Let's Just End It.

439 20 14

Brie Bella p.o.v

I just stood there,breathing,and counting the seconds since all this started.Since Me and Bryan divorced,Nikki betrayed me,living me into my personal hell.Bryan didn't even wanted to tell me the reason why we divorced,unlike Nikki who made clear her point of hatin' me,since then I felt so insecure and tried to found the answer it affected my wrestling skills.I just think I do everything wrong,but everybody is saying I was so cool and wonderful,but I never believed them.Even Stephanie and Hunter said how an amazing employee I am,but is wrong! Everybody is better than me,Nikki and Naomi and Tamina all Are more beautiful,and smart and successful than I would ever dream of be,so why even fight it,and trying? Every superstar is flirting with me and asked me to date them,some even said that they will divorce if I accept,but I refused.I feel Like I'm not beautiful and special enough for making them happy and then will leave me in the next week,so I decided to reject them before they reject me.My life is so miserable at this point,even if I won the Divas Title half of the loocker room hates me and envy me,there are some divas that are happy for me,Alicia,AJ and Paige.They always say how cool and awsome I am.But is it really true? If I am so awsome than why I feel like I am worthless? Like I just don't belong anywhere? I took anti-depression pills for a month,and I just get feed up putting a smile on my face pretending everything is alright,So I decided to end it.I left a goodbye note to Nikki and all my friends.

"Dear Nicole,family and friends:I love you all.I couldn't be where I am without any of you,YOU made me who I am,YOU made Brie Bella who she is because of you.Nicole I will always reach and remember the funny moments,the special moments,and the way you supported me in my career,but not at least I will always remember the way you betrayed me and humiliated me,and I hate you for that! But I still live you because you are my sister.Paige,AJ and Alicia:There is no way to explain the way you guys made me feel,you were always there for me,and loved me when nobody did.After this,well,situation I want my championship to go at my second sister AJ Lee,who deserves it the most!
I'm sorry I'm leaving you like this,you must think I am selfish,but I just got sick.Everybody gets sick at the point they can't pretend they are alright!

I love you."

-Brie Bella.

I sighed and placed the paper on my sofa,I took my keys and headed outside.I drove like for one hour and I finally arrived at the place I could always clear my head when me and Bryan fought,it was a high mountain with Cherrys flowers tree,it was just so beautiful.A beautiful place to end everything.I reflected at my life.Nikki,Bryan...and it just feeled the right thing to do.I took my jacket off and sighed,the tears just dropped from my eyes like rain drops,I took a few steps back,I started to run waiting for the moment ai would jump...But nothing.I was on the ground with a male figure above me.I didn't know who it was,it was just massive and strong.I tried to get free from his grip but no use.

"Believe me Hermosa.There is nothing big waiting for you on the other side.please believe me" he said into a gentle yet harsh tone.He had a Spanish accent and I could  feel his grip getting soft.The Moonlight finally lighted his face...what?

"E-Eddie?" I whispered under my breath,he smirked and brushed my cheek gently sending chills all over my spine.

"One and only Chica" he said while my head start to spinn around,till I finally passed out.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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