himself to fall down.

He allows himself to suffer.

Because, ever since she left, he had tried to hide his pain and now everything just exploded... now that he has lost it all.

The takes out that torn piece of paper that he always carries in his wallet and read the words he had already memorized after reading them so many nights.

It started with a paper, and that's how it ended...

She was his fan, and she was that day in that park writing a story about him, her idol. She didn't expected to get close to him, much less to let him read it. She wasn't even aware of the fact that the boy she loved that much was so close... but either because it was written in the stars, because destiny wanted them together, or just due to a happy –in that moment- coincidence, the wind had snatched from her hands that story she was writing so enthusiastically and carried it through the sky to get in the hands of its protagonist.

And he was delighted by every word written in it. By the feelings hidden behind the words, and even more about the way the writer understood the main character- how she understood him- to the point he desperately searched for the author.

Now the good bye words in front of him are doing nothing but to reap away that smile that once showed up because of her.

He wishes to destroy that piece of paper the way this has broken his heart, but that's the only memory he has from her, so with a big effort he holds himself and just put it away, back to his wallet.

It was his fault after all, ever since they met she tried to run away from him...

Chen had taken the paper and when he saw that girl, with the pen in her hands and headphones on, her look wandering on the sky searching for that lost paper, he was surprised; and for some reason, he hid himself to watch her instead of returning the story back to her.

After a while, she got tired of searching and just went back to her spot and started on a blank new page.

When he saw the passion on her eyes and the speed in which the pen moved in the sheet, he was more than amused, he was spelled.

He decided then, that he should show up. It was kind of weird for him to be stalking his own fan, and to be honest, he was anxious of seeing her face when he stood up in front of her... No, he was just anxious because he wanted to see her face up close.
So he walked with a steady rhythm and paused just a few meters away from her. When she caught some black boots in her vision range, she lifted her head to look up to whom was interrupting her moment of inspiration.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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