A Night of Disater

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You let out a frustrated groan as you came home from work to find the two idiots attacking each other again. Most of the time you were a bit used to it, but today you were not in the mood for these shenanigans, not to help that the wars they had against each other would grow worse almost everyday. To make matters even worse for you, you had to work a 12 hour shift, which of course made you extremely tired. You had enough, then stomped over to the two boys in anger.

"Haha! Take that you little-' Tom was cut off when you grabbed both of the boys by their heads. "When will both of you boys learn to get along?" you questioned them quite darkly. They both gulped in fear.

"Uh...Tom's the one who started it!"
"What?! no I did not!"
"Yes you did, your the one who took my cheese!"
"If you wouldn't overreacted over the freaking cheese, none of this would have happened!"
"If you didn't take it away, none of this would have happened!"
"Dude, I didn't take your stupid cheese!"

"Enough!!" You yelled to the top of your lungs. The two boys finally piped down. "I don't give a damn about who started it or not! Ugh you both are so immature!" Tom lowered his ears in shame, putting both of his hands in his pockets. Jerry, for his part, did the same for his ears, and looked away in guilt. "And look at all this!" You yelled once again, and pointed to the living room and kitchen which was a huge mess.

Dirty dishes were piled and stacked on top of each other instead of being cleaned and put away neatly like their supposed to, the furniture tilted over, including the T.V. and vase, and worst of all, an old picture frame of you, Tom and Jerry when they were young cuties with the words "My sweet little boys", shattered into pieces. You went over to pick it up, while Tom and Jerry gulped once more, but this time it was more with shame rather than fear. You picked it up, trying your best not get glass in your hand. You then felt tears in your eyes, and slowly started to sob out of all the anger and stress you had to put up with. Tom and Jerry looked at you with worry as they started to hear your sobs.

You turned your attention to them with angry tears in your eyes and said, "Both of you go to your room, your both grounded for the night." They hung both of their heads in shame, and went upstairs to their room they both shared during the years "Man, we screwed up real bad." Tom said with a sigh. "Yeah, well your the one who took my cheese." Jerry replied. "Dude I di-" He sighed. "Alright, I did..." Jerry nodded with a smirk "Welp, good thing you told the truth." Tom rolled his eyes. "Whatever. We gotta do something for (Y/N) though."
"But how? Make her a morning breakfast?"
"I guess we could do that."
"Alright, let's go to sleep, then we'll make the breakfast in the morning."
Tom nodded. Jerry switched off the light, and they started drifting off to sleep...until an idea popped in Jerry's head.

"Tom, Tom wake up."
"What?" groaned the teen cat boy.
"Tomorrow's (Y/N)'s birthday!"
"Yeah? what about it?"
"We can make her a special birthday gift! Or...maybe even a party!"
"Um, how are we suppose to do that?"
"Come on, we're Tom and Jerry, we can do anything! Plus, I know the perfect guy that can help us..."
"Oh, him. Fine whatever..."

"Alright, let's do this." Jerry got up from his bed and was about to go to the window but Tom stopped him. "We're gonna do this tonight?! Heck no! It's like after 11:00." Said Tom. Jerry frowned and responded. "Look, do you wanna make (Y/N) happy or not?"
Tom looked down at the ground for a minute before replying. "Make her happy."
"Alright, now let's do this."
"Fine, but this is only to make (Y/N)  happy."

"Deal!" They both shook hands, left the room from their window, and continued their adventure to 'Make her happy'...
Alright guys, i hope you enjoyed this chapter because part two will come soon either tomorrow, Monday, or next weekend since I'm going through some stuff right now. But otherwise, enjoy this chapter. This is Purplestar out~

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