The History of the seven Chosen ones

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The Beginning

 On a sunny afternoon in the forest the elders were having a very important meeting being held there all the elders were suppose to come attended this meeting at the up most importance. One of their former elders came up to be an under taker of evil he was kicked out and put in the forgotten grave this was not good that means the dark lord various still lives and has taken over his forgotten kingdom. So he wants to rule once again of the land of lovida and bestow horrible punishment toward the people of lovida. Still he has to seek his second in commanded which is a horrible wizard who knew how to the most dreaded things to the people of Lovida but he was celled in an ice cavern hidden in the mountains to the east.

The elders cast their spells of elevated magic than the youngest of wizards said "I have got an idea... we have to go into the future and find the chosen ones who up take this up skilled task"

All the elders agreed that the young wizards plan was the best plan was the best so they looked in the old wise book and they found the description of the seven chosen ones. It said that the leader had a mind of a falcon that catches its prey and has a voice of a swallow that her beauty is what some women wish to have. The second it said had a beauty of a rose in blossom and that no one knows of her beauty. The third was a strong warrior and he knows how to fight like a bull. The fourth will have an incredible sight that he will keep a secret for all he knows. The fifth is a wizard who her magic is a secret to her not known yet what it is. The sixth is a young man growing up to be a man at heart but he knows not of what his birth parents are and who seeks out just being a young man who sometimes doesn't know right from wrong . The seventh is a graceful young girl who up holds riches and wealth. However, to call these people out of the future you must seek out the youngest of your wizards and let and let the youngest wizard's magic show you the way to the amulet of magic. Then the chosen ones will be awaken.

They found the youngest wizard in the kingdom and asked the young wizard to do magic so the young wizard did but what was weird to them was that the amulet was in an old run down cottage. On the outskirts of the kingdom but when they looked inside, it was a beautiful castle filled with riches beyond their wildest dreams and in the middle of it, all was the amulet of magic. The elders grabbed the amulet and as much gold as they could take. Then at that moment and dark cloud rose up and covered the whole kingdom when they tried to get into the kingdom the cloud would not let them.

"We must call out the chosen ones before lord various knows we have the amulet of magic." The eldest elder said

They did the chant that they were suppose to do and when they were finished the amulet had broken into seven pieces then the pieces disappeared and so did the great castle and all the gold that was in it. But then lord Various found them and executed them for high treason against himself.

100,000 years later...."hey watch it jerk" said Jillian 

"Whatever dork" said Luke 

"Hey wait what is that?"  

"What is what?"  

"Ha got you,"  

"Wait... what... Oh great you made me lose the game thanks"  

"Stop being a sore loser" 

"Oh whatever lets just leave?"  

"You're still being a sore loser... but okay"

As they got out of the arcade a jewelry salesperson, stopped them.

"Hi kids will you buy a piece of jewelry?" Said the salesman 

"Hey I like that piece right there "Said Jillian

As she pointed to a beautiful sliver necklace but the jewel looked broken as if it exploded but she did not care.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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