Players in the game

588 3 1

Name: Age: Hair: Eyes: Godly parent: Siblings(adopted or otherwise in story): Paring: Hero name: Group: Gender

Pricilla Jackson: 13: Raven: Sea Green: Poseidon: Richard, Jason, Wallace, Roy: Percico: Siren(Will later be named Tidal Wave): YJ and TTS: F

Nicole di Angelo: 13: Raven: Violet: Hades: Blake, Haden: Percico: Ghost: TTS: F

Richard Grayson: 13: Raven: Blue: Zeus: Pricilla, Jason, Roy, Wallace, Jaycee, Thorne: Birdflash: Robin(Nightwing): YJ and TT: M

Jason Todd: 13: Raven: Teal: Ares: Pricilla, Richard: Skyhood: Red Hood: YJ: M

Anthony Chase: 13: Blonde: Grey: Athena: NO: NONE: Hermies*: TTS: M

Blake di Angelo: 14: Raven: Brown: Hades: Nicole, Haden: NONE: Shadow: TTS: M

Jaycee Grace: 13: Blonde: Blue: Zeus: Dick, Thorne: Skyhood: Thunder: TTS: F

Thorne Grace: 16: Raven: Blue: Zeus: Dick, Jaycee: NONE: Lightning: TTS: M

Leah Valdez: 14: Brown: Brown: Hephestus: NO: Firegem: Phoenix: TTS: F

Haden Levesque: 14: Brown: Gold: Hades: Nicole, Blake: Firegem:

Wallace West: 15: Ginger: Emerald Green: Hermies: Tracy, Charlotte, Richard, Roy, Pricilla: Birdflash: Kid Flash: YJ and TTE: M

Tracy Stoll: 16: Ginger: Brown: Hermies: Wallace, Charlotte: NONE: Demonic Duo: TTS: F

Charlotte Stoll: 16: Ginger: Brown: Hermies: Wallace, Charlotte: Trickarrow: Demonic Duo: TTS: F

Grover Underwood: 18: Brown: Brown: NONE: NO: NONE: NO: NO: M

Conner Kent: 15: Raven: Blue: Ares: Jason: Supermartain: Superboy: YJ and TTE: M

Megan Morse: 15: Ginger: Honey-Brown: Aphroditie: Supermartian: Miss Martain: YJ: F

Artemis Crock: 15: Blonde: Grey-Blue: Apollo: Roy: NONE: Artemis: YJ: F

Roy Harper: 18: Ginger: Light Green: Apollo: Artemis, Wallace, Richard, Pricilla: Trickarrow: Red Arrow** and Speedy***: YJ and TTE: M

*like oracle and also god of messengers



YJ= Young Justice

TTE= Teen Titans East

TTS= Teen Titans South(made it up I think)

No Piper, Frank, Percabeth, Slight mentions of Damian and Tim, Bianca is not dead and Perci is dating Nicole. Ok please dont kill me i need a hero name for haden any ideas? - Ember out

Perci Jackson-Wayne niece to the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now