Chapter 11

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OH MY GOLLY GAWD. I SAW BLACK VEIL BRIDES LIVE YESTERDAY! ( OCT 8) THEY WERE A-MAZING!. It's given me an all new look on this story, and i feel like I want to re-write it, but i don't. I'll probably just write a new Andy Biersack love story, with no supernatural shiz in it, would you guys like that? Another story as well as this one? Am I good enough for it? Eh i dont know, but imma do it anyways. but yeah, I'll talk more after the chapter, bye byes for nowwww!!!!! *goes into super awesome ninja writing mode :DDD*


That look...I don't like it.  His eyes are filled with sadness along with something else, filled to the brim with emotion I can't guess at. Why did he have such an empty face when you see him on tv, or on stage, but when you get time with him, all the emotions hit his face like a car smashing into a wall. I bet he tries his hardest to keep it from everyone, the pain he keeps in his eyes. Does he think i'm that idiotic to notice he's not hurting inside? He cant hide it from me.

" What are you staring at? Enjoying the view are you?" He laughed, well, more like a chuckle.  Is this his way of hiding what he feels? Acting like a jerk?But as soon as i baught my eyes back to his, his face flooded with emotion again.

"Whats with your expression? You seem really sad." His face shifted uncomfertably.

"Me? Sad? Never."

"Your face says otherwise,"

"Yeah yeah. anyways. Didn't you want to go or something? Lets go. grab your stuff."

Before I could even get near my bag, he already had it hung over his shoulder, walking away from me with his hair all styled messily and his booty shaking, god I hate him, Mr Oh So Perfect.

"How did you-? Never mind."

"How did I what? Huhh~?" He smirked. Fucking hell, how can people love this man?!

We walked out the front door and cold air hit my face and rushed past me. We were in a massive garden, ones you see in Hollywood.

There was a black cobbled path made up of little stones, all different shapes and sizes, each one having there place in the path it was almost envious. Each little stone having its own place, its own likeness, Each one deflecting different shadows off of their shiny surfaces.

The path lead up to - what looked like- brass gates, separating this property from the one next to it, which looked the same, but this had been remodeled, it was alot more dark that the other one.

On each side of the cobbled path was beautifully kept grass. The grass was vibrent, like it had been looked after so dearly, in such good condition, it was beautiful.

"And, Ashley lives here?" I asked, nearly unable to believe it.

"Yup," He said, brushing it off like this place was nothing.

We walked down the black cobbled path all to slowly, but I didn't care. These sights, well lets just say i don't see that often. I guess rock stars do get alot  of money in this business. We wondered, Andy had his sights on the exit, loitering as we got closer to it, and I had my sights on any witch way but the exit.

The atmosphere between us, even though the pathway to the exit was a small one, became awkward. And I think Andy sensed it too. He fidgeted with his arms, but I couldn't see what he was doing, until he pulled out a packet of cigarettes. He opened them nervously before pulling one out and placing it in his mouth.

"You're really tall, huh? " Is all I could say. It's not like it wasn't true. He had huge gizzell legs, He litterally towered over me.

"Was that an insult or a compliment?" He chuckled.

"I guess its the way you look at it, well take it i guess."

"I see. I'll take it as a compliment then." He stopped, I was almost about to reply when he took a puff of his cigarette and blew it out, and looked me straight in the eye. "Thank you." His mouth turned up at the end of the sentence, giving this that signature smile.

My face heated up furiously at his words. I turned away and hid my face, willing my heart to stop beating as fast as it was. I could feel his sizzling but comforting gaze rain over me , his eyes boring into the back of my head. This wasn't doing me any favours.

"So... " I chuckled nervously.

"So... You like my band?" He said, trying to take the weight of millions of questions that need to be asked but no one would dare.

"One of my favourites." I answered truthfully , still avoiding his narrow gaze.

"Why thank you. I do try."

"You're really full of yourself aren't you?" A factor in him I've began to get used to, But i'm not about to let him know that.

He laughed. "I'm not, but of you see me that way, then it's fine I guess."

" No, I uh-" I interrupted, I didn't want him to take offence towards it, but I guess it was too late.

"No, really.  I get it, I may be alittle cocky around my part, but It's who I am, and to be honest, I'm happy with who at am, at the moment anyway. Sometimes, yeah, I push it too far, but that's just because I want to see how far  I can go." He said in one breath.

Spending more time with this guy is confusing. Hearing his music, I fell into a famous love crush with the guy, I admit.

Spending alittle more time with him, I thought he was a freakishly alien of some sort, you know, with all the powers and stuff.

But, looking at him now,  standing there so proud, standing tall, that sheepishly smile on his face, It's hard not to feel a little something, if anything for him. With his calming voice so deep and soothing, and his stature tall and defencing, It's hard not to envy who he is.

A brush of his touch on my shoulder sent me spiralling out of my thought process.

Andy looked at me, questions filling his eyes, his sea blue eyes boring into my light green ones with so many alert questions, so much he wanted to ask me in that one look in his eyes, but I knew what it was.

"A..Andy. You felt that....Right?"

I hope he did.

That electrifying touch.

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