the new girl

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The New Girl By: Kara Rose

Their were tears rolling down my cheeks. I'd never cried in front of my friends before. I looked away while I rubbed the tears away. I was crying because I was going to miss my friends that I love with all my heart. I didn't want to move away to New York. That's where my life was. In Toronto I didn't know anyone. I hated to think of being the new girl. I didn't want to leave my life here. I wanted to stay but that didn't happen. I had to start a new life in Toronto. Just because my Mom got a job there. Toronto was nice but it wasn't like New York. It'll never be the same anymore. I left all my friends behind. When I got to Toronto it was 2 in the morning. The next day I had to go to school.

It was the first day at the new school. I woke up at 7:00 am. To get ready I went to my box of clothes. I didn't know what to wear. Didn't know if I should curl my hair. Put makeup on. So I spent 20 minutes. I finally decided what I was going to wear. I picked light blue ripped jeans. With a nice white tank top with a black and white flannel. I wore my light brown boots. After that was done I curled my hair. That took my 30 minutes. When I was done with my hair, I did my makeup. I did winged eyeliner with a nice pink eyeshadow. I put on mascara and lipstick. I went downstairs to go find something to eat. When I looked at the clock it was already 8 o'clock. My bus came in 10 minutes. I took a bite of cereal. Then left to catch my bus.

When I got to the school it said that I had to go to room 212. I walked though the hallways trying to find it. I walked though the hallways trying to find it. I found my classroom. I walked into my class and everyone looked at me. She has a nice body that I want said a girl at the back of the classroom.
I moved from New York I said
Was New York a nice place to live? Sam asked
It was a beautiful place to live a lot to do I said
Then why did you move? Hattie said
I moved because my Mom got a job here I said

March 6th 2025
6:30am Ugh I said hitting the alarm and walking in the bathroom. I took a shower then I got out of the shower. I walked over to the sink to brush my teeth. I went to my room to figure out what I was going to wear to school. I go though this struggle day. I looked at the time and it was already time to leave and I didn't even eat yet.

8:00am I left to go wait at the bus stop. I see the girl that said she has a really a nice body. What is your name I asked her?
My name is Ella and what is your name again Ella asked.
My name is Blaire I said to Ella.

After I talked to Ella she didn't talk to me anymore. I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong. I started to notice that nobody wanted to be friends with me, and I didn't know why? What did I do to make them not to be friends with me? I didn't want to ask them why. So I sat by myself all the time at lunchtime. I ate by myself, took the bus sitting alone. Then something happened to me.

Immediately, silence filled the atmosphere. There were no more voices. No more cries, laughter, jeering, screams or giggles. I could almost hear the dust particles float around the room. Horizontal rays of orange-red sunlight shone through the blinds into the dark room, highlighting the peaceful dust particles which were slowly settling onto the wooden floor. I took a few deep breaths. Then finally, I screamed. I screamed at the top of my lungs, eyes shut, blocking out the world. I screamed until I could hear nothing but the tortured phlegm in my throat, until the powerful sound waves rebounded off the walls of her tiny room and started throbbing against my own ear drums, until all my anger expelled itself out of my body. When I finally had no more breath, I stopped and breathed in and out rapidly, filling my exhausted lungs with fresh oxygen. Then I threw myself onto my bed and started sobbing.

Slowly, painfully, images of what had happened earlier in school started making their way into my mind. The cheerleaders laughed as I walked past their table with my tray of food. They were laughing at my lack of social status, laughing at the fact that I had no friends. In class, the teachers told me that I was failing and had no hope for a future in anything. The tougher, bigger, uglier, burlier girls cornered her in the school field and cursed and spat at her to make themselves feel better. I had tried to punch them in an attempt to escape, but they beat her up. The school counsellor with a fake British accent had tried to invite me into her office to have a talk, but l had slapped her and run out of school instead.
The episode had gone on for days, and I started to have suicidal thoughts. It would be much better,I thought, I would be free from this pain, I could make this all stop and just be free from this life. What is a good way to die, I continued thinking, a scene in which people would feel sorry that they had not treated me better? Many options ran through my head. Jumping off the building would be too cliche -- there might even be a chance where nobody would notice my body, laying there, dead. Placing myself on the railway tracks seemed like a good choice, but I was afraid that nobody would contact my school and parents, and just think of it as another teenage suicide, not worth to bother about.

I got up from my bed and walked towards the mirror. Dying isn't as hard to think about as it seems, I thought. It was even a relief to think about. I looked into the mirror and smiled. My eyes were swollen and my face was red. There were bruises on my cheekbones, arms and legs. There was dried blood on her upper lip. There were beads of sweat and clumps of dirt in my long, brown hair. "Im, the most popular girl in school," I told myself, "all the guys were falling head over heels in love with me," I giggled to myself. My cracked voice echoed throughout the empty house.

Its been 1 year now that I've been bullied. I can't take it anymore. I've been through so much. Under so much stress. Then later that night she did something....

One Saturday morning, Mr and Mrs walked into their fourteen-year-old daughter's room to find their daughter lying motionless on the floor next to a broken mirror, amidst glass shards and pools of blood. There were pieces of reflective glass sticking out of her entire face, palm and knees. Her entire body was covered in blood which also stained the floor all around it. According to medical experts, she was suffering from a severe case of depression due to being a victim of bullying in her school, as well as her constant state of introversy, which caused her to bottle up emotions and keep all her difficulties and negative feelings to herself. Without an outlet, the depression worsened and she started having hallucinations, which may have been the cause of the pitiful death of fourteen-year-old daughter.
They find her journal on the ground and read it. They found a lot of poems. This one caught there eyes. Just because the scars healed, doesn't mean the pain has.

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