Human!Hydregion x Reader

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Hydregion was always a 'protective' pokemon to say the least. He would always chase off other pokemon and he was even worse with trainers. You almost always had to beg him not to draw blood. No, you'd made that mistake once before and you were never again allowed in the town.

When you heard of the pokesickness going around you'd never thought I'd infect Hydregion, but one day while holding his body back a large puff of blue smoke puffed up and you felt your grip on Hydregion disappear. Fear was the first thing to strike your body as you really enjoyed this town and the trainer you had been going against was actually quiet nice. In fact, that's why you were so confused and startled when Hydregion had come out of his pokeball forcing your Eevee back inside her pokeball. Hydregion just began attack the poor trainers pokemon and that's how you had ended up in that...unsettling incident. But back to the disappearing pokemon incident, you stood there confused and fearful for a few seconds before you hear a low groan. Fearing it was the other trainer you begin screaming for Hydregion.

"Hydregion, if you don't stop attacking him...I-I'll...I-I'll...release you!" You yell eyes closed. You didn't mean it of course. You loved Hydregion he was one of your best friends, but you hoped it would at least halt his attack on the poor trainer.

"W-what!? Y-y/n! You better be joking or I'll...destroy this entire town." You hear that same voice and it holds a cruel edge. The smoke finally clears and you look down to see a man with blue hair and a blue and magenta jacket. He was standing up looking furiously back and forth among the smoke his eyes in a cruel glare. His eyes land on you and the man stalks up to you in three long strides.

"Y/n. I'll give you one chance to tell me you were lying or I will live up to my word." The man glares at you and even while you have an idea of who this man is it was you still have to ask.

"W-who are you?" A curious look forms on your face. The man before you looks shocked and a little...hurt.

"It's me Y/n...Hydregion." His voice takes on a quieter tone and you smile back.

"Okay good, cause I thought I was going crazy...wait... that means your human now. Are you okay with that?" You ask a questioning look overcoming your face.

"Wait, what are you talking about-HOLY!" Hydregion finally looks down towards his new body and he turns around a shocked expression on his face. You chuckle and he glares playfully at you and soon a devious smirk overcomes his face.

"Well if I have hands now, I can finally get you back for every time you forgot to let me out of my pokeball." Your eyes open in fear as you sense his thoughts and you begin to run when long, strong pulls your body back and begins tickling your sides. As you break our laughing you both fail to notice the trainer and his pokemon slowly back away in both fear and shock.

•°•°•°•° 3 months later °•°•°•°•°•°

You'd thought that with Hydregion as a human he'd be less protective, but he seemed to have only become more possessive. This of course meant he would follow you to town every time you needed to go. This might've seemed fine, but without a pokeball to be hidden in he was out in the open and everyone was aware of his...brutal antics. He'd actually attacked a few people who've approached you deeming them as enemies, but you were lucky enough to pull him home in time. Yet still, people were fearful if him and because he was always around you people would close up shop, and so you were forces to walk all the way to another town. Not to mention your friends had been scared off. Even (y/b/f) was scared off even though they swore to never leave your side. You had grown tired of such fear and so you decided to speak to Hydregion about the matter.

"Hey, Hydregion." Your voice is slightly above a whisper as you hoped Hydregion wouldn't become angered with your request.

"Yeah Y/n?" Hydregion turns his head towards you from his spot on the couch. You walk in front of him and look towards him.

" see...could you, I don't know, notfollowmeintotownanymore." You force out quickly eyes closed. When your meet with silence yiu slowly open one eye only to meet by an angered Hydregion.

"What did you say Y/n. I don't think I heard you right." He looks at you an evil glare on his face. He wouldn't hurt you would he? You breathe in some air and repeat what you said slower this time.

"Hydregion, you've been scaring away everyone and I can't let that happen anymore. I was wondering if y-you would stop following me into town, please?" You smile and back up a bit. Hydregion shots up and stalks towards your backing up form.

"What!! Y/n why are you a acting like such a bitch!" He snarls and his voice is raised in a shout. You flinch back but soon stand up tall insulted by his words.

"Well at least I'm not some-some-cruel, heartless monster!!" You scream towards him. His eyes fill with rage and you smack your hand over your mouth automatically regretting your words.

"Hydregion, I-I-" Your cut off as you're harshly shoved back. You trip over your feet and bang your head against the corner of your coffee table. You collapse blood slowly trickling from your head, but you're able to stay conscious barely. You attempt to get up and you look towards Hydregion. His eyes are widened and filled with...bloodlust! A psychotic grin finds its way to his face and he slowly approaches like a lion.

"H-hydregion!?" You yell frightened. He straddles your waist and holds the same psychotic grin. And without a second to precess what was happening he begins to strike your body with scratches. You scream for him to stop, tears streaming down your face and no sooner had he begun you pass out from blood loss the last thing you see is Hydregion looking down at you with a terrified face.


You wake up to light streaming in your window. You feel soft blankets wrapped around your body and you flinch as you begin to sit up. As you look down towards you arms you see white bandages wrapped around your arms. You feel your forehead and feel the same soft texture wrapped around your head. As you shift to get out of bed everything from the night before comes racing back. Especially the heartbroken and terrified look on your Hydregion's face. You move as quickly as you can to the hallway fear pulsing through you. What if he had left? What if he was out there all alone? You begin to stumble down the stairs when you hear a faint whimper in the room next to you. Hydregion's room. You stumble towards his room supporting yourself with the walls. As you creak open the door you peer into see a curled up figure in Hydreigon's bed.

"Hydreigon?" The whimpering stops and the figure sits up turning towards you.

"Y/n! You shouldn't be out of bed! Come here and lay down!" Hydreigon comes forward out of the shadows and pulls you towards the bed urgently. You wince at his sudden grip and he automatically releases your body.

"I-I'm sorry! Did I hurt you...again?" As he mumbles out his last word he looks down years trickling down his face. You quickly brush them away and pull his face towards you. His face in streaked with tears and he's trying to hold back tears. You smile and pull him into a hug.

"It's okay Hydreigon. I know you didn't mean it and even if you did you apologized and truly meant it." He tightens his grip on you like you'd disappear and soon he pulls away and looks at you with a brave face.

"Y/n, I don't know if I'll ever have the courage to say this a second time, but I-I love you Y/n." He looks down blushing and you smile brightly pulling his face up. You pull him into a tight hug and pull away looking into his eyes.

"I love you too Hydreigon!" He smiles and pulls you into a passionate kiss. Unfortunately, your body begins feeling the effects of the cuts and bruises and you collapse against Hydregion's chest.

"Come on Y/n. Let's get some rest." He helps you into his bed and pulls you towards his chest.

"I love you." You mumble as your eyes close and just as you begin to dose off once again you feel a kiss on your forehead.

"I love you too Y/n and I promise to never hurt you again."

Human! Hydreigon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now