the day she finds out?

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@As the the day starts with a flower petals dancing in the breeze you notice a strange dark cloud moving into the heart of Karakura town. while you watched the sky you here a strange sound coming from the cloud not knowing what the strange sound was you decided to head out and go shopping for the house. when you are just about to leave you suddenly get a call from Ichigo.
"______, Stay inside and don't go anywhere right know OK."
after finishing his sentence he didn't let you reply he just hung up. But You thought he was just kidding so you went out any when you got to the store there was a T.V. playing the news when you were watching the news channel that it was set on you saw that there was an explosion down town you started to think he wasn't playing around. As you stood there watching the news you decided that it would be a great Idea to head home as you left the store you herd a familiar voice
"_______, i thought i told you to stay home and not come here?" you turned around and Ichigo was standing there in a state of confusion.
" I thought you were just messing around with me about stay in the house." you said as he starts to head towards you but stopping after hearing you say that.
"Why would i lie about your safety." He said softly after moving toward you again and then stopping when he got to you. He puts his head on you and hugs you so tight that it felt like you couldn't breath........
Ugh cliff hanger what will happen to you and ichigo! Mahahaha only I know lol XD I will try and post everyday/week if I can

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