Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Today is the beginning of the worst day of my life. I begin my job cooking greasy, fast food for people to eat on a daily basis. It isn't my dream to flip burgers and fry potatoes, but it will have to do for now. My parents made me get this job to pay for my phone every month, which wasn't my decision. They always yell at me for going over my data limit and decided that I should start paying for myself. Most of my friends don't have jobs, but that didn't stop my parents from making me get one.

My mom dropped me off in front of our town's local diner. She quickly said, "goodbye", and drove away quite fast, probably because she doesn't want to be late for work. I can tell that my parents didn't like my job choice. Since my mother is a business manager in the city and my dad is a lawyer, they must think that I want to be just like them. I don't.

As I walk inside the diner, the smell of grease and oil fills my nose. I have come to this diner ever since I was little, so the owner of the diner knows me and my family very well. "Kayli Anderson! Nice to see you again! You have grown up so much", says the owner. "Nice to see you too sir!" We both hug and then walk into the diner's kitchen. There are only three cooks in the kitchen, one women with her grey hair in a hair net, one man in his fifties, and a boy my age. I thought he looked familiar. He's the little boy I have always seen here since I was little, Luke. He's the owner's son, who now cooks in the diner. His blonde hair looks soft with a quiff in the front. His eyes focus on the food he's cooking for the customers. He looks so quite and innocent.

His father walks towards him and said, "Kayli, I'm sure you know who this is!" I reply, "Yeah, hi Luke", with a slight smile. He looks at me and says nothing and turns back to his father. "Who is she?", he says to his father. "This is Kayli Anderson! You and her used to play when you guys were younger!" Luke looks back at me and says, "Hi.", in a snappy tone. I'm starting to think he isn't the same Luke he used to be.

"Anyways", Luke's father continued, "Luke is going to help teach you how to cook all of the foods on the menu and answer any questions you have." "WHAT?", Luke interrupts. "I'm not helping her with anything, she can learn by herself!" Luke's father pulls him aside and talks to him briefly. In the meanwhile, I just stand there and look around the kitchen, seeing how the other cooks plate the food. Luke walks back over to me and says, "Let's get started.", as we walk over to the stove. This day is going to be complete hell.

(Hi everyone! Sorry if this chapter is kind of short, but I hope you guys like the story so far! Please keep reading and I promise to make more chapters. Thanks!)

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