The Fall

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So um this is my first story. I'm kinda going to write each chapter off the top of my head as I'm thinking it. So just bare with me.

This story is about a girl name Ari who meets her guardian angel. She falls in love But he is not the little angel he seems to be. What lies beneath his history? We will see.

Blue. Thats all i seen from the moment i set foot outside from my beach house. Blue, is what i see when i lay my blonde head on my pillow at night to go to sleep. And Blue, is what i seen the moment that the Red Sudan made contact with my Black Charger. Ever since that moment of impact ive wished my life could be over quick.

I lay in my front seat, strapped down with the damn safety belt, my left leg crushed between the door and the front end of the car. I try to move it but it hurts too much, maybe its broken. Oh gosh, i hope not. I lift my head up as much as possible to try to see if the other cars driver is okay. When my eyes hit the drivers seat, i see it empty.

"He-hello? Is anybody there? Are you alright?" I try to speak as loud as my voice will allow me to.

I try to open the door, but it wont budge. It must be jammed. I try to reach for my purse so that i can grab my phone but its on the floor. Shit!

"Okay, dont panic"

I whip my head to the window, which is broken so technically no window was there, to see this guy standing there, trying to calm me down. Im calm right? I didnt notice but i guess i was hyperventalating.

"Can you move?" He asks. Oh gosh, this guy is my savior.

"N-no my leg, its stuck. The front of my car is smashing it against the door." I tell him trying not to cry out from the pain and shock.

"Okay, im going to try to open the door. Just give me a sec, and im sorry if this hurts." He tries to open the door.

It doesnt budge. He tries again, this time with a little more force. Yes! He gets it open, wow he must be strong. He pulls the door open as far as it will open and tries to pull me out, carefully in case somethings broken. Dammit! I grunt in frustration, i really think my leg is broken.

I look down at my leg and there is blood. Not just a little, but a lot. *gulp I cant stand blood. My vision starts to go blurry and i can hear the guy saying for me to stay awake but i just cant do it. Gosh, im such a wimp. I let the darkness envelope me and i pass out.

I start to stir from my sleep. Rubbing my eyes and stretching my limbs out, i feel that i am on some really really soft blankets. I open my eyes as i remember the latest events. I here a chuckle and my eyes search for who it belongs to.

Sitting in a chair in the corner of, im assuming a bedroom, the room, sits this guy that i recognize to be my savior. He has luscious brown hair, a nice chiseled jaw line and piercing blue eyes. Raking my eyes lower i realize he doesnt have a shirt on. I turn my head quickly and hope that im not red with blush.

"Um, where am i? " i say sheepishly to this guy, who i dont know the name of.

"We are in my room, at my house." He says while getting up and as if he sensed my worriness, puts on a shirt.

"My name is Micheal, Micheal Pierce. And you are?" He says, sitting back down, this time at the otger end of the bed.

"Arebelle, but people call me Ari. Um, i wanted to thank you. For,um, rescuing me from my car. That other car came out of nowhere! Wait, how did you know it happened? We were out in the middle of no where." I just realized that he wasnt hurt so he couldnt have been the other person in the accident.

"I was acctually driving down that same road just a little ways behind when i seen the smoke from the crash. I called an ambulance that came and picked up the other guy that was in the car that hit you."

"Well, not that im not glad you saved me but why am i here? Why not let the ambulance take me to the hospitol?" I was playing with the end of the shirt i was wearing, which isnt mine by the way.

"You were losing a lot of blood from your leg wound" He nodded at my now bandaged leg.

"So i decided to bring you here before you ended up going into a coma from it. I uh hope you dont mind." He said this and i noticed he was kinda looking a bit embarrassed.

I surpressed a giggle as i tried to sit up straighter. Gosh, it felt like i cracked a rib.

"Oh, careful, you bruised a few ribs. Youll need to take it easy for a few days until they heal." What is this guy a mind reader? Haha, no way.

Micheal helped me up and into the living room where he sat me on his couch. It was a black leather couch with red pillow accessories. As i look around the room i can see its really nice and modern. A flat screen above a fire place, a huge ceiling to floor window and a wall with a book shelf stocked with so many books.

Micheal leaves me alone on the couch and goes into what im assuming is the kitchen.

"Coffee?" He asks

"Mmm, yes. Two sugars please." I hear rattking and then a beeping sound.

"So what do you do?" I asked him, obviously some type of medical if he fixed my leg.

"Im a vet, i have a clinic about an hour away from here. What about yourself?" He comes back into the living room with two cups of coffee. He hands me mine and a graciously take a drink. I didnt know how thirsty i was.

"Im a writer at night, currently working on my second book. But during the day i teach Kindergarden classes at Carters Elementary School in Portland." I say before taking another sip.

"Thats amazing. Id love to read your works some time. If you havent noticed i uh like to read. Haha"

"Sure, ill send you a copy." Is he serious? Wow! This guy is something else, noone reads my book.

"So um if you dont mind, can you possibly take me to my house? I really appreciate all youve done for me." I really think its time for me to get back to my dogs.

"Yeah, sure, no problem. Just let me grab my keys."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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