Sophie's P.O.V
A/N - Sorry this is a sort one guys
Pounding music was all the filled the air, accompanied by a wave of heat radiating from the crowded dance floor. Sound waves bouncing from each surface, reflecting to my ears causing a strange buzzing sensation was all I could seem to feel as I sipped at my drink. I'd already had a few too many, but fuck it, nobody would remember next weekend and I could do it all again. Before I knew it, I was joining the swarm of bodies, moving in synch to some song, fuck knows what it was, nobody really seemed to care, when I felt two familiar hands on my waist. Turning around, I saw him smiling, looking more drunk than I had seen him on any occasion prior to this one. I felt Harry pull me closer to him until our hips were pressed tightly against each other. Its not that I didn't want the contact, its just that, if this was happening, I wanted both of us to remember in the morning. I stayed silent, staring up in to his eyes as they danced in the ever changing strobes. God, he looked amazing. Not just hot, or just good, he looked radiant, absolutely glowing, in a way I hadn't seen in a very long time. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the fact he'd been to the washroom where I'd seen him failing to secretly snort some meth, or maybe things were finally going right for him. Something told me from the way that he wouldn't loosen his grip, even though I begged him to because he just.... Let go. But before I had a chance to even slip in a word, I felt his lips pressing softly against my own as if waiting for some kind of reply, something I'd been waiting for the longest time to happen. His arms were around my waist, mine around his neck, both of us fighting for dominance as our tongues rubbed against each other, hungering for more. This went on for several minutes before both of us had to surface for air, just looking in to each others eyes, trying to comprehend the event that had just unfolded, that it was a combination of both the first and second. It was getting harder and harder for me to resist the urge to reciprocate the contact as I struggled to break free. I wasn't going to win. He's considerably taller than I am, slightly older and a lot stronger, although his mental age doesn't quite match up. All I could smell was alcohol infused with cigarettes as I winced when he tightened his grip on me further. His hands slowly moved from my waist to my thighs, and I really was beginning to freak out a bit, I think he began to sense it around that point, because he just suddenly just stopped. But before I had a chance to even slip in a word, I felt his lips crash against mine, something I'd been waiting for the longest time to happen. His arms were around my waist, mine around his neck, both of us fighting for dominance as our tongues rubbed against each other, hungering for more. This went on for several minutes before both of us had to surface for air, just looking in to each others eyes, trying to comprehend and contemplate the event that had just unfolded.