First day of hell

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"well class, this is a new student. Welcome her to our school" i stand in front of the class. The room was completely silent and so was my biology teacher. I got different looks from everyone. Glares, desire, and oddly, lust. The guys looked at me like food and the girls glared at me.

"hi" i smile sheepishly "im areille" i got a class full of whistles. I dont see what the big deal was. I had dark brown hair that fell to my waist, light brown skin, green eyes, and had an hour glass body with luckily double D's, my skin was flawless and my face looks like it was made by god. Since this was my first day in oakland high, i wore a burgandy aeropastale jacket, white skiny jeans, and some timberlands. I get my style from my bro (who is also attending this school) since i 'inhereted' it from him. I heard a guy from somewhere say

"i'd love a piece of that ass!" this is why i hate moving. The only reason we moved from california was because my dad divorced my mom. i look at the teacher and he's glaring at the boy who said it

"calm down!" he catches my stare and gives me a small smile, my teacher was hot!. He seemed to be in his early 20's with short curly black hair, blue eyes, tanned, and....muscular. Pure sexy-ness. "you can sit..." he trails off and scans the room "next to darius" he points to the second row thats filled with guys.

"well, thats one way to welcome a girl to this school" i mumble on my way to the seat

"if they cause any trouble, please tell me" i nod and sit down, my white with purple polkadotted bookbag still on. What? Its not stuffed or anything, just one folder. "alright, we'll be doing a project with dry ice today. Areille, i'll show you the basics on what to do once i get the class settled" some girls 'ood' i shrug

"k" was my answer. Girls stared dreamily at him, whats the big deal? Yea he's sexy but not something to get worked up about. I feel a tap on my shoulder and i turn to see a boy with platinum blonde hair, green eyes and fair skin. I raise an eyebrow at him

"do you have a pen or pencil?" i roll my eyes

"yes i do. Should i ask why? Your not gonna go shoving it up your ass right?" i looked closely, he seemed to be wearing eyeliner. "hold up, are you wearing eyeliner? In that case no" i heard some snikkers

"its not eyeliner. Its natural" i shake my head. I knew that.

"fine you could use my pen" i reached in my bookbag and pulled out my black pen with pink designs. "dont brake it" i gave him a serious face. I turn around to see everyone staring at us, i blush a deep red. They start laughing, not at me but the blonde. I guess they heard the whole conversation. I lean on my chair.

"alright class, begin your project." mr...i dont know him name motioned me over. I stood and walked over, getting hit in the head with a paper ball. I pick it up and turn around slowly to see a slutty blonde with a smirk. I walk up to her and throw it right back at her

"pull something like that again and i'll hurt you. Never mess with me. Just a heads up" her smirk grew

"or what? You'll get all your other black friends to kick my ass?" thats so racist.

"i dont need friends. I could handle my own business and threats. Right now your own my top list" i draw my hand back and punch her square in the face "learn not to be racist ok?" she starts to bleed from the nose, i turn and walk away. I walk up to the teachers desk with my arms crossed.

"ms. Davis, that wasnt necessary" so?

"the bitch was being racist! Of course im gonna do somethin'!" he leans back in his chair

"please, dont let it happen again. Kelly go to the nurse then to the principals" he sighs.

"sorry. First day and i already cause trouble.." i trail off and bow my head. I look up at him through my lashes.

"your not in trouble areille. That girl was asking for it anyway" i look up at him with amused eyes.

"really? Could i be the one to put her in her place?" silence. We start laughing.

"that would be a no. Now back to this lesson" he teaches me the basics ands it super easy! Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide!.

"thats so cool! So it turns from a solid straight to a gas right?" he nods

"exactly. See, carbon dioxide is already a gas. So in solid form it'll still turn to gas. It cant turn to a liquid no matter" how interesting! I love biology!.

"thats awesome!" the bell rings "well better get going" i stand up, and shove my way through the fast fading crowd. By the time i get to my seat the classrooms empty. Gotta be faster than that. I pick up my bag "do you know where room 245 is?" he nods slowly.

"upstairs" i give him a smile

"thanks" guess what happens next when i start walking, i fall. I look to see what it was and turned out to be someones phone, a blackberry. The door opens and that blonde- kelly walks in pissed.

"theres my phone. Where you trying to steal it? I know people like you" i get up and dust off my jeans

"whats that supposed to mean? Who wants your dumb phone when i have a droid? I suggest you upgrade cause that phone is crap to me" snap-snap-snap. Im filty rich bitch.

"kelly! Leave and go to the principals this instant!" she groans and storms out the room.

"racist bitch" mr.."ummm, i dont know your name" his mouth forms an 'O'

"its Mr. Townsend" i nod and wave goodbye, out the door i went. First day of hell, surprise it isnt over yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2011 ⏰

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