Mistakes - GarakxJulian OneShot

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Just because GarakxJulian is perfect and I had nothing better to do. 

"My dear doctor," Garak said, eyeing his lunch partner. "I simply don't understand why you're so distraught."

Julian looked up at him, a dismal expression on his face. "Miles is gone."

"As I am aware," Garak replied crisply. "You have mentioned it. Several times."

Julian gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry."

"No, it's quite alright," Garak lied smoothly. "I do so enjoy being regaled with tales of the Chief." He inwardly cringed. For a person of his expertise, that attack at Julian's annoying habit of chattering about his 'friend', the dear Chief Miles O'brien, could be the difference between life and death in a dangerous situation. And while he was fairly sure the jab wouldn't induce a murderous rage from the good doctor, Garak still scolded himself for the slip-up, even more so when Julian gave him a look like, as the human saying went, a slapped puppy. Garak had never seen a puppy, so he wasn't sure exactly how accurate the saying was. Unfortunately, he had never come across a Cardassian saying to the same effect, so he had no other alternative. He made a mental note to research into puppies. 

There was a silence, as Julian tried to come up with some form of apology, while Garak decided that he would pretend his slip up hadn't occurred. 

"I-" Julian finally began. 

"Surely your work is keeping you busy?" Garak interrupted. "The Chief is only going to be away for three more weeks."

Julian frowned, then let it go, instead shaking his head. "No," he sighed. "And Kira and Jadzia are on Bajor...."

"It seems you *are* stuck with me."

Julian blinked. "No that's not what I meant-"

Garak gave him a smug look. "I'm sure it wasn't." 

Another deviation, he thought, monitoring his own behavior yet again. So many wrong moves. Why, he wondered. Perhaps it had been the constant talk of the Chief over the past few weeks. The absence of Julian's self-proclaimed 'best friend' (A title which in itself caused a flash of spite in his mind) was affecting their usually cheerful and interesting banter. Unfortunately, the Doctor only seemed to be able to focus on one topic at a time, which Garak in fact found almost ironic when he thought of how much 'training' Julian had put in to being a spy. All those hours in the holodeck, and there were those...rumors, about a certain agent from a secret sect by the name of Section 31 that had been interested in him. 

It was a shame the agent hadn't just sat him down to lunch. Julian was quite the chatterer. 

Sometimes Garak wondered what it would be like if he was still an 'active agent' as the Doctor would put it. For some reason, the thought of interrogating the good doctor put him off his food. 

"Garak," Julian hesitated. "Is something wrong?"

"Hmm?' he replied, looking up from his food. 

"You just seem a bit... different."

"Of course not, dear doctor, now," he said, standing up, "if you'll excuse me..."

So lost in his own thoughts, he didn't realise that the Doctor had followed him until he stepped into the turbolift and found the Doctor was standing next to him. That made three. Garak told the computer the level of his quarters. 

"Computer, halt turbolift." Julian turned to Garak. "What's wrong?"

"As I said, doctor. I am completely fine. Computer-"

"No, you're not." Julian interrupted. He placed an arm on Garak's shoulder. "If there's something you want to talk-"

In turn, Garak interrupted him. This interruption wasn't with words however. This interruption was a kiss. 

For a second, everything fell into place in Garak's mind, as he realised why he had acted as he had. And then , new worries fell over him. He pulled away. "If you'll excuse me once more," he said, "Computer, open turbolift doors." 

As soon as it had obeyed, Garak fleed the scene, leaving one shocked doctor in his wake. 

Mistakes - GarakxJulian OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now