Bella and Mia were like best friends to each other. Bella was sent from a faraway
land called Athea. But Bella's kingdom was at war so she was staying with the royal
family from Athen. Mia was younger than Bella but she loved having some company
around. She also loved Bella because of her special abilities,ice/snow and water. They
would play for hours and hours. That is, until the tragic acceident."Bella, do you wanna play with me?"asked Mia. "Yes,"said Bella. They went into the
Great Ballroom and built many things. Before the acciedent, they were playing
with Bella's magic. "Catch me Bella!"squealed Mia. "Slow down... whoa!" said Bella
as she slipped. Mia hit her body hard on the floor. "Mia! Help, some one help!!"
cried Bella. "Bella! What have you done!"said the king angerly, picking up
Mia. "Lets take her to the docter, now!" cried the queen.A few hours later
"Your magicties, I am very sorry to say this but, she is gone,"said the docter.
They went home very sad. When Bella was heading to her room, the queen
told her something very cruel "You dirty wicked child. How could anyone
love YOU?" She said. Bella cried softly on her bed that night. Who would
love her? Later she fell asleep.