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Anyssa's pov:

I was walking to school with a bruise on my face like always.
I'm not the type of girl that has friends like at all I only have myself and that's about it because I'm a disgrace to human kind and I'm not accepted in life. I get bullied a lot by the dolan twins Yeah they seem nice at first but trust me they are the complete opposite I always get beat up at the end of the day they always pull pranks on me and there's one thing that has always bothered me we use to be friends but everything changed since 6th grade now we're in 10th but it still bothers me. My mom is an alcoholic my dad left us and my grandma passed away a few months ago and that hurt a lot because she was the closets well pretty much the only person that loved me. I on the other hand am bipolar and I was diagnosed with depression a few weeks ago. I've tried to commit suicide but it never seems to work cause I'll always end up in the hospital and I'm still alive when the only thing I want the most is to die and end my miserable life. I had my earphones on as I walked through the alley , which I use as a short cut to get to school faster. I was blasting some James bay the tears came out freely but I didn't mind at all cause my tears are the only freedom I truly have. I reached the end of the alley and saw school which is literally hell in real life. I wiped my tears and walked to it. I went up the stairs and a few people bumped into me obviously on purpose. I walked with my head down and took hold of my binder tightly. Then bam chloe and her plastics purposely drop my things and I fall to the floor they step on my papers and I start crying. Sobbing and mumbling to my self no no no my drawings I cried looking at the foot prints on them I cried harder and picked everything up and ran to the bathroom. I cried trying to clean my drawings but they looked ruined so much effort for nothing I felt as if my heart shattered I sad on the tile floor and cried I'm sure my eyes were very red by now and I looked like a mess but I always did I picked up my drawings and crumbled one by one and threw them to the trash even though it hurt to do that. I washed my face and got out and walked to class. I entered the class and everyone stared at me I just went straight to my seat not wanting to explain why I was late. I didn't even pay attention to the lesson still softly crying to myself about my drawings. Those girls ruin everything for me they ruin it all I hate them so much but I put it aside. I feel as if eyes are burning the back of my head so I turn and see Grayson starring at me I see hurt and worry in his eyes but then he laughs so I turn quickly and put my head down. I hate this I just want to go home and never come back I though to myself.
Class soon ended and I ran out since I didn't want Grayson to make fun of me. I hid in the girls locker room where I spend all of my lunch time all alone in peace and quiet. I sat on the ground and took my sketch pad out I started drawing just letting my hands drawn freely and then I noticed who I was drawing It was Grayson I crumbled the paper and threw it I never wanted to admit to myself that I had a huge crush on Grayson but I did and it hurt to like him. I just put some music on and took my bag of chips and juice out and sat there eating. When the bell rang I hurried to my class I actually quite like this class since it's art. I got on and said good morning to Mrs maven I then started my drawing I needed to finish because I plan on entering the art contest. The class when by pretty fast and now I'm in my last class which is algebra ugh I hate it. The bell rang and out I went I got out of school and as soon as I was going to enter the alley I saw Grayson ,Ethan and there friends kian, jc and Alex. I feel scared cause this time they brought Alex and I don't know why but he hates me even more than anyone of them. I was frozen they walked closer to me and I couldn't move even though I wanted to then I felt pain on my cheek and noticed that Grayson had slapped me I felt paralyzed now I felt so much pain in my heart they kicked my stomach over and over they called me worthless, fat ,ugly while the hurt me then they left laughing at me I was crying like a baby I was going through so much pain I couldn't anymore I just couldn't I felt darkness consuming me and then everything went black.

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