Warning: not for the weak stomached (probably)

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It was a day like any other, the air was cool seeing that Spring was still a thing of the future in the month of March. Dan was nervous, he hadn't been to the dentist in a while, a while being about 6 months. Dan wasn't usually skittish at the thought of the silver tools such as the mouth mirror or the curved sickle scaler, but for some peculiar reason there was an eerie feeling in his gut. The brunette wasn't sure if it was the feeling of excitement or terror, but he was to find out in about 30 minutes or so. 'It's just your anxiety acting up, Dan. This appointment will go alright' he mentally reassured himself as he dressed in his Attack on Titan jumper, black jeans and black zipper trainers. His hair was in a messy fashion. It wasn't like he would see anyone he'd be attracted to at the dentist office, right? All of the dentist he had encountered over the years were older woman or men who probably had husband's, wives or were widowed. 'You're the biggest sexually ambiguous nerd. It isn't like you have a hot date, it's just a check up to see how your pearly whites are holding up. Now that I think of it...I've never had a hot date...' his mutual expression fell to be replaced by an expression of melancholy. 'Woah, no time for any of that. Can't let an existential crisis be the reason we're late for another appointment.' He slipped on his black rain jacket and stepped out, walking down the stairs to the front of the building that held the collection of flat's. He hailed a taxi cab, getting in to realize his palms were sweating as the taxi took off for it's destination. Dan texted his mum, something he did when he was uneasy. Yet, He never told her why he would text her at random times like these. The two casually bantered about the weather and talked about Dan's grandparents. He then texted her goodbye soon after, paying the taxi driver, and walking up to the plain cream colored building where he was to get his teeth, gums and mouth checked. He took a deep breath, trying to stroll in as casually as possible with his heart beating as fast as it was. The inside had little color, being almost as plain as the outside. There was a black coffee table and six black chairs that had cushions that looked as if the 70's had thrown up on them. There was a small window for checking in and a few doors where, as he remembered, people were to get work done on their mouth. Dan checked the time, he had about five minutes to spare, or so he thought. A man with jet black hair and pale blue eyes stepped out of the room that had a laminated black number two on the dark cherry wood door, holding a translucent  clipboard and grabbing the attention of a woman passing by who was in blue scrubs, talking with her in a tone under a whisper. "Daniel Howell" the older woman at the check in desk called out, scanning the room for the person who looked up at the mention of the name. That task was seemingly easy, do to the fact that for some odd reason, Dan was the only patient in the bland waiting room. Dan looked up, walking over the the sliding glass check in window. The woman who had called his name handed him a clipboard with a few papers on it. Dan sat back down to fill them out, not paying much attention to his surroundings. About ten minutes later, he finished filling out the papers. He handed them back to the woman "Doctor Lester will see you now, room three." she said, not bothering to look up at him. Dan nodded, and with slight hesitation, walked over to room number three. His hands were shaking as he knocked on the door. The same man from not too long ago opened the door, he smiled "hey, Dan, I'm Doctor Lester. You can call me Phil, though." he stepped over to allow Dan to step into the room. Dan's heart sunk to his stomach, he felt the butterflies begin to flutter around his abdomen. "Please, sit down on the chair" The doctor said as Dan looked around, taking in another room with tasteless atmosphere. Dan sat in the dental chair, trying to relax. Phil, without another word, pushed a button that caused the chair to move backwards. Dan was almost laying down at this point as Phil put a bib on him. At that moment the atmosphere went from bland to uneasy. Phil's face went from a smile to a  blank expression as he brought out the dental instruments. He placed them on the cart and locked the door. "u-um...is it really necessary for you to lock the door..?" Dan managed in the loudest voice he could conjure up, which was a little over a whisper. Phil turned from where he stood near the door to face Dan. "Relax" he pulled out two latex gloves from a container full of them. He pulled one over his left hand, pulling it a bit further than necessary and letting go, allowing the glove to snap against his wrist. his blank expression changing into a wicked smirk. "it'll only hurt a little." Dan felt his blood run cold, he was petrified. Phil walked over to him. "now, Dan" he said, still smirking as he pulled the other glove over his right hand. "you're going to keep quiet, yes?" Dan wanted to say no, but nodded instead. He didn't quite know why, maybe his curiosity got the better of him. Phil began to actually clean his teeth as a normal dentist would, up until the point where Phil began to purposely cut his gums with one of the sharp tools. Dan's eyes widened as he felt the first few cuts, but winced as Phil cut more of his gums. He could hear Phil's chuckle as he caused pain to the other. Suddenly, it stopped. Dan began to pray to every god out there that it was the end of the torment. Soon, Phil ripped him off of the chair and had him on his knees on the floor of the room "keep your mouth closed" Phil demanded. Dan, once again, did as he was told. Phil took out his shaft from his pants, forcing it into Dan's mostly closed mouth. Phil groaned as he began to force his shaft deeper into his mouth as Dan was already mostly chocking on the blood. Soon enough, Dan was deep-throating Phil, who claimed to be coming close through his moans. Dan was already gagging on the blood from his gums as a little vomit came up, adding to the mix along with the load Phil had just released. Phil pulled out, looking down at Dan who looked up with him with tear rimmed, pleading eyes. "swallow" he said through gritted teeth. Dan obeyed, doing as he was told. Phil then placed him back on the chair. Dan then moaned quietly as Phil kissed at his neck, his hands traveling under Dan's jumper as he used two tweezer like appliances, one in each hand to pull at the skin of his sensitive nipples. Dan yelped out in pain as Phil yanked at them several times, collecting some skin, leaving the nipples to bleed. He ate the skin he collected from his nipples when he got off of Dan. He whitened then had his teeth actually whitened after that. Dan soon got a cab back back home. In the cab he tweeted 'man i love going to the dentist CLEAN ME YES SCRAPE MY GUMS MM HARDER'. Everyone on twitter suspected it was just Dan being Dan. But no one would ever know the story behind the tweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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