Chapter 13: The Day (or night) Mabel and I Denounced Our Friendship

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Dipper's POV

I felt my eyes drop and my head hit the desk in front of me jerking me awake. I felt my checks heat up from embarrassment of falling asleep on the job in front of the author.

"You can go to bed Dipper, I know you're tired." Great Uncle Ford said.

"Tired?" I attempted to laugh, but I sounded awfully pitiful, "I'm great, let's keep working on this wand."

Ford let out a loud laugh, "You remind me of me when I was younger, I think it's time we both hit the hay, what do you say Dipper?"

"Well, if it's okay with you!"

He let out another laugh and stood up. He let out a big yawn while stretching.

"Good night Dipper." He said while heading into he elevator.

I followed behind him. When I reached my room I checked the time. 2:00 AM. I guess I didn't realize how late it was.

I crawled into bed when I noticed that girl from earlier wasn't lying down like her "not boyfriend" Marco.

"Mabel?" I whispered.

Mabel twitched so I knew she heard me and that she was awake, but she flipped to the other side so she wasn't facing me and had the covers pulled over her head.

"Mabel." I whispered slightly more louder.

She continued to ignore me.

"Mabel." I said but not to loud enough to wake Marco up.

She sat up and looked at me. Her eyes were red as if she had been crying. Has she?

"What?" She snapped.

"Woah. Are you okay Mabel?" I asked.

"I don't know Dipper. Maybe if you were around for once you would know." She said harshly.

This was so unlike Mabel to be snappy like this. Did I do something wrong?

"Mabel, did I do something?" I asked.

"What do you think Dipper?"

"I don't know! That's why I'm asking you!"

Marco began to stir in his sleep.

"Mabel, I don't want to argue with you, can't you tell me what's wrong?"

"You! That's what's wrong! You spend all day with Stanford! He's tearing this family apart and you don't even care, I'm surprised you even remember I exist!"

That's when I snapped. I can't believe she's being so selfish and getting so upset for no reason!

"Mabel you have to realize you can't be the only person I talk to! You've become so possessive! I've always had to sacrifice things so you can be happy and now you're upset because things aren't going your way! You're selfish Mabel!"

Mabel gasped. I saw her heart break into a million at that exact moment. "You know what Dipper, we can't change that we're related, but we can change that we're friends. It's over Dipper." She said on the verge of tears before going under the covers again.

The room went silent. I heard sniffling from Mabel's bed. I felt guilt rise up in me. I shouldn't have said that. Mabel's probably going through a lot and I'm treating her like she's another problem I have to deal with. It's bad enough Mabel gets made fun of back at home due to her weird personality, I was the only one who liked her despite her weirdness and now I've abandoned her. But I also was angry. Mabel hasn't been in the right either. All summer she and Grunkle Stan made fun of me! She doesn't stick up for me like I do for her. I'm always the one sacrificing for her. I'm always the one protecting her. I'm always the one who has to deal with her making fun of me! You know what I'm not sorry. Mabel thinks she can get whatever she wants whenever. But no, I'm going to do what I want for once. I've finally found a person who understands me and Mabel wants me to stop hanging out with him so her feelings aren't hurt. Well to bad! I'm tired of sacrificing for her and having to deal with her. If she wants to end our friendship then fine. So be it.

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