Chapter 1

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"This was all a joke." He chuckled darkly.

"What?" Amber whispered almost inaudible.

"You heard me. Nothing was real our relationship was never real to start with."

"I can't believe you'd be that dumb to think I'd actually like a girl like you. You should know by now that no one would ever want to be with a girl like you." He continued.

"So what you told me was fake?" Her voice almost cracking.

There was a pause almost as if he tried coming up with an answer. "I was drunk." He covered up the question.

"But didn't drink anything." Remembering that he never was drunk.

"How would you know!?" He spoke raising his voice.

"Travis..." His name rolled out into an unfinished sentence.

His expression looked hurt almost, when she had spoke his name. But the expression had quickly changed. Had she imagined? It must be, why would he be hurting when he's the one hurting her.

"Enough..." His tone was soft and he went silent for a bit. "We're done. there will be no us, and there has never been."

He left her just like that. He walked away from what they had. I thought we were happy? She questioned herself sadly. Also walking away from the happy memories they both shared and him.

She did good in being tough she kept it inside the whole time not letting one tear drop. But as she fell onto her bed, the puddles of stream wouldn't stop it self. Her vision blurred and she had fallen asleep in the dark lonely night.

Waking up to her painful life as she couldn't sleep because even in her dreams reality just couldn't leave her alone. She was about to give her best friend a call, until she realized it was three in the morning and She was asleep. Not wanting to bother her best friends sleep she set the phone on her nightstand.

She wiggled back into her blanket, turning side to side as she couldn't sleep. Hours past by, and she still couldn't go back to being sleeping beauty, although beauty wasn't a require for her.

Amber's alarm beeped for the tenth time.

"Amber shut that alarm down and wake up." Her dad yelled from downstairs getting ready to leave.

She flipped herself to a new sleeping position which the pillow gladly suffocated her breathing.

"Can I not..." Her voice came out muffled due to the pillow.

"No. School now." Ambers mother opened her door.

Last night was the worst. That talk could have been made into a drama show for all she knew. But it wasn't that was how life was. She loves him. Or she loved him, now. Wait does she? She had so many questions on her mind and she wanted answers. But she knew she wouldn't get them. Her plan was to get to school, avoid Travis, don't look at him, and get to her best friend.

Well was that plan completed? Nope. There stood Amber planted to the ground as if roots have sprouted from the ground of campus. She was trying not to do anything she'll regret. So instead she clenched both her hands as it turned crystal white, her jaw tightened as she saw the one and only Travis Bradford, and lip locking with him was her only best friend Natalie, or so she thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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