It's All In My Head

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Even if it's all in my head it all feels real my friends my family. But then I think about how is any of this possible some go to science, or religion. But personally I don't know, but I do question alot about this world. Such as why does the clouds look so fake? They just about look like the Simpsons cartoon. Or why does good things happen to bad people? Or why bad things happen to good people? It's funny looking back remembering all of this but in the end I lost myself in the mystery. It ate me alive, all around me is darkness an empty feeling all alone. Why you ask? Because everyone left me I was going crazy. I'm writing this so I can at least get a small memory of what I once was. My friends had said " Don't you remember what she was we wouldn't be us without her. As if all the good that was in her was sucked out and given to each of us". Never seen them after that I just sit in my room now. But lately I can't handle it I can't eat, feeling myself lose my mind. I try remembering what I once was but what's the point? I'm dying day by day it doesn't bother me at all its all of our fates anyway. I just wish it didn't have to go out this way.

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