Welcome to the family [1]

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Itachi aged: 9

Sasuke aged: 3

Chapter 1- Welcome to the Family

With solemn eyes, I stared idiotically at my father’s  fingers twisting slowly around the sides of the dove-winged newspaper, crumpling the black and white letters  that had been occupying him now for the past two hours into something torn and illegible. My lips let out a shallow sigh at the sight; I could practically hear my father’s heartbeat even from across the other far end of the room. It was a strange spectacle to say the least, even he, the reserved head leader of the great Uchiha clan was nervous about the whole situation. I couldn't exactly blame him however... Even the Sharingan could not have foreseen this event happening so soon.

On the 22nd of July at 6:45am my mother had gone into labour un-expectantly  two months before schedule, ready to give birth to my next little brother or sister, or in my father’s case what could be the next leader for our future clan’s generation. The tension was thick in the air from the whole situation and I was finding it hard to swallow. Nobody knew if giving birth early was a good or bad sign at this moment. It could go either way right now. The very thought made my stomach churn with anxiety.

“Onii-san...” A small hand tugged excitably at the end of my arm, bringing me back into reality. Gazing down, I smiled softly at my little brother, Sasuke, he had just turned three yesterday. His tiny body was sat rigidly next mine like a tiny tin soldier. Sasuke screwed his eyes in a questioning manner, darting them from me, to the double white doors of the delivery room, to the matching white clock on the wall, then back at me again in anticipation. He was completely oblivious to the nervous aura surrounding him. I was beginning to envy his innocence.

“When’s Okasan going to be done?” Our mother had been in labour for little over eight hours now.

Naturally, I laughed at Sasuke’s eager comment before leaning my body tiredly forward. Everything was still aching painfully from yesterday’s training, but I managed to carry myself well despite the stinging sensation pulling unkindly against my muscles. When you’re a ninja in Konoha let alone an Uchiha, showing weakness was not an option whatever the situation.  That’s what I had been taught anyway. With a little pull, I dragged my slumped body back up again before answering my brother's question with a strained smile.

“Hopefully soon, otuoto-san, these things take time though.” I saw his head drop slowly in response, his expression radiated boredom. It somewhat reminded me of myself at his age. So impatient...

“Oh... ok”

A small click averted my attention towards the double doors again as they opened quietly, revealing a young nurse with a warm and delicate smile. She greeted my father, Sasuke and I with a low bow in respect before giving us the news, her pink hair hanging loosely below her waist. My stomach tightened in anticipation. Did everything go ok?

“Congratulations Mr. Faguka, your wife has given birth to a healthy baby girl.”

A Baby girl...

The room fell quiet in surprise and relief. My father automatically sighed gratefully before frowning for a split moment afterwards. He stood up from his chair silently with both Sasuke and I following in suit, his newspaper tossed dismissively to the side. I continued to stare at my father with an arched eyebrow noticing his more than solemn features, before realisation finally struck. He was disappointed, disappointed with the outcome of a baby girl. Unlike male Uchiha’s they could not obtain the Sharingan let alone carry on the name when they were married, although that wouldn’t entirely matter, as to keep the Uchiha blood lines pure we married our own. It was like... another form of incest.

“An imouto-san?” Sasuke broke the awkward silence with a small whisper and a growing smile. Unlike my father he seemed happy with the result, not really knowing any better. The nurse nodded a second time, her face obviously showing confusion at first with the disappointed atmosphere, but it quickly subsided back to a smile again at the sound of my brother’s cheerful and innocent voice.

“Yes, she’s this way” The woman motioned for us to follow before turning around swiftly. With one hand I pushed Sasuke’s back forward a little noticing he had lost his footing behind our father as we entered the small delivery room. His eyes squinted slightly from the white light but once they fell upon the small bundle of joy resting in my mother’s arms, they grew wide like my own.

“Itachi, Sasuke, meet your new imouto-san, Masami” My mother’s voice was weak but still held an essence of joy to it whilst cradling the little girl in the hospital bed. The light shone through the window onto the child like she was an angle, so pure in her little white blanket, not a care in the world with her fist delicately placed inside of her tiny mouth like a dummy. The baby made a small suckling sound, content as she was gently picked up and placed into my father’s arms by my mother.


He stared down at the little pink baby unsure of what to make of it as her blue eyes gradually opened up to stare at my father for the very first time, it would take a few months before they turned to their hereditary onyx colour, any other colour was unnatural to Uchiha blood lines.

“Hnn... my girl”

A shadow of a smile broke out onto my father’s usually solid features as he instinctively stroked the small black tassel on Masami’s head in acceptance. She was the spitting image of my mother Mikoto, beautiful in every way. It was no surprise he had taken an instant liking to her because of it.

“I can’t see her!” Sasuke spoke up, tugging on my father’s leg in an attempt to gain his attention. Mikoto giggled sweetly at her son’s anticipation as my father merely grunted and bent down towards my brother’s eye level in response so he too could also observe the child. It was funny, Sasuke just  stared at the baby for the longest time like she was out of this World, just watching intently as Masami wrapped her tiny fingers around his before yawning softly.

“Masami...” He cooed gently at her cuteness, touching her nose softly like she was made out of china. I did the same to make sure she was real. Her eyelashes were dark, thick and closed peacefully when my skin brushed against hers.

She was so warm...

 Masami yawned again in response.

“I think she’s tired,” a small chuckle escaped my lips as my father nodded in agreement, reluctantly giving her back to Mikoto in reply. She took the small baby gladly, pressing her forehead up against her new daughter’s with closed eyes, breathing in her new baby scent adoringly. She had always wanted a little girl to call her own before I could remember.

“My beautiful little Masami... Welcome to the family.”

*Masami- (masa) "become" and (mi) "beautiful".

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