Secrets, Lies, And Destiny

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Though my breath was coming in shallow gasps I kept running as fast as I could. There was no time to catch a breath; it was life or death and I damn sure was choosing life. I looked around hurriedly for a place to hide. The only ounce of protection was behind two large silver crates stacked up just high enough against the wall for me to crouch down behind them.

Bullets flew past me forcing me to jump towards the boxes smacking my shoulder right against the metal wall.

"You have nowhere to go! Make this a little easier for yourself Nina. I'm promising you it will be quick and virtually painless. It will be over before you know it!" His deep scruffy voice sent chills down my spine.

I had to do something; I couldn't just sit there and let him kill me. But what? What could I do? I was still dizzy from the drugs, and my limbs were barely functioning. Everyone I loved was dead. What else did I have to loose.

I cautiously stood up and stepped out from behind the crates. We stared at each other for a long while. His black suit was covered in dirt and blood, his hair was disheveled, his face bruised. Gun in hand he was ready for the kill. He was here for blood and that's exactly what he was going to get. That's how it goes; he will win in the end.

He smiled showing a mouth full of bloody teeth. "Now was that so hard? Hmm? I am going to enjoy this! You don't know how long I have waited for this moment! Any final testimonies?"

"Yes I have one! If you want me come and get me!" I said watching his face light up even more at my comment. He raised his gun, cocked it and aimed. And with my last thread of energy I ran towards him not sure what the next moment would bring.

Section 1: Arizona Here We Come!

I sat upright in bed still panting from my dream. I could never recall the actual events in the dream. I remember the smell of sulfur in the air, and not being able to breath, but other than that I'm clueless as to what happened. I shook off the uneasy feeling I got when I woke up from those dreams. I put my head in my hands trying to clear my mind, groggily I looked to my right at the purple clock my dad bought me for my 10th birthday. 10:00 already! I pulled back my covers fighting the urge to jump back into the warm comfort of my bed.

I found my way through my pitch black room over to my blinds, pulling back the heavy curtains then pulling on the white string to the blinds letting the morning light shine through. It illuminated my room and instantly blinded me. After blinking a few times I ran over to the small blue radio on my desk and hit play; letting my Ipod blast it's little heart out.

I walked to my door threw it open and walked across the outdated carpet to Brenda's room down the hall. We lived in a small, grey brick apartment building on the third floor. It was extremely small for me and Brenda, but we made it work. I threw her door open being purposely loud. Running over to her curtains I threw them back one by one until her whole room was lit. She groaned loudly pulling the covers over her head. I laughed as I ran and dove onto her bed flopping down next to her.

I swear sometimes she was a bigger baby than I was when it came to getting up before 12:00 pm.

"Mom! You have to get up! We are going to be late!" I propped my head up on my arm staring at her form bulging out from under her gold comforter. Reluctantly she slowly inched the covers down until her face was showing. Every time I saw Brenda all I could think of was how beautiful she was, even when she just woke up. Her hair was dark red and hung in longs curls around her face. She had the prettiest green eyes, with 3 precise freckles on her nose. She had the cheek bones of a model and full lips that I would die for. Well, biologically she wasn't my mom, but she had been married to my dad since I was 7 so to me she was my mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2011 ⏰

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