A New Friend

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   As she got up in the morning a tear slipped down her face. She pulled herself out a bed with a sigh, she slipped on her blue slippers and walked over to the mirror she said," Today will be a better day.". Then she walked over to her clothes and put on her favorite leggings and sweater, "Maggie, get your ass down stairs right this second you're going to be late.", she heard her mother, Karen, yell from down the steps.

   "I'll be right there in almost done.", she said as she added the final touches to her outfit. She grabbed her black back pack and her phone and headed down stair to the kitchen. She saw her mother standing there in her pink rode with her hair up in a bun smocking.

   "Why are you so lazy, you're always running late and you didn't even do the dishes.", she yelled as pointed to the sink full of plates. she walked over to the counter grabbed an apple then headed for the door, "Where the hell do you think you're going, I said do the dishes now." She grabbed Maggie by the hair and pulled her back in to the kitchen.

   "OWW! Stop it mom I'll do them when I get home from school I can't be late anymore." She screamed as tears clouded her vision.

   "No you will do them right this second. I told you before and I will not tell you again get them done now." Her mother released Maggie's hair and walled away into the living room. Maggie sat there doing the dishes with tears running out of her deep brown eyes.


   Hi, my name is Maggie. I am 15 years old, I live in Iowa with my mother, younger brother , Tyler and older sister , Kat . I have been struggling to make new friends at my school, they don't really seem to like me and I don't really know why. Most of the kids make fun of me but I try to ignore it most of the time. I have a very hard past, it's kind of hard to talk about but I'll tell you guys. I've ben abused about in my life, I tried to kill myself, I do and have self-harmed before and I have done a lot of drugs. Maybe now that you know that you'll understand my story a little more.

Later that day

   I walked in the crowed halls with my head down not wanting to draw any attention and I didn't. I made it safely to math class and sat down. As I sat down I heard one of the boys in my class call my name, "Hey Maggie do you have a pen I can use." I looked over in his direction and my jaw dropped, he was stunning. Sharp defined jaw line, bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. He was wearing a black shirt which made his eye pop.

   "Yeah here," I reached in to my bag and handed him a read pen, "Just make sure to give it to me at the end of class...?" I started to blank because I didn't know his name.

   "Josh Ryan, and your Maggie right?" her reached out and grabbed the pen and our hands touched and I swear I felt sparks fly.

   "Yeah, Maggie Janson. I ......", I didn't get to finish my sentence because the bell rand and we were told to get to our seats. we all did as told and through the rest of class I could help but give a few looks at Josh.

   We took notes the rest of class witch seemed to be forever, but then the bell rang. I started to put all my notes in my folders and my books in my bag when I felt a tap on my shoulder "thanks for the pen." Josh said with a big smile on his face.

   "Your welcome, any time. "I said as I looked up to him from my seat, he then put the pen in my hand and hurried out of class. I then noticed that wrapped around the pen was his number on a tiny piece of paper. Does he like me I thought to myself? Does he want to go out on a date with me? "No one wants to date me.", I whispered to myself quietly. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class in search for Josh, but I was too short to see through the crowd of people. I made my was to my locker to get my other books and then walked to class. The remainder of school I didn't see josh anywhere. "He most of gone home early.", I thought to myself.

   As I got home I heard my mother yelling at my little brother. I ran as fast as I could to his room upstairs to see if he was okay. My mind was to focused on him to hear a word that my mother was saying. When I reached his room I walked over to hi asking him if he was ok he replied simply with a yes and a small nod as a tear slipped out of his bright green eyes. I hugged him, and just as I did I felt my mother stick the back of my head really hard.

   "Did you not just hear a thing that I said?" She yelled as she took a drag off of her smoke and blew it in to our faces.

   "No mom I didn't hear you, I wanted to see Tyler was ok.", I said as I looked up at her with my arm around Tyler who was coughing. I saw her face hardened. Her hand went back then made contact with my face, hard, I knew right there with the sting pain there would be a mark tomorrow. My hand immanently went to hold my cheek as I started to cry. It felt like I was getting nails in the face.

   "Don't you ever get me that tone again now get your ass to your room right now before I beat you. ", she screamed with her face as read as an apple and her finger pointing at me and shaking. I looked at her then back at Tyler and whispered to him "Go to sleep it will be okay.", with that I kissed him and hugged him and ran to my room. I then remembered Josh gave me his number as I sat myself in my twin bed. I added him to my phone, it took me about 2 house to get the courage to text him. When I did I sent a simple "Hey, its Maggie.". Within minutes, or should I say seconds he texted me back "Hey!" with a smiley face. I could already tell my night was about to get a whole lot better

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